/ / Several important lessons how to survive in the woods in summer and winter

Several important lessons how to survive in the woods in summer and winter

There are a lot of cases when a person,went into the woods, lost his way, lost landmark, finding himself in a very distressed situation. Today we will give you some lessons on how to survive in the forest in summer and winter. So, let's begin.

How to survive in the summer forest

  1. If you lose the landmark, then stop immediately. Do not panic and do not rush into the first side. So you will get even more confused.
  2. Try to restore your landmark with a compass or natural signs (eg, moss or anthill).
  3. If you can not navigate the terrain, then shut up. You may hear some train noise, a roar of a car engine, the voices of people, or dogs barking.
  4. If there is a lot of silence around, then you need to dowhat anyone can do, who knows how to survive in the forest in the summer. You need to find the highest tree and climb it as high as possible. Carefully look in different directions. Be careful, try not to fall off the tree, as the injuries will be an additional burden to your already deplorable position.
    how to survive in the forest
  5. If you orient yourself on the ground (you saw houses, a railway, power lines, and other “traces” of human activity), then move in their direction.
  6. If you do not understand anything, then betterstay in place. So you will find much faster. Do not wander through the forest! Quite often, the lost poor fellow wanders for hours without noticing it. Save power and do not shoot down potential rescuers from your trail!
  7. Rummage in your backpack.It is vital to find a cigarette lighter (or matches), a knife, water, supplies and warm clothes with a compass. Spend these things very economically. The bonfire should be ignited with minimal losses.
  8. If your mobile phone catches in the forest, then call relatives and describe what you see: the terrain, the position of the sun, and so on.
  9. If the water runs out, look for springs. This will be more important than passively expecting help. Dehydration of the body has not spared anyone!
  10. Try to build a small hut for yourself. It will be your refuge from rain and wind. Make a floor in a hut made of moss. Around the "house" dig a hole to drain water there, if it rains.
  11. If you decide to continue the path, then move strictly on the compass. Go carefully, do not rush. Go around all the ovaries and swamps. Check stick path for durability.
  12. Do not forget about forest dwellers. If you see traces of wolves or bears, then do not go on these paths.
    how to survive in the forest in summer
  13. Never go to the forest without armed with a standard hiking set! After all, if you get lost, then this equipment will help you and the best "friend" for an indefinite time!

How to survive in the forest in winter?

In principle, all points of survival in the summer forestapply to the winter period. However, in the winter, the maximum task called “How to survive in the forest in winter” becomes much more difficult, because protection against the cold becomes the most important priority for survival. So, what you need to pay attention.

  1. Bonfire This is the most important thing in the winter forest.Without it, you will just freeze when you fall asleep. No overnight stay in a snowy forest should go without a fire! To make a fire in the snow, you need to put the logs on each other and burn them along the entire length. Usually, four pegs are driven into the snow, and three pieces of logs are already placed on them. The tree must be dry!
  2. If you can not make a fire, then continuemove. Know while you walk, you are alive! Your body produces the necessary amount of heat to survive in the cold. If you feel that you are freezing, then stop and perform a few squats.
  3. Breathe only nose. If you sweat, you should slow down, warm your hands on your stomach and look around.
  4. Never stop for the night in the winter forest if you do not have the opportunity to make a fire! Keep going.
  5. If you see the river, then go downstream - this is a great chance to go to the village.
    how to survive in the woods in winter
  6. Experts who know how to survive in the forest in the cold, say that anyone can walk 20 hours at a speed of 5 km per hour. So go no matter what.