/ / American actor David Arquette: biography, filmography and personal life. Courtney Cox and David Arquette

American actor David Arquette: biography, filmography and personal life. Courteney Cox and David Arquette

Дэвид Аркетт - это американский актер, сценарист and producer. During his many years of career he worked on dozens of different projects. Most of all he remembered the audience for his roles in the film “Scream”, as well as a number of popular TV shows. However, let's find out more about this talented man and actor.

David's family and childhood

Born future actor in 1971 in the United States.He has 3 sisters and one brother, and they are all known and popular actors. It seems clear why David also chose this particular way of life. In particular, David's older sister, Roseanna, starred in Tarantino’s cult film Pulp Fiction, as well as in many others. And another sister of David - Patricia, also managed to make a successful career in the cinema. And among other things, Patricia is known for marrying Nicolas Cage - a Hollywood star and a megapopular actor.

Not surprisingly, David was able to become a successful actor and get so many interesting offers. Now let's dwell on it.

david arquette

Film debut

When did David Arquette make his film debut?The films in which he starred as a newbie were popular, and this helped him a lot in the future. David Arquette made his debut in 1990. At first, he received cameo roles in various popular TV shows. So in 1990, he appeared in the fantasy film “Outcasts”, and besides this in the sitcom “Beverly Hills”. In the following years, Arquette appeared in other popular projects. For example, he had a small role in Buffy, and then an appearance in Friends.

As you can see, the actor appeared in all religious projects of the distant 1990s. It was a rewarding experience and helped the man in the future to receive more interesting and worthwhile suggestions.

david arquette movies

Further movie roles

In 1995, the actor starred in severalmovies. In particular, these were the militants "Time of Fall" and "Wild Bill". In these films, the man received minor roles, but was shot together with actors recognized at the time, such as Mickey Rourke and Jeff Bridgers.

In 1996, the mini-series inthe western genre in which Arquette played the lead role. The series talked about young rangers who joined the colonel's expedition in the hope of capturing more booty. Arquette shared the screen space with the young Johnny Lee Miller, as well as with the famous F. Murray Abraham.

It becomes clear that Arquette can not only be on the sidelines and act in episodes, but also look great in the title role in some cool action movie or thriller.

courtney coke and david arquette

"Scream" and meeting with the future wife

In 1996, Arquette had anotherremarkable role: he starred in the youth horror film "Scream". Who could have predicted then that the audience would like this story so much that later there would be several full-length sequels, their own series and the like.

Arquette not only got one of the main roles - the role of Sheriff Dwight Riley, but also met Courtney Cox, who became his wife a few years later.

In 1997, the continuation of this horror film was released, and Arquette returned to his role.

Когда поженились Кортни Кокс и Дэвид Аркетт?The wedding took place in 1999. It is worth saying that David's wife was also a famous actress and popular person in Hollywood. First of all, Courtney remembered all of us as Monica from Friends, as well as her roles in the film Scream and Ace Ventura.

David Arquette and Courtney

2000s: How did the actor's career develop?

В 2001 году мужчина получил одну из secondary roles in the crime film “3000 Miles to Graceland”, in which the title roles were played by Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell. Despite the star composition, the picture failed at the box office and received negative reviews from critics.

Another disastrous film for the actor was the film "Agent nicknamed Spot." The actor's game, like the plot of the film, was criticized, so he didn’t collect a large box office at the box office.

In addition, in 2001, the young spouses starred in the film “Here is the Doctor,” which received mixed reviews and generally went unnoticed.

The following works by Arquette did not receive much success, and it could seem that the peak of popularity had already passed.

David Arquette as Producer, Screenwriter and Director

It is worth noting that the man has established himselfnot only as an actor, but also from the other side. In particular, he was engaged in directing and in 2006 the film “Tourist” was released, in which his wife Courtney Cox was also shot.

Arquette even tried himself as a composer and wrote musical accompaniment for the movie “Scream 3”, which was released on large screens in 2000.

courtney coke and david arquette wedding

David Arquette: movies in recent years

Of the recent works can be identified only participation.in the fourth part of the cult franchise "Creek". Arquette and his wife returned to their roles and appeared in the continuation. The plot was classic: someone tried to kill Sidney Prescott, and the heroes of the picture tried to prevent it, just like Sydney herself, who had already suffered a lot in her life.

In 2015, the film Bone Tomahawk was released,which can be described as a western with elements of horror. The main role is played by Kurt Russell, and one of the minor ones was given to Arquette. This film received high marks from world critics and was well received by the audience.

Despite the fact that most of the praise was not David, he was still part of the cast of this film.

david arquette filmography

Personal life

As we wrote above, in 1999, Arquettemarried popular television and movie actress Courtney Cox. They met through participation in the Creek franchise. In 2004, Courtney Cox and David Arquette became parents. The couple had a daughter, whom they called the interesting name Koko.

But in 2013, David Arquette and Courtney Coxdivorced, and there are several options for what happened. First, the difference in age could have an effect, because Courtney is still 7 years older than her husband, and secondly, this is Arkett’s relationship with Christina Mack Lartie. They had a daughter in April 2014, and in 2015 a wedding took place. Moreover, it is known that before that they had met for almost four years.

Anyway, the man already has two daughters and hemaintains a good relationship with his ex-wife. At least, we did not hear any scandalous details and loud showdowns between the actors. Everything was quiet, although perhaps not very peaceful.

For the future, a man has already announced severalprojects. This suggests that the actor’s career does not end and that he will still delight us with his works. On his example, it is clear that in the world of show business, connections and money are required, but nevertheless one cannot do without talent.

David Arquette, whose filmography and biographyconsidered in this article, a very versatile person. His track record contains more than a hundred films and TV shows. He showed himself as a director, tried his hand as a composer. There is no doubt that in the future, Arquette will reveal himself even more and show all his creative potential.