/ Why do the roots of hair on the head ache?

Why do the roots of hair on the head ache?

Happens, that sensation, when roots of hair onhead, we leave without much attention, because just removed an intricate styling. The pain caused by the tight bundle will go away by itself in a few minutes, it's only the hair come to its natural position. And what if the unpleasant sensations arise literally from scratch, for no apparent reason? We will try to understand this problem.

Sick roots of hair

Do you have enough nutrition for the roots?

If you have regular hair roots, and you do notyou can guess what is the reason, first of all, analyze whether the scalp of the nutrition is sufficient both from the outside and from the inside. The modern rhythm of life is often accompanied by stresses, nervous disorders, snacks on the run, lack of oxygen and beneficial microelements. The scalp, like all organs, needs vitamins, which can only provide a balanced quality nutrition. Bulb hair needs massage and regular blood flow. In this regard, remember how often you wash your head and how much time do you spend on massage with combing your hair with a good natural comb? Trying to answer the question, why do the roots of hair hurt, analyze how much of the styling you use every day? Perhaps, it is in the numerous mousses, foams and varnishes that the cause of pain is covered?

Why do the roots of hair hurt?

When can there be pain?

As we found out, the most common painthe sensation on the hair bulbs is an overly tight hairstyle. Also, the roots of the hair on the head and when combing, with hair overturning and even when laying, hurt. All these sensations can not be ignored. The body through the hair bulbs signals to you that it's time to take some measures. Further, let us take a closer look at the causes of unpleasant sensations, and also consider measures to prevent them.

Improper scalp care

How often do you buy a detergent,balms and masks, not at all suitable for your hair type? It happens that there is no time to search for a suitable remedy, and we take in the store any advertised shampoo, which is not intended for our hair type. Or my mother gives a beautifully packaged set for the next holiday, which is a pity to throw out, that's what I have to use. But in vain. After all, the hair follicles will not say "thank you", but the answer to the question: "Why do the roots of hair on the head ache?" Lies on the surface. An even more prosaic reason is the regular use of combs of cheap plastic, against which the head rebelled.

The roots of hair on the head ache

How to fix the situation?

Чтобы предотвратить последствия, используйте hygienic products suitable for your hair, or better consult with a cosmetologist. Forget about cheap scallops that can only irritate the scalp. Acquire a good wooden comb or massage comb with round, smooth and natural teeth. And more hair should be given a rest from the chemical compositions included in the styling products. Therefore, if the roots of hair ache, do complex laying with fixation only on holidays. By the way, this also applies to overly tight hairstyles, which should not be created more than 3 times a week. Clean, loose hair, not burdened with chemical compounds - that's the guarantee of preventing pain.

Dry scalp

If the dryness of the skin on the face we can determinevisually, the same problem on the head itself to identify, unfortunately, we can not. About the overdried skin of a head we can guess only on suddenly arisen unpleasant sensations. Therefore, if your hair roots ache, ask a specialist to assess the condition of the skin, tell about peeling, itching, dandruff. All these symptoms are evidence of dry skin.

Why do the roots of hair on the head hurt?

How to prevent a problem?

To prevent excessive dryness of the skinhead, you can use special nourishing and moisturizing masks, balms and shampoos. In addition, the problem of dryness of the scalp may be caused by internal factors, which in this way signal about some significant diseases. Therefore, for the benefit of their own health, it is not superfluous to go to a specialist and a comprehensive solution to the problem.

Improper blood circulation

If the roots of the hair hurt, the cause of this phenomenoncan serve as a failure in the circulation. Symptoms are manifested mainly in people prone to hypertension. This phenomenon - a harbinger of vascular disease. This problem is quite serious, therefore it requires an examination and recommendations of the attending physician. To avoid problems with blood circulation on the head, you should, first of all, stop walking without a headdress during the cold weather. Wear hats, because the headgear in the power to protect the hair bulbs from low temperature and, therefore, from the narrowing of the vessels.

The roots of hair on the vertex hurt

Nervous disorders

At the very beginning of the publication, we went throughall the reasons that are the answer to the question of why the roots of the hair hurt? Stress and nervous disorders can cause a variety of pain, including on the scalp. Try to change the way of life, more be on the open air and have a rest, then unpleasant sensations will disappear by themselves. In the meantime, to ease the pain, perform a gentle, relaxing massage with your fingers using circular motions. During the massage, make sure that the movements are neat and smooth.

Changing a hairstyle

If a woman notices that her roots hurthair on the crown, this can be caused by a change of hair. For example, the left part was transformed into the right part. A change of hair style is necessary for the head, because only in this way it is possible to avoid exhaustion of hair bulbs leading to unwanted hair loss. However, the pain in this case (as well as in the case of a tight hairstyle) is temporary. A sharp change in habitual fixation is always painfully tolerated by hair follicles. In this case, be patient, make an easy restoring massage and think about something good.