Whatever may be said about the nature of the ownersgray-green eyes, it is impossible not to recognize that such a color, reminiscent of sea water, looks fascinating. Let's see how to emphasize its beauty with the help of the correct makeup.
Makeup for green-gray eyes: the right shades
The beauty of gray-green eyes is favorably emphasized.golden, peach, beige, brown, gray-brown shades - they all look very natural and pleasantly contrasted with a fresh cool shade of the eyes, making them even greener. It is not always easy to choose your natural color: be guided by the shade of the skin (light-dark, warm-neutral-cold) and experiment!
Another group of winning shades for gray-green eyes is gray and silver. They are especially good for owners of soft cool skin.

Of course, you can not ignorepurple-violet gamma. Make-up for green-gray eyes with the use of such colors will be amazingly good, and will allow to emphasize the green, but you need to choose your shade. If you are the owner of a soft low-contrast appearance, built on halftones, then complex purple colors with a pronounced gray component will be good. Bright blondes can use more pronounced purple colors, brunettes - plum.

Original and very interesting will lookmakeup under gray-green eyes using copper, pink and silver-turquoise shadows. But all these colors are very risky - instead of a cosmically shining look, you can get the effect of inflamed tear-stained eyelids, and in the latter case - with turquoise shadows - an unfortunate shade will cause the eyes to get lost.
It is desirable that any eyeshadow should have a shimmer, and not be dull - this will emphasize the transparency and the unusual nacreous cold shine characteristic of gray-green eyes.

We select a makeup under gray-green eyes. Celebrity photos
It is always interesting to see what kind of makeup the famous owners of gray-green eyes wear, especially if they have the opportunity to use the services of the best stylists on the planet.
Аманда Байнс - ее, как правило, можно увидеть с air and very natural make-up, emphasizing the transparency of the eyes. She uses shadows either in gray or in beige tones: both look very natural.

Kirstie Ellie possessing gorgeous darkeyebrows, fluffy mane hair and bright contrast appearance, can afford bright lip makeup. To emphasize the eyes, she also uses a minimum of natural or light purple shadows.

Kylie Cuoco is another blonde with gray-green eyes who exposes that there is nothing better than a natural make-up for girls of such a color type.

The following makeup for the green-gray eyes in deeppurple tones, which, incidentally, invented herself Kylie, the audience perceived ambiguous. Eyeshadow was approved by the general public, but such an active plum on the lips, many considered too heavy. However, it cannot be denied that the shade is very well in tune with her skin and looks dramatic.

Erin Heatherton - a gentle blonde with classicgray-green eyes that clearly include both a cool gray tone and warm green. She once again confirms: such bright girls with easily tanning warm skin are good and without bright makeup.

But Erin, besides the natural golden beigescales, often uses doll-pink tones, which, however, are in perfect harmony with her juicy and fresh face. Also on it you can see silvery shadows.

You can also find her good photos with prettysaturated brown shades. In general, owners of any shades of green eyes should look at the chocolate shades. Also such warm luminous blondes are very bright bright red lips.

Emily Browning is one of the most unusual girls.in our selection. Transparent, but not too light gray-green-brown eyes, soft cool skin and dark hair. Sometimes she uses gentle smoky-violet shadows: they perfectly emphasize green eyes.

Not without experimenting with wine lips,complemented by unobtrusive lilac-gray eye makeup. I must admit that such lips really emphasize the unusual green color of the eyes, although they look very binding. In fact, the only thing you can seriously argue about in this makeup is the shade of blush.

Original and fresh looking makeup for green-gray eyes in smoky gray-lilac tones, undoubtedly, chosen by Emily for a new hairstyle.

Makeup for green-gray eyes can alsospy on Jessica Beal, Kristen Stewart, Heidi Klum, Jennifer Connelly, Amy Smart, Olivia Wilde, Natalia Oreiro ... After all, they all have eyes of exactly that color. What pleases is, as a rule, examples of successful makeup, which is quite possible to adopt.