/ / Russian folk costume and its use

Russian folk costume and its use

Throughout the centuries the Russian people have all theirfeelings expressed in song and dance. The song was accompanied by work on the house and the fulfillment of the hard duties of the plowman, and the dance often had some magical meaning, which consisted in invoking good weather and favorable conditions for the future harvest.

Russian people from the people have always been verysensitive to beauty, which at all times, even the most difficult, has lived and continues to live in the soul of any of us. Unbelievable craving for the Beautiful finds its embodiment in works of architecture, sculpture and painting that are created professionally, and simple peasants also could realize this aspiration, but only in various objects of everyday life or creating their own unique external appearance.

Предметы одежды, которую простые крестьянки в villages on long winter evenings sewed and knit themselves, now are perceived as genuine works of art. Can a Russian folk costume be a work of art? After all, an anonymous master, creating it, did not think about creating something eternal ... Many foreigners, visiting the museums of folk art, called the Russian folk costume made of rough canvas and half-decayed by time, just rubbish, subject to immediate destruction as something completely unnecessary. But is it possible to destroy the very soul of the people - after all, in the simple Russian folk costume and household items, so many feelings were put in ...

Нет, русский народный костюм не умирает, просто can not die and be forgotten. If you look closely at those samples that have been preserved in museums, you can see and comprehend those secrets that are hidden in the ornaments, shape and color solution of the costume, which gradually turns for us into the thread that connects the present and the past, modernity and history. You can not forget your genealogy.

In many countries folk costume is carefully preservedis preserved and enjoys great honor. We have recently observed an interesting process of revival of national traditions. Visiting classes of folklore groups has become extremely popular among young people, and the traditions of Russian costume are successfully used by eminent fashion designers to create completely unique collections.

Modern costume in the national style is now possibleoften seen on young modern girls on the streets and fashion shows, and such outfits meet with unchanged applause. A characteristic feature of the Russian costume is the softness and smoothness of the lines. A girl wearing a sundress does not just walk down the street or on stage. It's like floating or slipping - it's because of this that the girl in the people has always been called pavo, wiggle or fatigue, thereby emphasizing the smoothness of the girl's gait and the slowness and dimensionality of her movements and resemblance to the bird.

Now the folk costume is real.a source of inspiration for many designers of clothes, finding in it a real treasure trove for their ideas. Now cover, the combination of color and the ornament of folk costumes are widely used in the creation of new collections of fashionable clothes. Moreover, new trends appeared in fashion and styles of clothing - ethnic and folklore.

Costumes for folk dances, which area wonderful addition to this popular art form, help to better reveal the content of the dance, harmoniously combining with it and not conflicting with the depth that is contained in it.

Russian costume, being one of the mostmass and ancient forms of decorative and applied folk art, is characterized by a special breadth of artistic and cultural ties, as well as incredible wealth and variety of forms. It is not just clothing, but a holistic artistic and harmonious ensemble consisting of various well-combined garments, shoes and various ornaments.