/ What does Angelina Jolie say about her tattoo?

What does Angelina Jolie say about her tattoo?

tatu angelina jolie
The famous American actress Angelina Jolieis considered not only very talented, but also the sexiest woman on the planet. In addition to beauty, nature has endowed her with such qualities as kindness, compassion, willingness to help. You can even say that today this woman is famous not so much for her roles, how many charitable activities.

Why does Angelina help people?This is her worldview, this makes her happy. In addition to good deeds, we can tell a lot about this unusual woman by her tattoo. Angelina Jolie - owner of a large number of drawings on the body.

As she herself admits, each of them is very important for her. All this reminds her of the specific moments of her life.

One of her tattoo Angelina Jolie made in the Scottish salon. It happened at night, when the actress was "tipsy". As a result, on her hip for a long time there was a small blue dragon.

After a while, she made anothertattoo. Angelina Jolie decided to capture on her body the name of her then-husband - Billy Bob Thornton. However, very soon the girl realized that this was a reckless step. And once again, having gone to the tattoo parlor, she concealed both the blue dragon and the name of the former lover under the black cross of a rather large size. Angelina jokes that when she wears jeans with a low waist, it seems that in her pants her sword is hidden.

tatu angelella jolie photo
Next to the cross there is another interesting tattoo.Angelina Jolie decided to leave one of her life mottos on her body. The inscription in Latin translates something like this: "What nourishes us, can kill us." It is symbolic that these words are located on the stomach.

Anyone can see the tattoo of Angelina Jolie, whose photos are in huge numbers on the covers of glossy magazines. This article also provides some images.

Next to the elbow fold with the actress for a long timewas the Roman number XIII. According to Angelina herself, it means her independence from the signs. Many people are afraid of the number thirteen or, for example, black cats running across the road. Angelina Jolie is free from such prejudices.

However, the aforementioned tattoo severalhas changed. Now, along with several other assigned symbols, it looks like XIII V MCMXL. What does this mean? Angelina Jolie has said many times about what she considers the genius of Winston Churchill. The date of his election to the post of First Secretary of England and flaunted on her hand.

On the lower back, the actress is depicteda large dragon, a Bengal tiger, and a window. Animals, according to the Eastern beliefs, bring happiness, luck, strength and wealth to their bearer. The window denotes the love of Angelina Jolie to travel.

tatu angelina joly translation
One of the most unusual actress tattoosis a five-line inscription on the shoulder blade. It is made in a very rare language - Khmer. If you decipher this Angelina Jolie tattoo, the translation will be something like this:

"And let your enemies leave you,

And let the richness be left with you forever,

And may your beauty be like the beauty of Apsara,

And wherever you follow,

Let many follow you, protecting you. ”

This is not all the tattoos available on the body of Angelina. They say that some of them are even in intimate places. But the actress for certain reasons, of course, does not apply to them.