Jackdaw is a useful bird

Галка – небольшая птица с черным оперением, having a metallic tide. Only her head and chest are ashen-gray. In its appearance, it is very similar to a crow, but its dimensions are much smaller: the body is about 30 centimeters long, and the weight is rarely more than 250 grams. In adult birds, eyes are light, sometimes blue, young individuals are dark-eyed. The beak and legs are black.

Jackdaw bird
Galka - a sociable bird, from early spring tolate autumn they fly together with rooks. Together following the tractors during the spring plowing, the birds are looking for earthworms, insects and their larvae in the earth. In the summer, combining with rooks and starlings, the jackdaws in search of food fly to mown meadows and harvested fields.

In autumn, after the departure of rooks, they joingray crows, spend the night on trees in yards and in city parks. In the morning they fly out of town to landfills or fields, where they feed. In winter, waste from garbage plays an important role in their nutrition, and sometimes they help to survive.

How to distinguish on the trail

The jackdaw bird leaves a trace, similar to a crow, but noticeably smaller. By size

Jackdaw is a migratory bird
They can be confused withshroud tracks. But the magpie mostly jumps, and the jackdaw staggered, while focusing on the fingers. Therefore, the average plantar corn is not always well printed on the traces.

The fingers on her paws are somewhat thick, with moreshort claws. This affects the length of the print, which is shorter than that of the magpie. The length of the step is about 15 centimeters, and the width of the track is almost 5 centimeters.

Features of behavior

Galka - a bird that does not ruin other people's nests, indifference from their girlfriends crows. Destroying a large number of insect pests, these representatives of the bird's world bring significant benefits to people. In some cases, in the search for food can cause significant damage to the gardens and melons. But it's not from harmfulness, just want to eat.

The main distribution points are citiesand large settlements. Rarely inhabited on rocky stretches of coasts, in forests also occur infrequently. Jackdaw is a bird nesting near the human dwelling: under the eaves of houses, in attics, in chimneys, in the emptiness of buildings. Sometimes she makes herself a nest in the hollow of an old tree.

Bird of the jackdaw

They live in separate pairs or in small flocks.Often create joint colonies with rooks. Build nests begin later than their neighbors, in the first decade of April. The house is erected by a couple, dragging first the dry twigs, and then rags and paper, so that they lined the tray.

Jackdaw is a bird laying eggs in the firsthalf of May. In the nest of them can be from 3 to 7 pieces. Eggs may have a bluish-green or light-blue color, with greenish-brown spots. Nasizhivanie lasts 18 days. Appeared chicks are in the nest for a month.

Galka - migratory bird?

They dwell in Europe, Asia, in the north of Africa.Birds, nesting in the northern regions of Eurasia, are migratory, in October they fly south, winter in China, and in February they return back. In Europe, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, the jackdaw is settled. But in the winter sometimes in these places birds move within the nesting area.