/ / Do I need to remove pubic hair?

Do I need to remove pubic hair?

To date, there is evidence thatalready in the days of Ancient Egypt there was a tradition that provides for the removal of pubic hair. Then for this purpose a mixture was used, which included sugar with wax. Also, special blades were used, with the help of which the pubic hair was shaved. They looked like modern scissors. And this procedure was done by representatives of both sexes. Further, this custom was adopted by the Romans along with the Greeks.

pubic hair

In the fourteenth century, these habits reachedabsurdity. Representatives of the elite elite not only shaved off their pubic hair, but also in every possible way decorated the intimate places with special wigs. Material for their production was used only natural.

As for our time, to a greater extentshave pubic hair of a representative of the weaker sex. But lately men have been doing this more and more often. And they both do this solely for aesthetic reasons. However, scientists wanted to find out if pubic hair has any function, because nature does not just do it.

removal of pubic hair

One of the versions to which these people came,ascribes to them the function of retaining the aromas of the pheromones released. These are such special chemicals that our body produces, informing the partner of the readiness for copulation.

Another theory, according to scientists, isThis hair creates a kind of barrier that prevents the penetration of various bacteria along with viruses from the environment, which can cause various sexual diseases (mostly it concerns women, since vegetation protects the vaginal passage). Here, an analogy is made with the functions that are performed by the nasal hair. But when it comes to men, it's completely unclear why they are absent from the foreskin or the head of the male organ, because it is through it that various infections come in.

pubic hair falls out

There is a third assumption.It explains the presence of the scalp in that it provides heat to the genitals, thereby ensuring proper functioning. It is this that explains why the scrotum has a strong embryo. If you believe this hypothesis, then when a man has pubic hair, there may be a violation in heat exchange.

So it is worth removing hair from this delicateplaces or need to leave them? My opinion is that every person should decide for himself. If we take into account the fact that modern people protect this area with clean linen (which also helps maintain the necessary temperature), it is worth removing them. After all, a warm and moist environment can contribute to the fact that it will multiply various microbes that can have a harmful effect on the human body.

Well, if you approach this issue withaesthetic side, then some men prefer that their partners have no hair on their genitals, and some want to see different hairdressing masterpieces. In general, it is a matter of everyone's taste.