A cartel is an association of several firmsworking in the same industry, in order to regulate prices, terms of sale, spheres of influence, production volumes, use of patents, hiring workers, conditions for the sale of goods. It can be attributed to the most simple monopoly unions. Firms participating in the association, retain their legal, industrial, financial and commercial independence.

In order to profitably distribute the market,increase product prices, establish a minimum wage, entrepreneurs and create a cartel. This agreement should sign as many participants as possible to eliminate potential competitors. Inside cartels, large firms dictate their conditions to be smaller and unprotected, and do not allow parties to an agreement to lower prices for goods.

Чтобы не попасть под действие антимонопольного legislation, such a monopoly association became known as gentlemen's agreements, convention, ring or corner, but the essence remains the same. There are cartels in Russia in almost every industry, and this has a negative effect on pricing. Experts note that if there were no agreements between manufacturers, prices would have decreased by 2-2.5 times.

The cartel is relatively short-lived.unification, because after some time conflicts start between the participants, the balance is broken. The stability of the agreement depends on the possibility of including or eliminating outsiders, the lack of forces undermining the cartel from the inside.