/ / Do you know what a finch looks like?

Do you know what a finch looks like?

If the April forest clearly voiced andmelodious bird trills, you can most likely determine that it is a finch. Their singing is quite monotonous, but these birds set the tone for the forest choir. But to listen

What does a finch look like
singing finches, not necessarily go to the forest.These birds are not afraid of human habitation and live even in million cities. Due to the fact that finch nests are high and master the art of disguise, even city squares are suitable for them. That is, these birds can also be considered urban. But caution finches are not lost. It is rarely possible to get close to the bird and examine it. But how to distinguish it from other birds? What does a finch look like?

This bird is no larger than a sparrow, from the tipbeak to the tip of the tail, its length is 14 and a half centimeters. The maximum wingspan is up to 28 centimeters. And the adult weighs up to 40 grams. The spring outfit of the male is inimitable: there is a blue cap on the head, a tail is coal-black, “jabot” and “apron” are brown-red, on the wings is a wide white stripe with openwork edging of yellow feathers. When a male individual is excited, while singing, the feathers on the male's head rejoice amusingly, forming a cute tuft. What does a female finch look like? The color of the female is somewhat dim, brown-gray tones predominate.

Any areas where trees grow are suitable for living: forests, parks, groves.

Chaffinch singing
Often close to a person's housing.But this feathery escapes thick deserted thickets. Chaffinch is a bird lacking the ability to get along with anyone. Males strictly protect their habitat from congeners - applicants for their territory. And if this happens, the bird promptly attacks "on an unexpected alien" and drives it away in any way.

Chaffinch Nest is a masterpiece of craftsmanship.It is located high above the ground at the trunk or between the branches. In appearance, the nest looks like a bowl. But it is difficult to understand, because from the outside it is carefully camouflaged with moss collected on the same tree. Thus, the nest is perceived as a cap - growth on a tree, which occurs quite often. Finding a nest is very difficult. The female produces
laying in May. Usually from 5 to 7 bluish-gray, greenish-blue eggs.

Chaffinch bird
Little birds are born in recorddeadlines. What does chaffinch look like? It has a feather, similar to the female, but with a light cap on his head. Hatching and feeding time in the nest is only two weeks. In June, young finches leave the house and begin an independent life. During the season, the female can make two clutches.

In August, this species of birds has a planned molt.What does a finch look like after it? The color of the male becomes less bright, similar to the color of the female. Then groups begin to form. At first small - up to 15 birds. For the flight (end of September) the flocks will unite in a large flock - more than 100 individuals. Some of the finches overwinter in the countries of Central and Southern Europe, some in the Mediterranean, and some in the foothill forests of the Caucasus. And in the spring the whole cycle repeats from the very beginning. The name of the bird is given not quite right. If the winter is not very cold, some finches may remain for the winter.