Dandruff causes

If you believe the research data of dermatologists, thenthis problem accompanies a fifth of the world's population. This is not an acne, acne, furunculosis or psoriasis. The problem, which haunts almost 781 million people - dandruff. This seemingly frivolous cosmetic problem can turn a person into an outcast, especially during adolescent maturation, to make you feel constantly uncomfortable and uneasy. In order to understand the essence of the problem, it is necessary to study the dandruff causes.

The idea that dandruff occurs in connection withoverwork and stress is wrong, because the cause of dandruff is the fungus. A fungus called Pityrosporum ovale is a permanent "inhabitant" of the scalp. He usually eats the products of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles. With the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands this fungus does not cause any discomfort. But if the work of sebaceous glands is violated for various reasons, this directly affects the amount of fungus. Oily scalp is a favorite breeding place for fungus. Within a few days, it is divided, and its number increases several times compared to the original. The cells of the scalp begin to actively peel off, forming dandruff.

The study of dandruff causes can not occurgive a clear answer in what is the main reason for its formation. Disturbance of the sebaceous glands can occur due to improper hair care, frequent drying of hair with a hair drier or frequent ironing, due to a violation of the hormonal background, hard water, exhaustion of the body, etc., or a combination of these causes. Therefore, how to cure dandruff can determine the doctor-trichologist, depending on the reasons that caused it. The expert will tell you how to deal with dandruff, this is a very unpleasant problem.

However, you can start the fight against dandruff yourself. If the habitual way of life changes, dandruff causes can be determined independently with a fairly high probability.

The main thing in the fight and prevention with dandruff -use their own hygiene products. And in spite of the fact that the Pityrosporum ovale fungus is present in all people, the use of other people's accessories can contribute to the activation of their own fungus, which will lead to the formation of dandruff.

Culture of nutrition is also importantcondition for the treatment of dandruff. Sweet, floury, fatty, spicy and strongly salty foods can promote the activation of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. It is necessary to drink a large amount of pure quality water, since the scalp usually does not have enough moisture from the body.

Dandruff has a sharp unpleasant odor, so the use of therapeutic shampoos, and eliminates an unpleasant odor, inhibiting the development of the fungus.

Dandruff develops in the oily scalp, soit is necessary to thoroughly wash your head and do a massage to stimulate the circulation of the skin. Special shampoos control the fatiness of the skin, which acts directly on the life of the fungus, reducing it. Some of the products have an exfoliating effect and help to remove scales of the stratum corneum.

Also, oily scalp will help regularapplication of masks. Masks made of white clay remove excess fat. To do this, the mixture of clay should be applied to the scalp and hair, wrapped with a towel, and leave for half an hour. You can prepare a tonic from the roots of burdock. They need to wipe the scalp, which will significantly reduce its fat content.

Dandruff causes the causes of differentpeople and can be complex in nature, so it is necessary to treat with great care the treatment of dandruff and the process of its prevention. Do not hope that everything will pass in time.