/ / Why do the swallows fly low before the rain? Science-based Answer

Why do swallows fly low before the rain? An answer based on science

Since ancient times, the swallows were harbingersbad weather. Looking at their behavior, people could easily determine whether today is rainy or sunny. At the same time, their “predictions” could have been without doubt. In this regard, inquiring minds have long been asked quite logical question: why swallows fly low before the rain?

For a long time, the answer to this question eluded scientists. Years passed, and modern science still found a worthy explanation for this phenomenon. But let's get everything in order.

why do swallows fly low before the rain

Forecasts in the old days

Thanks to the achievements of progress today man withcan easily find the weather forecast on the Internet or in the news. But this was not always the case. In the old days, one could learn about the whims of nature only by closely observing its clues. By the way, our ancestors did it very well.

Thanks to such observations, the world sawa lot of folk signs. In particular, the fact that before the rain swallows begin to circle very low above the ground. At the same time, the accuracy of this observation turned out to be very high, and as a result, the sign became one of the most famous in our area. But despite this, the Slavs could not understand why the swallows fly low before the rain?

Vain search for an answer by scientists

The solution to this curious issue tookscientists. Indeed, despite the fact that folk omens belong to the section of folklore, yet many of them have a scientific basis. So, naturalists began to fiercely search for an answer to the question: “Why do swallows fly low before the rain?”

Initially, scientists believed that swallows feelchanges in the atmosphere, so "predict" the weather. However, if this was true, then why did the flying swallow descend so low to the ground? Shouldn't she have been hiding from the approaching weather in her nest?

In general, as often happens, attempts to findThe answer only increased the number of new puzzles. Then one day the truth was revealed to scientists. And, as it turned out, the truth was quite unlike what researchers had been looking for so long.

feeding swallows

Rain and insects

I want to make a small digression andtalk a little bit about insects. Or rather, how they are affected by the approach of rain and the increased moisture in the air. After all, it is in their behavior lies the clue to the behavior of nimble swallows.

So, the approach of rain is accompanied byincreased atmospheric pressure. And if for us this phenomenon is not too noticeable (although weather-dependent people can argue with this statement), then for insects, this means significant changes. In particular, the strength of the atmosphere as if presses them to the ground.

After the pressure has risen, the airbegins to soak up the smallest droplets of water. Such moisture quickly settles on the wings and bodies of insects, thereby increasing their weight. And they can no longer fly fast, much less rise high above the ground. Therefore, the only thing left for them is to circle above the surface in search of refuge.

Why do swallows fly low before the rain?

Well, the time has come to give an answer to this.question. As it turned out, the reason for all - the brutal appetite of these birds. It just so happened that eating swallows is almost a continuous process to which they devote most of their day.

flying swallow

And since their favorite food is approachingthe rain begins to circle the earth, then they have nothing left but to follow it. And so it turns out that the main "meteorologists" are not the swallows themselves, but ... bugs. But how did it happen that all the laurels got swallows?

Суть проблемы в том, что большинство насекомых tiny. Therefore, people simply did not notice them, therefore, could not draw a logical parallel. Quite another thing - swallows, which are hard to lose sight of. And yet, be that as it may, the fact remains: if the swallows fly low above the ground, it will be rain.