If you start to consider wedding anniversaries byyears, the very first to which it is worth paying attention - this is a green wedding. The day young people get married. Since ancient times, on this day, everyone was decorated with flowers and young people were presented with large wedding bouquets. The next wedding is calico. This is the name

Glass or paper
Here came the second year of marriage, and iflook at the wedding anniversaries by year, then we will see that this day has the name of a paper or glass wedding. What are paper and glass? These are two fragile materials that can be easily ruined and broken. So marriage with a small age of two years is still fragile, and the spouses need to treat each other very gently and with understanding in order to carry their love further to the next date. Basically, on this day, young people are given everything that is made of paper or glass.
Three years flew by
Another year of many-sided matrimonial life has passed. And the wedding dates by year tell us that today we can celebrate a leather wedding. Leather is already material

The sixth year has gone
And so five years flew by, spouses and not look backmanaged as quickly passed these first five years. We look at wedding anniversaries by year and see that this is the year of a wooden wedding. The tree has a deep root that does not allow it to fall and keeps straight, and also feeds it. In humans, the roots are children who bind each other more and more closely to each other. On the day of the anniversary, it is supposed to give gifts made of wood, it's so nice to look at such things.
Ten years, as there was not

Further there will be other wedding anniversaries by year.It is believed that the most important of them - 25 years of marriage - a silver wedding, as well as a golden wedding, when the spouses have 50 years of marriage together. May God grant every family to live up to the golden wedding, and there and then it is possible.