/ / Who is actually the mother of the children of Kirkorov?

Who is actually the mother of Kirkorov's children?

Fans of the singer are often askedquestions: how could a single man be born to children, who is the mother of Kirkorov’s children, what are their names and what sex are they? The king of Russian pop music is considered one of the most popular and mysterious performers. Quite often, he with great pleasure speaks with journalists and fans, participates in various programs and brings out the details of his personal life for everyone to see. Along with this, his personality was always covered with a lot of gossip and rumors.

There was a time when a performer was accused offictitious marriage with the Prima donna of the Russian show business Alla Pugacheva, which he concluded for the sake of rapid progress in a creative career. After breaking up with his wife, he was accused of homosexual inclinations. And the last few years, the main topic of conversation was the sudden birth of the singer's children.

Mother of children of Kirkorov

News about the birth of the first child

Russian singer Philip Kirkorov prefersshocking in all spheres and areas of life and creativity: from stage costumes, behavior and to self-praise. Happy event - the birth of his daughter - he shared with the audience of the concert "Golden Gramophone" 2011, announcing the news right from the scene. The concert organizers claimed that a few minutes before the filming and the performer entered the stage, he received a phone call. After the conversation, the singer changed markedly in his face, his smile was beaming and, once on the stage, he happily announced that he had a daughter. At that time, it was not yet known who the mother of the children of Kirkorov was.

Natalia Efremova - who is she?

The king of the Russian pop show Philip Kirkorovrevealed one of the personal secrets that covered the story of the birth of his children. The age difference between Alla Victoria and Martin is only 5 months, which also caused gossip and speculation. Despite the fact that children have already grown up a bit, the present name of their mother is not known for sure. But the king of the stage showed reporters and fans the godmother of his daughter, who became Natalia Yefremova, a Moscow businesswoman.

Mother of children Kirkorov first lit up on the set of "Christmasmeetings organized by Alla Pugacheva in December. A woman’s visit to a social event attracted immense attention to her. Mostly it surprised people around, because before that the pop king had carefully hidden her biological and godmother from all children.

At the moment, it is already known that childrenSurrogate mothers gave birth to Philip Kirkorov, so officially the kids only have a dad. The artist realizes how important it is for children to feel motherly love and affection, therefore he very seriously and responsibly approached the choice of the godmother for the eldest daughter. This choice was not known to anyone until the last moment. Even directly on the sacrament Kirkorov’s mother remained in the shadows.At the same time, all people close to the singer’s family claim that Natalya is a frequent guest at Philip’s house. She often spends time with babies, and they even call her "Mother Natasha."

Mother of children Kirkorova Natalya

Biological or godmother?

More recently, the pop king clarified and gavecontinuation of the story about the godmother of his children, after he invited the press to his country building on Nikolina Gora, and the children were told about Natasha living with them. After that, the journalists simply needed to put a photo of Natalia and little Alla-Victoria alongside and to find a large number of their common features.

Thus, the reporters concluded that Efremova is the mother of Kirkorov’s children. As for the younger son, his birthattributed to the Russian singer Anastasia Stotskaya. Such conclusions have made a field of comparison of the appearance of the son Nastya and little Martin. Directly surrogate mothers could be completely different women who were placed on Natalia and Anastasia’s oocytes fertilized by Philip's seed.

Natalya Efremova mother of children of Kirkorov

Biography of a possible mother

During the shooting of the next program about childrenKirkorov, they told the public that they have a mother. The performer himself did not deny this fact, but on the contrary said that their family consists of father, mother and children, like everyone else.

Эта новость удивила поклонников звезды и admirers of his work. After it turned out that in Philip's inner circle there is a good friend, who is considered to be his daughter’s godmother, Natalya Efremova.

Mother of children Kirkorov, biography which is quite interesting was born inMoscow in the family of the military. She received a specialty military translator and rose to the rank of lieutenant. It is also known that Natalya was officially married, where she had a son, who is already 20 years old. Since 1998, the woman started her own business, selling expensive branded clothing.

Mother of children Kirkorova Natalya photo

Acquaintance stars with Natalia

Everyone knows that Philip strictly follows fashion and always attends fashion exhibitions and shows. So he met Efremova, whom the press dubbed as "the mother of the children of Kirkorov." Natalia considered to be one of the best friends of the star for more10 years. Their relationship can be considered purely platonic, but the striking similarity of a woman with Alla-Victoria gives rise to a lot of gossip and debate around this story.

Natalya Efremova mother of children Kirkorov biography

Rumors and speculation

After a public appearance at a meeting organized by Pugacheva, Natalya preferred to hide from the press and lead a non-public life. If you believe the rumors, the mother of children Kirkorova Natalia, photo which is confirmed by journalists' guesses, lives in his house and works with children. With the star father of her children, she maintains friendly relations related to the upbringing of children.