/ / Population of Ufa, history, ecology, sights and interesting facts

Population of Ufa, history, ecology, sights and interesting facts

Large industrial and industrial center,modern metropolis with a population of over a million people, a city in the Urals on the banks of the river. White, the capital of Bashkortostan - meet, it's all Ufa.

The history of the foundation of Ufa

According to archaeological excavations, the earliest presence of primitive people in the territory of modern Ufa can be traced from the Paleolithic period.

During the Mongol invasion, it was the main base for the further conquests of the Mongols. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, she was ceded to the Nogai Khanate. In the XVI century, the lands of the Khanate were incorporated into Russia.

The foundation of the future city was a small fortress, built in 1574 by a detachment of Russian archers near the mouth of the Ufa river.

The population of Ufa at that time wasis small. Mainly the service people and the boyar children lived here. Outside the walls of the Kremlin settled peasants and merchants. So the first settlements were formed. As a result, by the end of the XVI century, the population of Ufa was about 200 people. In 1586, Ufa was given the status of a city and became the center of Bashkortostan.

The change in the population of the city in different centuries

Until the end of the first quarter of the XVIII century, the citywas a fortress that defended the borders of the Russian state in the southeast of the raids of nomadic tribes. However, gradually, as a fortress, Ufa lost its strategic mission.

In the XIX century, Ufa became a provincial city.Urban planning was actively pursued. Expanded its territory. There is an increase in industrial production. How many people live in Ufa, decided to find out then created the provincial statistical committee, which in 1864 conducted a census of the population. Her results were published in a special collection.

population of Ufa

In the XIX century, the population of Ufa increased due to the influx of peasants into the city, who were hired as free workers in industrial enterprises.

In 1879, the second Ufa census took place in order to identify those who “illegally live” in the city.

At the beginning of the XX century. a railway branch was built in Ufa, a bridge over the river of the same name, new industrial enterprises appeared, the first electric station started to work.

The rapid development of the industry of the city fell on the 30s. XX century. The engine plant was put into operation, oil production began, which led to the construction of an oil refinery.

During the Great Patriotic War, residents of the cityWorked at industrial enterprises that manufactured products for the needs of the front. Ufa has become a major industrial center of the Urals. A lot of enterprises from all over Russia were transferred here. During this period, due to more than 100 thousand evacuees, the population increased. G. Ufa made a significant contribution to the victory in the Second World War.

Ecology and climate

Влажный континентальный климат характерен для the entire Bashkiria. Winter is long, summer lasts about four months. In recent years, climate change has been clearly observed. The cause of abnormally warm winters find out environmentalists.

how many people live in ufa

Вызывает опасение экологическая ситуация в Уфе.The work of industrial enterprises leads to daily pollution of water, soil, air, which adversely affects the health of city residents. There is an acute problem with the recycling of industrial waste. Rivers and reservoirs are heavily polluted. Bad ecology adversely affects the health of citizens. The increasing population of Ufa leads to an increase in the number of transport in the city, which also worsens the environmental situation.

Sights of the city and interesting facts about Ufa

The capital of Bashkortostan has something to surprise theirguests. Many architectural monuments have been preserved, which are combined with ultra-modern high-tech buildings. A real architectural decoration of the village was the building of a large entertainment complex called “Ufa Lights”.

Символом города является монумент в честь С.Yulaeva is the country's highest equestrian monument. Nearby the cozy square was stretched. It is surprising with its size the 33-meter Friendship Monument, established in honor of the accession of the Ural republic of Bashkortostan to Russia.

population of Ufa

The famous religious building of Ufa isLyalya Tulip mosque, built in the form of blooming tulips. This is a unique design, which has no analogues in the world. The height of the minarets is 53 meters.

What is the population in Ufa?

City residents

One of the main questions remained unclear:“What is the population in Ufa?” It is safe to say that the municipality is growing. According to 2008, more than 1 million people live in the city. At the same time, there were almost 10% more women registered in the capital of Bashkortostan than men.

What is the population in Ufa?

Какая численность населения в Уфе на сегодняшний day? This figure is close to 1 million 100 thousand people. Experts predict the further development of the metropolis due to its investment attractiveness.