/ / Actor David McCallum: biography, photo. Best movies and TV shows

Actor David McCallum: biography, photo. Best movies and TV shows

David McCallum is a talented actor who, to 83years managed to play more than a hundred roles in movies and TV shows. "Sex and the City", "Babylon 5", "Team A", "Marine Police: Special Division", "Underwater Odyssey" - well-known television projects with his participation. What else can you tell about this person?

David McCallum: childhood

Актер появился на свет в Шотландии, произошло это in September 1933. David McCallum is a man who was lucky enough to be born in a creative family. His mother played cello, his father was a viola player. The boy was ten when the family moved to London.

David McCallum

In his childhood, the actor had a lot of hobbies.He seriously studied music, mastered the game of cello. He also liked English classical literature, among his favorite authors were Dickens, Kipling, Shakespeare. Thanks to these authors, young David became interested in the world of dramatic art. He was 17 when he made his debut in the amateur performance "A Midsummer Night's Dream," embodying the image of Oberon.

Education, music

After graduation, David McCallum graduated ina private educational institution in Hamsted. Then the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art opened its doors before him, and a talented young man was offered a scholarship. He also served for a while in the border troops.

David McCullum movies

Decision to devote yourself to actingDavid McCallum did not take it at once. For some time the young man was torn between cinema and music. Already in the late 60's he managed to release several albums, which quickly found their listeners. They included not only his own works, but also interpretations of hits of famous musical groups, for example, the Beatles. However, the main business of David's life was dramatic art.

Film career

Filming in the movie David McCallum began in the 60's.At first he was given mostly episodic roles. He played in the films "The Secret Place", "Infernal Drivers", "Violent Games", "The Death of the Titanic", "Long and Short, and High," "Caroline Rijeka." Also David took part in the series "Sir Francis Drake", "Emma", "The Knight", "Perry Mason", "Beyond the possible". His characters were mostly not remembered by the audience, but McCallum did not despair. Gradually, the actor, who perfected his skills, began to trust more and more responsible tasks.

David McCallum biography

What TV shows and films of David McCallum hadgreatest success? Perhaps the most famous of his role was played by an actor from Scotland in the television project "Agents A. N. KL", the first season of which was presented to the audience in 1964. In this series he brilliantly embodied the image of Ilya Kuryakin. His hero is a secret agent who fights with representatives of a rival organization. To cope with this role, the actor, according to his words, was helped by the experience of the army service.

Also David played Donald in the series "MaritimePolice: Special Department ", reincarnated as Duncan in the television project" Sex and the City ", remembered by roles in" Sapphire and Steel "," Team A "," Babylon 5 "," Beyond the possible ". McCallum is primarily a serial actor. From the films with his participation, you can note "The Great Escape", "The Last Choice".

Personal life

Of course, fans are interested in whether they are marriedDavid McCallum. The biography of the actor testifies that he twice entered into a legal marriage. His first lady was actress Jill Ireland, on this woman he married in 1956. The wife gave birth to David, two sons, Valentine and Paul. They also had a foster son, Jason, who died in 1989, the cause of which was an overdose of drugs.

David McCallum photo

Jill and David parted in 1967.The wife left the actor for another man, who became Charles Bronson. With this person she was introduced by McCallum himself while working on the picture "The Great Escape", she married him immediately after the divorce. Soon after parting with his first wife, he again decided to tie himself up in marriage. His second wife was Catherine Carpenter. Soon after the wedding, David again became a father, at first the couple had a son Peter, then daughter Sofia.

The second marriage of the actor was happier than the first.The husband and wife have lived their souls in the soul for many years, their house is in New York. Children have already managed to repeatedly make a movie star grandfather, which he is very happy. In his free time, the couple is engaged in charity.

Photos of David McCallum can be seen in the article.