/ / Biohair eyelashes: pros and cons

Eyelash biosynthesis: the pros and cons

Curly eyelashes girls make look moremysterious, and the eyes visually expand. You can achieve this effect in several ways: use a curler for a short curl of your eyelashes or do a salon procedure that will last for about a month. The most optimal procedure for creating the correct bend is biowave eyelashes.

Key features of the procedure

Many girls are looking for the most simple and safeways to highlight your natural beauty. This is especially true of an area of ​​the face like eyes and eyebrows. In modern cosmetology uses a variety of procedures aimed at lengthening, color design and an increase in eyelash volume.

procedure implementation

If eyelash extensions sometimes lead to horribleconsequences, the biowave of eyelashes is considered safer. Manufacturers of curling agents based on biologically active substances indicate that all components are completely natural.

The procedure is suitable only for those who are from naturelong eyelashes. On short hairs also do biowave, but the effect will be completely different. In the process of execution, the hairs are wringed and fixed.

Effect is held for 2 or 3 months,since the full hair renewal period is exactly 90 days. In order not to carry out a full-fledged procedure every time, it is sufficient to carry out the correction at least once every 1.5 months.

Types of curlers for eyelashes and their differences

Initially a very popular procedure forA visual increase in eyelashes was a perm. Over time, began to use other substances in the work. Thanks to the gentle composition, the procedure has been called a biochemical perm. The principle of the procedure itself remains the same, but the substances have different effects and properties.

The differences in bio-and chemical curling eyelashes are presented in the table.



Approximately the same substances are used as when curling hair on the head: adhesive, astringent and anchoring

Compositions for biowave eyelashes more resistant to external influences and gently affect the hair structure

High risk of complete hair loss

Partial hair loss. Often does not affect the thickness of the eyelashes

May cause acute allergy to substance components.

There are few cases of manifestations of allergic reactions to the components.

More resistant and runs much faster. The result is always positive.

Sometimes curling the eyelashes is not fully obtained the first time. The full effect is realized as a result of several corrections.

When performing any of the procedures, you can use any kind of cosmetics, sunbathe and bathe without restrictions.

To further improve the appearance of eyelashes, you can additionally resort to other types of procedures: dyeing, lamination. Sometimes they are combined into a complex - it all depends on the condition of the hairs.

Tool kits

Set for biowave eyelashes you can buyindependently, it is not necessary to use those that the salon offers. The cost varies depending on the brand and the number of devices and tools in the set.

preparation for the procedure

In the standard version, the kit is represented by the following components:

  • Several rollers of different diameter.
  • Means for degreasing hairs.
  • Emollient.
  • Fixing agent.
  • Glue for initial bending fixation.
  • Liquid for hydration and nutrition.
  • Lotion to remove chemical residues.

Some manufacturers add cosmetics for further care of eyelashes, expanding the range. Each submitted item can be purchased separately.

How is biowave

Кажется, что сделать биозавивку ресниц (фото The procedures below are very simple. Some even try to make improvements in appearance on their own. This presents a risk to the eyelashes and the eyesight. It is better to choose a studio for biowave eyelashes. The institution will perform everything qualitatively, without risk to health and beauty.

Sometimes Botox is additionally used forbiowave eyelashes. This component serves as an enhancer for the structure of hairs, filling their voids. Botox-based biowave is less popular due to the short-term effect, since the last layer of protective substance is not applied for fixation.

First you need to go through a test-reaction toallergic reactions. A day before the procedure, it is worth putting a chemical agent on the elbow bend and wait a few minutes. If itching or redness appears, the biowave cannot be performed.

step instructions biowave

The procedure is carried out in several steps:

  1. First, the wizard removes all color cosmetics from the hairs with a gentle means.
  2. After the hairs are degreased and preferably combed with a special brush so that the tool penetrates from all sides of the hair.
  3. Under the length of the eyelashes is selected a special roller with a suitable diameter. The roller is fixed with cosmetic glue on the upper eyelid.
  4. The hairs are evenly distributed over the surface of the rod so that there are no weaves or large distances between them.
  5. After the hairs applied a special adhesive substance, which will provide the first stage of fixation of the curl. To heat a substance, the work area is covered with polyethylene or a lint-free cloth.
  6. After the main chemical is laid, it is worth holding it for about half an hour. After the time, you need to remove the composition with a special cloth.
  7. To preserve the integrity of the hairs and additional fixation, a moisturizing conditioner is applied.
  8. After 15 minutes of exposure, the conditioner is also removed. Eyelashes comb and make final styling.
  9. The last step will be applying a cooling lotion, which is removed after 2-3 minutes with a cotton pad.

In general, the procedure takes 1 hour. The result is instant and one hundred percent.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Biowave eyelashes reviews are very different, but the opinion of people is often biased due to other factors. It is worth considering the real situations that arise after the procedure.

Pros and cons of biowave presented in the table.



Improves the shape of eyelashes, which visually makes the incision of the eye large

Sometimes there are effects that affect the function of the eyes.

The look becomes more expressive.

