/ / Curling hair: types, methods and techniques

Hair curling: types, methods and technique of performing

Many girls dream of gorgeous curlycurls. This technique allows you to create a different image. This can be a daily or evening hairstyle. There are many techniques that allow you to wind the hair, creating a different structure. These are universal methods that are used for both long and short hair. What are the types of hair curling, their features will be discussed in detail later.

Historical reference

Curling hair today, as before, is onpeak of popularity. Methods of carrying out this process are being improved, complex equipment is used, capable of creating curls of the required shape. At the same time, the beauty industry offers many gentle curling options that do not harm hair.

Curl on medium hair

Fashion curls originates from the time of the AncientGreece The most popular hairstyle in those days was curls, which were divided by parting and retracted. For curling used special rods of iron. They were called kalimasas. The fashion of ancient Greece became popular in ancient Rome. The women of this state liked steeply curled locks, which were complemented with a pile. For this purpose, metal sticks were used, rods.

With the birth of the Baroque style in Spain in the 17th century,which spread throughout Europe, there have been significant changes in fashion. France became the legislator of style. Here became a complex, voluminous hairstyles. They necessarily evolved from curled locks. Decorated such hairstyles with lace and ribbons. Hair after curling was laid on complex schemes.

Fashion curls preserved in the Rococo era.Over time, acquired the popularity of ancient notes, which are also transmitted using curls. In the 19th and 20th centuries, short and medium hairstyles became fashionable. For them also used different types of curling. Fashion for such hairstyles periodically returns, intertwined with modern styles.

Curl hair curl made possible byemergence at the end of the 19th century forceps. At the beginning of the 20th century, a chemical method of curling was invented. Modern technology does not stand still. Invented many types of creating curls and curls on the curls of different lengths.


Today, many methods are used forcreate beautiful curls. They are based on different technologies. Conventionally, all techniques can be divided into temporary and chemical hair perm. They differ in a number of parameters.

Temporary perm is most often done at home.on their own. However, in beauty salons can do styling or hairstyle based on this technology. Such a perm remains on the hair for a maximum of 2-3 days. After shampooing, the strands will become straight again. Such techniques perms include the use of curlers, curling, weaving different braids, the use of irons.

Types of perm

Chemical types of a hair curling allow to windcurls for a long time. Typically, the duration of preservation of hair curls is 2-3 months. Curls straighten gradually. Creating a similar styling at home is almost impossible. This procedure is performed exclusively in beauty salons. Perm includes many approaches and techniques. They are different chemicals that are used to create hairstyles, as well as the appearance of curls after such processing.

Стоит учесть, что в большинстве случаев временная Curling will be more gentle for the hair. She has practically no contraindications. Chemical types of styling involve the use of different drugs. They can significantly worsen the condition of the hair. There are also a number of restrictions that must be considered before going to the beauty salon.

Chemical methods are not allowedpeople who take hormonal medications, as well as girls during pregnancy and lactation. For newly dyed hair, this technique is also rarely used. Otherwise, even professional hair care products will not help to revive damaged hair.

Types of chemical methods

Talking about chemical types of hair curling,you need to consider the techniques in the context of drugs that are used in the processing of curls. One of the oldest technologies is acid perm. This technology allows the strands to be in a wound state for a long time. However, this method greatly affects the condition of the hair. Therefore, it is used only for healthy curls of all hair types.

Types of Curling

Alkaline may also be used for curling.the foundation. In this case, the chemical has less impact on the hair structure than the previous type of drugs. However, the maximum duration of perm is 3 months. This method has some limitations. Before using it, you need to consult a specialist. For some types of hair, these chemicals are not suitable.

Another type of chemical hair perm isamino acid based technique. Such substances during the procedure penetrate deep into the hair. They accelerate the recovery process of the rod, so that the hair looks natural. This method is suitable for all types of hair.

Also sparing technique is neutralcurling method. This is the only technology based on chemical components, which is even suitable for damaged hair. The drug interacts with the strands very gently. Therefore, this technology does not spoil the hair.

If a girl's hair is naturally curly,lush, you can use a chemical method based on an acid base in combination with thioglycolic acid. In this case, there is no effect of swelling. The structure becomes more expressive, but the effect does not last long. For even hair, this technique is not suitable.

Varieties of chemical perms

Curling hair for a long time can bemade by different technologies. In this case, the curls themselves take one or another form. If you need to make a light perm for long hair, you should prefer the spiral method of curling curls. In this case, the wave will be easy, and the image - romantic.

You can make a perm "on the pigtail."This option is suitable for haircuts below shoulder level. After treatment with a chemical preparation, the strand is braided into a tight pigtail. Its tip is also wound on bobbins. Waves will be small and frequent.

Curling tongs

Curling hair for a long time canperformed with the help of papillotok. In this case, the curls will be large and airy. Hair will look natural. This is a popular way to curl today.

If the hair is of medium length, you can wind it up on a special hairpin. It is not made of metal. The wave takes on a specific, unusual look.

Also popular is the double way.waving. It is suitable for medium and long hair. In this case, half of the strand is wound in a vertical position, and the other - horizontal. The hairstyle looks original and stylish. You can also wind one strand with two bobbins. The upper one has a larger diameter. From the middle of the strand is applied the second bobbin. The diameter of the curls is unequal.

