Многие люди интересуются вопросом о том, какая average salary in Germany. And in particular those who wish to go live there. After all, Germany is the most developed European country. And it is logical to assume that the salaries there are also large.
The welfare of the country - a reflection of people's lives
Иногда стоит говорить о цифрах.It is particularly interesting to look at comparative salary tables, although often after this there is an unpleasant aftertaste - after all, people in Europe get much more than in Russia. In the US, of course, the figures are slightly higher - by 15%, but this is the percentage of all European countries. If we exclude the Eastern states, then it turns out that the opposite is true. Namely, that salaries in Europe are higher by as much as 23% than in the USA. If you believe the statistics, the largest indicator could be observed in 2011, then the usual average Briton received about 3,200 euros per month. If you translate this amount into rubles at the current rate, it will be approximately 212,000. It’s hard for such a simple Russian to remember at least how much the first-grade teacher’s rate is (about 4,000 rubles).
More good salaries in Europe are citizensThe Netherlands and, of course, Germany - about 3,000 euros per month. Well, this is an excellent indicator of the level of economic development, and there is something to strive for. It’s worthwhile to talk about how much is the average salary in Germany, a little later. By the way, employees of Switzerland also receive good money, but this country should not be included in the rating, since taxes are higher there than in other countries.
Work in Germany - a ticket to life
So, what is the minimum wage in Germany?One working hour is more than 30 euros. That is, about two thousand rubles. It turns out (if we go back to the above example) that in two and a half hours a German works off the monthly salary of a Russian teacher. Of course, according to the economic state, Russia and Germany cannot be compared, but it’s worth thinking about. Perhaps it is for this reason that more and more Russians are leaving their homeland and are leaving to work in Europe.
Highest paid jobs offeredin three cities - in Berlin, Frankfurt, and also in Hamburg. Everything is logical, the first city is the capital, the second is the economic center (not only Germany, but also Europe) and, finally, the third one is a large shopping center, a port and a developed metropolis in general. So it will be relatively easy for a highly qualified specialist to find a job here. The main thing is a diploma listed in Germany, a good knowledge of the language and "good" from the employer.
Impressive performance
What salaries in Germany are clear, however, forthe completeness of the picture I would like to give an example of very indicative statistics. You don’t need to go far, it’s enough to take last year as an example. The average salary in 2014 in the Federal Republic of Germany was 28 thousand euros per year. It seems that the amount is impressive - it's almost two million rubles (~ 1 900 000). However, if you think about taxes, everything will fall into place. From this amount, the Germans give about 12,200 euros (slightly more than 800,000 rubles). Total "clean" - about 1,050,000 rubles per year, that is, 86,000 per month. But, even despite such large deductions from wages, for the life of this amount is enough, and on the comfortable.
By the way, in German there is a greata saying that reads: "Not macht erfinderisch". The translation is: "Poverty makes inventive." In fact, the Germans did not invent anything special. They just began to save, and on the most expensive - on themselves. We can see the result: everything at work, enterprises are working steadily, and people are also provided. Needless to say, this is impressive.
Who benefits from working in Germany?
Many people who are busy studyingthe social and economic level of Germany, sooner or later the question arises: what professions are in demand in this country? Maybe you should go there to work? After all, if the average salary in Germany is equal to the "net" 90 thousand per month, how much will real professionals get? There are many questions and some are worth answering.
In Germany, almost everyone can earn.A guide in the mountains, a snowboard instructor, an architect, a town planner, a bricklayer, a baker, a gunsmith, a butcher, a hairdresser, an electrical engineer, a glassblower, an engineer, a journalist, a doctor, an educator, a painter - all these and many other specialties are really in demand. The average salary in Germany is different for these specialists, since their specialties differ. But in this country there are no needy people. Any kind of work is appreciated here, but a person relying on a decent salary should try.
Popular, profitable and paid specialties
However, the most sought-after specialtiesconsidered to be those related to the field of information technology. For example, a good programmer can receive about 53 thousand euros per year. Excellent salaries and engineers - about 55,000 per year. Even the welder can count on 54 thousand euros per year. Approximately the same amount is received by financiers and accountants. Pay well to doctors - about 64,000 euros. Surgeons have the highest salary in the medical field - more than 70,000. Humanitarian workers earn less - the rate of journalists is 3-4 thousand per month, as many teachers receive.
But even the smallest figures canIt seems to us an excellent prospect - the minimum wage from 2015 is 8.5 euros per hour (560 rubles). So, if there is a desire to get a promising job, it is worth considering the option of moving. After all, even the average salary in Germany will suit many people in Russia.