/ / The most amazing fish of the world

The most amazing fish of the world

All waters of our planet are densely populated with variousthe inhabitants. Sometimes in the depths of the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes there are such amazing fish that people have not even heard of. Read in the article below the most interesting things about strange (and sometimes scary) fish.

Pike pike

Pikefish are the largest fish,living in the fresh waters of North and Central America, as well as the islands of Cuba. Their body is covered with armor of surprisingly strong scales (hence the name). The second name for these frightening creatures is the alligator fish.

amazing fish

They are very similar in shape to the head of these two waterdwellers. The weight of the pike reaches 120 kg, and the length of the body is up to 300 cm. The heavy body of the fish prevents it from performing deft maneuvers in the water, therefore the alligator fish, like the common pike, awaits its prey in ambush while hunting. She eats smaller fish, does not squeamish ducks and waterfowl of small sizes. In addition, these amazing fish often eat waste, thereby cleaning the pond.

Crab pike due to its appearance andSizing is considered an enviable catch for a fisherman. But you should know that its meat is little used in food, it is tasteless and tough. Caviar is completely poisonous to humans.

Fierce shark

Japanese fishermen know exactly what they look likethe most amazing fish, because once they managed to get into the network of a female of a ferocious shark. This most ancient type of shark is the most unexplored, mysterious. Very rarely, such a fish floats to the surface, preferring depths from 500 to 1000 meters.

Внешний вид плащеносца отличается от акул, он more like an eel or sea snake. And the creature hunts, almost like a snake, bending the body and making a sharp leap forward. The fierce shark has no commercial value, as it rarely gets into the net, because its length is about 2 meters. Japanese fishermen even call it a pest, as it happens that a shark spoils the net.

An interesting fish is that among all vertebrates, it has the longest period of gestation of offspring - 3.5 years. In the litter can be up to 15 cubs. The fierce shark is a viviparous fish.

The fish-moon is a harmless giant

The moon fish has impressive dimensions:length - up to 3 m, weight - about 1400 kg. Her huge body has a round (like a disk of the moon) shape and is strongly flattened on the sides. These amazing fish swim at a young age like other types of fish, but then everything changes.

the most amazing fish

Adult individuals swim near the surface of the water,occasionally lazily moving fins. The fish-moon practically does not react to the approach of man. They do not harm the person. However, the fishermen of South Africa are experiencing superstitious fear, seeing this fish, and even cancel fishing, turning the boat to the house. This can be explained simply - the approach of an individual is associated with the coming storm of the sea, since the moonfish often just before the storm appears near the coast. She simply can not cope with the increasing course.

This giant of bone fish feeds on small and easy prey: small fish, jellyfish, plankton and small crustaceans.

Amazing fish of the world: stone fish

This ugly and scary creature that lives inocean, very poisonous. A small fish (no more than 20 cm in length) has a very large head, small eyes and a huge mouth. The naked body is brownish in color, sometimes with spots or stripes. On the body are bumps, warts, so the creature is sometimes also called a warthog. Poisonous spikes protrude from the dorsal fin of the stone-fish.

amazing fishes of the world

With any touch, the fish thrusts its spikes and releases a very dangerous poison. A person without an antidote may die within a few hours after meeting a dangerous inhabitant of the seabed.

Most often, stone fish lives in thicketsalgae or coral. She buries herself in silt or sand, disguises herself with ooze. This is not just a lazy lifestyle - it is a hunt in ambush. Predators feed on small fish, shrimps and crustaceans.

Interesting fish and the fact that it can last without water for quite some time. There was a recorded case when a stone fish lived on land for 20 hours!

The most "sad" fish in the world

Fish-drop is known for its unpleasant appearance,distinguishing it from other species. The deep-sea inhabitant of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans is most often found off the coast of Australia, Tasmania.

Why are these amazing fish so unpleasant?The body up to 70 cm long is completely naked, has no scales. Fins are also absent. The body of the fish droplets is very similar to a shapeless gelatinous mass with sad eyes. Her nose is vaguely human. There is no swim bladder in individuals of this species - it is not needed at great depth. No fish droplets and muscles, it just goes with the flow of an open mouth, which comes across food. Most often this food is plankton.

the most amazing fish of the world

What can make a drop fish attractive in the eyes of people? Her care of the offspring. She carefully hatches her eggs and does not disregard the younger generation.

Lamprey - marine parasites

Collecting amazing facts about fishmention the lamprey. These creatures are found in all moderate waters of the Earth and even occasionally in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. There are references to lamprey in Russia, especially with regard to the largest lakes and rivers.

The appearance of an individual is close to eel.Skin without scales, no pectoral and pelvic fins. The mouth has an awesome appearance: ring-shaped, with many small teeth. Lamprey are parasites that feed most often on dead fish meat, without disdaining live fish. A circular lamp of a lamprey sticks to the victim’s body and bores it. A strong tongue with teeth at the end penetrates into the body of the victim and lets out juices.

amazing fish facts

Fishing for lampreys is common. It is believed that its meat is very tasty, but not every gourmet will risk trying it.

The most amazing fish in the world: the deep-water tripod

Quite a lot on the seabedinhabitants, and most of them have an awesome look: anglerfish, macrusus, big heads and others. Living here is a tripod fish, famous for its three legs, as is clear from the name. In fact, of course, these are not legs, but bony rays that extend almost a meter from the body. Sinking closer to the bottom, a tripod rests on them. When it is standing - the rays are hard, as soon as the fish swims - the rays immediately soften. The tripod itself regulates their rigidity.

Еще одно отличие от рыб, обитающих на больших depths, - well developed eyes that are located on the sides of the body. This is one of the ways to survive for tripods. The fish is a hermaphrodite, since at great depths it is not often possible to meet an individual of the desired sex.

amazing fish pics

Amazing fish whose photos you see inThis article dwells around the world. There is a huge amount of them on our planet, and it is simply impossible to tell about everyone in one article. Here are selected one of the most interesting representatives of the salt and fresh waters of the world.