The day of the tenth anniversary of the wedding is wonderfulan excuse to gather good friends, sum up the interim results of the past period. But on holidays it is not customary to come empty-handed. What to give for 10 years of the wedding, this article will tell.
What is the name of the ten-year wedding anniversary
The tenth “family birthday” is called “tin” or “pink wedding”.
Relations are already strong and proven, for theseFor ten years the couple has experienced many good and not so good moments. Spouses have learned to understand and predict each other. There were periods of sadness and sorrow. Repeatedly happened insults, quarrels and friction. But a way out of any confusing life problem was successfully found. It exists, and there is always room for compromise. Despite the fact that it is metal, and it is quite durable, tin products are quite flexible, and this is symbolic.
Розовый – цвет романтики.Having lived for a long time with each other, people forget about the importance of small, pleasant gifts, like dinner by candlelight. The task of the “pink wedding” is to restore the relationship between the newlyweds a decade ago.
How to celebrate
Ten years, whatever one may say, is an anniversary.Despite all the high cost of our life, once a decade it is still worth finding the means and possibilities for organizing a “wide” party with a large number of guests.
It does not have to be a restaurant. If you are “lucky enough” to marry in the warm season, a trip to the camp site to the river will only emphasize the uniqueness of the event.
The decoration must have a pink theme. Ask all the guests to add the desired color to the clothes — shoes, tie, dress, butterfly, or shirt.
It is easy to find dishes of this color even onmarket, not to mention the specialty stores. There you can also choose a tablecloth and napkins. Rose wine will be nice to complement the overall atmosphere and blend in harmoniously with it.
Lovers will gladly find their foodhappiness, pouring fish sauce rose color. Sweet tooths will appreciate the rose jam. So if you are in Bulgaria shortly before the celebration, be sure to buy a couple of jars of this pleasure.
It is customary to invite those guests to such a celebrationwho were at your main wedding. Even if you don’t communicate with them for a long time, this is an excellent reason to restore your former friendship. But do not forget about the comrades with whom he met already during the marriage.
Tin gifts
A gift to buy is easy. It is only important to choose it correctly. "What to give for 10 years of wedding, made of tin" - a simple question.
Frequent "tin" gifts arefigurines, bottle stand (always with a sparkling drink), forks, spoons (easy to find with congratulatory inscriptions). Often give knives, a mirror with a frame, amulets, home furnishings, trays, glasses, glass holders.
Pink souvenirs
If none of the tin has attracted, you should pay attention to the "gentle colors." What to give for a 10 year old wedding in pink is also easy to come up with.
The most "pink" item available is a rose.The vast majority of guests, if not all, will bring as a gift a bouquet of these beautiful flowers. Given this, it will be wonderful if someone gives a vase in which roses can be put. And then place it in the most visible place. "Queen of Flowers" will successfully fit into any interior and diversify it.
Wedding day. 10 years.What to give? In addition to everything, a pink bed set, blanket, bedspread, scented candles, a bathrobe (or two), a picture, a dinner set or a ward (house, bell) are often presented for ten years of wedding. Any interior can be supplemented with an aquarium with a pink fish. This gift is still worth pre-negotiate with the heroes of the occasion. If the aquarium is still too bulky, the figurines of the pink fish or the tree of happiness will not leave anyone indifferent.
Nevertheless, the pewter wedding is 10 years of marriage. What to give from stones on such a date? On this anniversary a good choice are carnelian and agate.
10 years of wedding, what to give spouses?
Although the anniversary is topical,ordinary valuables are always relevant. Jewelry, home appliances, a box of chocolates or a cake will never lose their relevance. And believe me, no one will be offended if the gift is not pink or tin.
Whatever you choose, be sure to preparea speech in which you describe the value and importance of friendship with the newlyweds, as well as the reasons for choosing this particular gift. It is very touching when verses sound at celebrations. Even if you are not a poet, you can always find a suitable option in the vast expanses of the network. Warmer soul will be at all.
Gift to spouse
10 years of wedding. What to give his wife? It would seem that for so many years together she had already received everything she wanted.
According to a long tradition, the wife needs to give eleven beautiful roses. Ten red - for each year and eleventh white as a symbol of further happy life.
In addition, the pink look will be harmonious.“Flash drive”, laptop, mobile phone, organizer, diary, tablet, e-book, cup with a joint photo, photo in frame, magnet on the fridge.
Tin jewelry - earrings, rings, pendants will be useful. And surely it is difficult to find a woman who would not be happy with a casket made from this alloy.
A certificate in a beauty salon, a trip to the resort, a gift certificate to your favorite store will be gratefully accepted. And the pink car will make your beloved literally “squeak” from happiness.
Sprinkle the bed with petals of roses, and the spouse will be in a good mood for the week ahead. They are sold in every flower shop.
Если романтические эмоции стали постепенно “Fade out”, re-ignite the fire of emotions will help re-registration of marriage! In the registry office will gladly meet you and hold a solemn ceremony with the march of Mendelssohn. That's just about another "anniversary" stamp in the passport, most likely, will not be able to agree.
Spouse gift
10 years of wedding. What to give to her husband? He doesn't seem to need anything ...
For ten years, people usually know each other's character quite well. Based on this, even before going to the store, you can decide on a souvenir, even if he doesn’t need anything.
If suddenly your betrothed loves beer, give him a tin mug. He will surely find a use for her, and she will always be visible.
An avid chess player will like a board with figures poured from tin.
Lovers of military subjects will like an exact replica of cold weapons or firearms, which immediately find their permanent place on the wall or on a transparent shelf.
Tin - metal is quite rare. If you decide to make things to order, you should discuss the work with the master in advance. I am glad that the metal is inexpensive and the final product does not hit the wallet.
По поверью, муж должен весь день проходить с a tin spoon in your pocket, and before bedtime you place it under your pillow. But since the spouse must buy a spoon, you will donate it! And he will not be able to refuse to participate in this ritual.
But not every man becomes attached to traditions. Presented to the car navigator, winter tires, DVR can please him much stronger.
Now you will not get lost when you hear the question "What to give for 10 years of wedding?".