The hairs become discolored, which leads to the need to dye eyelashes

Removes the need for constant use of the curler.

The hairs can fall out uncontrollably after a few corrections.

Does not require special care

Hairs require a long recovery after stopping the procedure.

Minimum number of contraindications for further use

Fragility and dryness of hairs increase

Saves time in the process of applying makeup

Effectively and safely carried out only in the cabin

100% effect for a short time

The high cost of the procedure and set for its implementation

Many problems with the deterioration of the eyelashescan be avoided by doing biowave periodically. Permanent corrections can negatively affect the porosity of the hairs, but they will create an amazing image for a long time.

Before and after

Photos after biowave eyelashes showone hundred percent change in the appearance of a girl or woman. Visually, the face seems more open and attractive. Even without makeup, the hairs on the upper eyelid look neat and generally visually visible. Before and after biowave eyelashes woman looks different dramatically.

before and after the procedure

Sometimes the results are deplorable. The reason for brittleness and loss can be poor-quality materials, non-compliance with the holding time of fixers on the hairs, poor state of the eyelashes.

Biowave or another option?

In addition to improving the curl eyelashes perform a numberauxiliary cosmetic procedures that improve the appearance characteristics. The lamination of the eyelashes is very popular. Many cosmetologists say that lamination is much better for hairs, and the effect of the curl is the same.

Therefore, many customers salons arisequestion: what do they need - biowave or lamination lashes? Usually the master tells about all the benefits and features of each of the services. It is worth considering some nuances regarding each process and result.

What is the difference between eyelash biowave and eyelash lamination?

  1. Lamination provides not only a curl of eyelashes, but also nourishes them. At the same time, the substances used in the lamination process penetrate the roots of the eyelashes and strengthen them.
  2. The lamination procedure itself allows you to darken the bright areas of the hairs, and the biowave, on the contrary, brightens the texture.
  3. Different means are used to carry out the procedure, and the result regarding the formation of the form is almost the same.
  4. After lamination, the effect of bending disappears much earlier than after curling by biological methods.
  5. Fills the empty pores of damaged hairs inThe process of lamination is a special tool, and biologically active substances of chemistry destroy the structure. In this case, after lamination, staining is not required. After biochemistry, sometimes there is a need to give color.

List the differences between procedures.it is possible further. All the difference lies in the fact that lamination gives lashes not only an attractive look, but also heals them, nourishes, restores color and structure.

Some experts recommend thatpre-staining. Then the girl should use special tweezers for curling her eyelashes for a while. After such a workout, the client will decide for himself what procedure he wishes to do.

Precautions and Contraindications

Eyelash biowave falls into that categorycosmetic procedures that carry health risks. The procedure itself seems completely harmless and simple, but adverse reactions occur precisely after the incarnation.

possible allergic reactions

Negative reactions to the procedure:

  1. Within a few days after the procedure canmanifest increased eye sensitivity. Sometimes there is a deterioration of vision. Therefore, people who have problems with the eyes, it is better not to resort to this kind of cosmetic services.
  2. Some components may appear.allergic reactions that may manifest themselves in different ways. Remove the results of the reaction of the body can be antihistamine drugs. But girls and women with increased sensitivity to many components is better not to risk it.
  3. If a beauty salon or studio is usedreusable tools at work, eye disease may occur. A common option is conjunctivitis. There are many drugs that will remove the symptoms, but there is little pleasant in the treatment and course of the disease.

If there is some doubt about one of the points, it is worth thinking about the need for a procedure.


Eyelash biowave is considered completely harmlessfor hair structure. After going through the procedure, the beautician does not give any special recommendations regarding the care. The only recommendation would be advice on strengthening and nourishing eyelashes.

Beauticians offer a procedure that cancarry out after biowave and on ordinary eyelashes, - strengthening with warm oil. It is better to use castor, almond or burdock oil. Heat medium to room temperature and apply on eyelashes. No need to impose too much substance.

eyelash care

Hold the oil is not more than 2 hours.After a time, remove the substance with a wet wipe. If the napkin does not clean the eyes well, then you can wash yourself with slightly warm water without using soap. Soak the area of ​​the eye with a towel.

Another wish is correctexploitation. It is recommended not to sleep face down in the pillow. This can affect the fold of the eyelashes, distorting the shape of the curl. Do not rub the eyes after moisture ingress - soak it with a towel or wait for self-drying.

Testimonials of those who tried

Eyelash biowave reviews has morepositive than negative. Many women like the result. Some girls are dissatisfied with the result if the eyelashes were originally short and damaged. In addition to the noted result, positive feedback also applies to further use. Basically, no special conditions for maintaining the shape of the curl are needed.

For many fashionistas, the cost is not too high, so you should not consider price reviews. In addition, the pricing policy of salons and the cost of the set itself can be completely different.

make-up after biowave

Those who want to make a biowave, but notmay decide, the reviews are simply necessary. This is a kind of "book of complaints and suggestions," from which you can take advice for yourself. Those who share personal experience recommend contacting salons with a good reputation. This is the main guarantee of quality and good results.