Radical perm is performed only at the base of the strands. It allows you to harmonize the look of the grown long-term perm or simply adds volume to the hair.

The most benign is the "children's" chemistry.In this case, do not wear a polyethylene cap on your head. Through it stretch the strands and perform the procedure winding. The chemical does not touch the skin. Therefore, this perm is suitable for almost everyone.


Specialists of beauty salons offer theirclients new curling techniques for short hair, medium and long strands. They apply innovative technology. One of the most popular and gentle types of such long-term laying is biowave. It is not only gentle, but also useful for hair.

The technique is based on the use of components, inthe composition of which does not include chemical, synthetic substances. Hair after such treatment remains elastic, shiny. The winding procedure can be performed by different methods. The procedure takes place in three stages. First, the strands are wound on curlers, bobbins, etc. They are treated with a substance that nourishes the strands with protein.

Curling on long hair

The second stage involves the application of anothercomposition. It thickens the protein that strands saturate. The third stage involves the application of another substance. It returns the natural acid-base balance of the hair, fixes the curl in the wound state.

This is the most modern hair curling.Large curls or small curls can hold for 3-9 months. In this case, the hairstyle will be perfect in all conditions. The biowave allows to keep a hair shine, having given them naturalness. Curls remain healthy. This type of curling even applies to damaged, dyed hair.

Recommendations of specialists

Perform a perm on short hair, medium orlong curls with the use of chemicals, you need to follow a number of recommendations. To keep your hair beautiful for a long time, you need to follow a number of simple rules.

If the curls were wound by a chemical method, theirDo not wash with very hot water, use a hair dryer with a high temperature of the air flow for 3-5 days. Also can not be used for styling tongs, heated hair rollers. This can lead to a weakening of curls.

Curler on curlers

It is necessary to apply in the process of washing the head only.Special medical shampoos, balms. You can also make masks. A complex of special compositions can be selected by a master who performs a perm. These products nourish the hair, moisturize the scalp.

Periodically need to visit the hairdresserfor trimming the split ends of the strands. This will give the hairstyle a healthy, natural look. You can use special tools to improve the state of the curl tips after such treatment. In this case, perm on medium hair, long or short curls will look impressive.


There are many ways to create temporaryPerm at home. To do this, use different techniques. Perm on medium hair, as well as short strands performed with the help of clips. For long curls, this method is not suitable. To do this, wash your hair with shampoo and balm. Strands need a little dry. At the same time they should remain a bit wet.

Each strand is separated and combed.Then it is wound on a finger. With the help of the clamp strand fix. In total, there are about 30 such rings from the hair. Fix the curls on the left and right side in 2 rows. If the structure of the hair is thin, a little styling mousse can be applied to it before performing this procedure. In this case, the curls will remain in the desired state for a long time. To prevent strands from spinning, the clamps should be closed with a special mesh. She is put on her head until the strands are completely dry. It is best to perform the procedure in the evening. In the morning the clips can be removed. Hair curling irons create a similar effect.


Another interesting way to create an interestingThe structure of the hair is braiding. This technique is suitable for medium hair. You can vary the size of the wave, choosing a particular thickness of the braids. It is necessary to prepare the hair in the same way as when using clamps. Next, the strands are evenly divided, combed. After that, weave pigtails. The tip can be fixed with a thread, a small rubber band, or screwed with a curler.

Curling braids

Thin braids will make your hair lush.After the hair is completely dry, pigtails loose. Further, without using a comb, curls straighten. To do this, you can also use a hair dryer with a cold stream of hair, or gently shake the hair with your fingers. If you comb your hair, it will become very voluminous. Many people do not like this effect.

To create a similar effect, apply alsospecial ironing and curling hair. Nozzles on such devices have a corrugated surface. The result is to create the effect of wavy hair. Unlike braids, all waves will be the same size. So the hairstyle looks more spectacular and neater. Such hair straighteners and curlers with special nozzles are used to create the entire hairstyle or only some of its elements.


Самым традиционным способом является применение hair curlers. Large curls of medium and long length will look as impressive as possible when using such tools. Curlers can be used for both cold and hot wrap. The second option allows you to get the desired result within 10 minutes after twisting the strands. Cold perm is done in the evening before bedtime.

Curlers can be of different sizes.There are both very small and large varieties. Usually about 20 pieces of such devices are used for curling. Twist curls need evenly. Each subsequent coil should go in the middle of the first. You also need to slightly stretch the strands. Today, papilotki are also used for these purposes. These are flexible rods that are easy to apply for curling hair.

Tongs or curling iron

One of the most popular devices forHome and salon styling are tongs or curling iron. This device has a lot of varieties. The choice depends on the length of the curls, their structure. Hair curlers can be made from different materials.

There are varieties that do not spoilhair. Their surface is made of a special material that ionizes the hair. As a result, they do not lose their brilliance. However, the cost of such products will be much higher. Also, the rod may be of different diameter. You can purchase curling irons with different nozzles. In this case, you can create different hairstyles, the most appropriate image of the girl.

Having considered the methods and technologies of curling hair, you can choose for yourself the best option for creating a spectacular and unique hairstyle.