Какого бы возраста и статуса ни был человек, где whatever he lives and whatever views he holds, he needs a family. First, in the one where he is born and grows, then in the one he creates himself and where he raises his children. Trust, care, support - this is what this word is associated with. What is the secret of the “small cell of society”? To some extent, this can be understood by examining statements about the family, sounded at different times in different nations.
Winged thoughts about the main thing
The sayings about family life are different -consoling and moral, tinged with humor and suffered in a series of mistakes and achievements. The substantive and aphoristic nature of many of them helps one to understand oneself, to settle conflicts and to chart the right course in later life. The wisest statements about the family are of particular depth. What is, for example, the ingenious remark of the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, in which he advises fathers and mothers to take care of the tears of their children so that they can shed them on the parent grave. Indeed, the more cordial, more just and gentle we treat children, the more sincere their sadness will be when we leave. The politician Brad Henry spoke about the family very precisely. He compared it to a compass that guides us, and added that she has the power to inspire us to feats and comfort when we suddenly stumble.
Popular wisdom will not deceive
The most concise and capacious are usuallysayings and proverbs. “If the family is together - the soul is in place,” says a Russian proverb. “Let your husband be like a crow, and all to your wife - defense”, - Ukrainian proverb teaches with a smile. “God gives the first wife, the second from people, and the third wife from the devil,” warns the Jewish aphorism. “You feed the father - you pay the debt, you raise the son - you give the debt, you feed the daughter - you throw it into the water,” observes the Mari maxim. “A house without children is just the same as a fireplace without fire,” the Armenian proverb says.
Father's house
Famous statements about the family are combined into onewhole family circle and home. Cicero did not see a place nicer than a house. Leo Tolstoy said that he is happy who is happy in his home. For the French pilot and writer Antoine Saint-Exupéry, the miracle was that the family home could invisibly create “layers of tenderness” in the heart, where, like spring water, dreams are born.
A hearth or shackles?
Sometimes opinions of famous people about family and marriageare the exact opposite of the sayings that are mentioned here. Bernard Shaw said that marriage could be a prison for a man and a workhouse for a woman. The German philosopher Schopenhauer, for example, believed that marrying meant halving his rights and increasing responsibilities. Faina Ranevskaya, with her characteristic irony, noticed that since the family replaces everything to a person, before you start it, you need to think what is more important to you - the whole or the family. Do not marry if you are afraid of loneliness - warned Anton Chekhov. French writer Etienne Ray gave the definition of a family, according to which, she is a group united by blood and quarreling over money issues. These great statements about the family are fair in their own way, if we are talking about people who do not have the ability or desire to waste mental strength to create a family. Indeed, according to the apt expression of the Spanish philosopher George Santayana, one can appreciate family happiness only with patience, impatient people choose unhappiness. The fact that the dependence of family life makes a person more moral, said the great Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. A well-known Soviet teacher Sukhomlinsky rightly noted that the family is a place where people learn to do good.
How did the family begin
The story tells that in primitivesociety of the family were mixed, group, this phenomenon was called promiscuity. But very soon the social impairment of such a way of life was revealed; now and then there were sharp conflicts. Gradually, marriages became paired. The monuments of antiquity found by archaeologists are, perhaps, the first “statements about the family” made in drawings and ornaments. In pagan families, the relationship between husband and wife was equal, which was reflected in the pantheon of the ancient gods. Often the reason for creating a family union was economic or political motives. Children have always been subordinate to their parents.
Secrets of a happy union
A look at the family has changed with the adventChristianity. The Bible generally treats the history of the relationship between God and humanity as a love story and represents God as the Father. In the New Testament, the relationship of Christ and His Bride - the church, too, appear deeply personal, family. Many bible verses are a kind of statements about the family - about the earth, but with a projection on the sky. The first human couple on earth, as you know, is God blessed. Jesus incessantly restored families, returning to them their members, who had been pulled out of the family by illness, sin, and even death. God's family, in which all — brothers and sisters — under the care of a loving heavenly Father, did not abolish the human family, but gave it a new high and dignified position. Relations here should be built on the basis of love, mutual respect, spiritual unity and moral purity.