/ / Looking for something interesting, or How to become anime?

Looking for something interesting, or How to become anime?

There is even a joke that the RussiansAnimeshniki so harsh that they can guess the anime from the screenshot of the sky or hand. But as they say, in every joke there is some truth. Here they are - real animeshniki, people with whom it is better not to get involved when it comes to animation. But how to become a true anime artist? Perhaps the answer to this question will not be able to give even the creators themselves. But not for this article is written to leave the reader unanswered.

View anime

So let's start with a simple one.Since it is impossible to become an animeshnik without knowing the basics of animation, it is necessary to start viewing as soon as possible. Anime, in the same way as movies, are divided into different genres, for example, detective, fantasy, comedy or romance. But there are genres that are inherent only for animated works. For example, syonen-ai, shojo-ai, from time to time, or sentai. But how many anime do you need to watch to become anime? There is a hypothesis that 7 works should be studied, and then you can call yourself animeshnik.

how to become animeshnik

It is a pity, but will have to refute it.Almost every week in Japan there are new reports. About a hundred anime novelties appear in the world in a year. So the seven watched TV shows is a weak reason to call yourself animeshire. If a person has not watched a single anime, then he should start with the masterpieces of Hayao Miyazaki. Firstly, every self-respecting anime artist watched at least one of his films. Secondly, the work of Miyazaki is easy to read and allows you to understand the features of Japanese animation.

The next step is to view the cultTV series such as Naruto, Bleach or Van Pis, which are considered the great three. Further - easier. You just need to enjoy watching anime. You can choose suitable plots, based on your favorite genre, advice from familiar anime artists. You can follow the release of new products or simply revise the most popular work. The main thing is to enjoy viewing. And it's not scary that some kind of anime did not like it. As they say, there is a buyer for each product.


Анимешник не только смотрит аниме, но и читает Japanese comics - manga. The principle of division into genres is exactly the same. The main part of the series is an adaptation of manga, and very often their transmission can be interrupted for a while, because they "caught up" with the manga storyline. Likewise, they act to ensure that both manga and anime are equally popular, in demand and bring good income.

how to become animeshnikom in 5 minutes

But now is not about that, but about how to becomeanimeshnym. So, animeshnik should read at least a few chapters for general development in order to understand what it is. Reading all the manga in a row is already the prerogative of otaku, who know everything and everything that is happening in the anime world.

Cosplay and music

Talking about how to become animeshnikom, not superfluouswill mention musical preferences. These are mainly openings and endings from anime or modern Japanese music. Here everyone chooses a musical direction that he likes more. There is still a stereotype that every anime artist must cosplay. That is, dress like a favorite character, do the same hairstyle and act the same. But this is a purely personal matter: someone has no opportunity, someone has little time, and someone just honors his individuality.

How many anime need to watch to become animeshnikom

Failure to cosplay does not make one who admiresAnime, not anime. Although, as practice shows, the one who "hooked" on the Japanese animation, even once, but did his hair like a favorite character, and acquired similar accessories.

Fan art, groups, meetings

After the dedication to the world of manga and Japanese animation,Creating a new playlist in the phone, you can go to the most difficult stage. So how to become an anime artist? Step four! If you want to draw your favorite character in a new role or write your own story about him, you do not need to restrain yourself. This is called fan art, and he is the anime artist's pride, bringing him closer to the otaku rank. Also, professionals are in the relevant communities in social networks, attend anime gatherings and buy anime paraphernalia. This is done solely at the behest of the heart, and not because it is necessary.

How to become animeshnikom in 5 minutes?

But seriously, in order to becomeanimeshnikom, enough and 5 minutes. It is only necessary to include the first series of the first series, and if suddenly a reckless "one more thing - and sleep" appears in the head, when it is already beginning to get light outside the window, then we can congratulate the person - he is "hooked" on the anime.

how to become a real animeshnik

Anime is the one who loves Japanese animation.and everything connected with it. He may know a few words in Japanese, has information about when the new series will be released and whether there will be a second season. He really likes it. It may seem that these are people with a congenital anime gene, although in fact they are very ordinary, they just found what they really like.