/ Eyebrow microblading: reviews. New technology eyebrow tattoo

Microblueing eyebrows: reviews. New eyebrow tattoo technique

When we look at the face of a person, the first thing that directs our eyes is eyebrows. If they are too short or, on the contrary, long, everything changes.

Beauty lessons: a little about eyebrows

Many girls often underestimate the role of eyebrows.In addition to the original preventive function, they emphasize our attractiveness and individuality. And choosing them the right shape, we choose the image of the exterior, making it more expressive.

Watching the truth, it can be said that eyebrowscan both decorate and spoil our face. It all depends on the shape. If you make the wrong choice, it will add us a few years or increase (decrease) some of the facial features.

Fashion eyebrow shape like fashion industryconstantly changing. If earlier thin ones were popular, now they have been replaced by thick, corrected and natural ones. To achieve the desired result, many resort to modern salon procedures, such as tattooing and eyebrow microblading.

Trend of the season

Audrey Hepburn was considered not only a symbolattractiveness of the 80s, but also the owner of wide and thick eyebrows. Today, many models and actresses owe their colorful appearance to this particular part of the face. Since the naturalness and naturalness of the eyebrows give their owners some mysteriousness.

The shape of the eyebrows relevant to this season is a classic broad, also called sable. Perhaps this is the most versatile option that will suit every woman.

For owners of rounded facial features, sexuality and mystery will give a triangular or curved shape. In the first case, the bend line should be in the center, and in the second - closer to the temple.

Make a kinder stern face will help the arched shape of the eyebrows. But the main thing that she did not look ridiculous, as in the case of Marlene Dietrich.

As you understand, thick and broad eyebrows -modern standard of beauty. But not every nature has given such wealth, so many run to the salons for the procedure of tattoo, to forget about their daily tint.

As they say the masters of beauty institutions, theyOften it is necessary to discourage clients from the service, as in most cases the tattoo looks unnatural. Moreover, it carries a number of contraindications and consequences in the form of small scars and scars.

Inexperienced master is also not uncommon.If you fall into his hands, you will have to walk with eyebrows of different shapes for several years or wait for the pigment to discolour. Particularly impatient can resort to a painful laser procedure, which may "give" your face scars.

But you can grow eyebrows yourself, notresorting to salon procedures. It is enough just to forget about the existence of tweezers for several months. In this case, it will be easier for owners of bangs to hide the “overgrown” area above the eyes, but what about those who don’t have it? In this case, you can only adjust the shape of the eyebrows. Also do not forget about cosmetic products for the care of eyebrows - gels, lipsticks. They will be able to fix loose hairs in the right direction.

4 reasons to never do a classic tattoo

1. Old-fashioned.Today everything is natural in fashion, so even the most professional classic tattoo will look ridiculous. Pay attention to Hollywood celebrities who have long since switched to permanent makeup.

2. It is impossible to get rid of yourself.You must realize the fact that in case of failure and inexperience of the master you will not be able to come home and wash off the poor-quality tattoo. Even a hard washcloth, soap or superscrubs will not help in this matter.

3The only and effective way to get rid of the tattoo is laser removal of pigmentation. The procedure is not only painful, but also expensive. 1 session will cost you 1000 rubles, and you will need to visit at least 5 of them, they will stretch for long months.

4. For a long time, all makeup artists came to a common opinion: tattooing is old, but girls refuse to believe it. If you do not want to look older than your age, then you should refrain from this procedure.

3 alternative ways

Coloring special paint for eyebrows.Apply it to either brush or wand, which is part of the set. Not only hairs are exposed to the dyeing process, but also the skin. To do this, lubricate with petroleum jelly or any vegetable oil the area around the eyebrows. After application, wait 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

If you are not too lazy to paint eyebrows with shadows every dayor a pencil, then the method in the form of a daily make-up will suit you. But there are certain requirements. Cosmetic products must be matte and of the correct shade.

If the eyebrow tattoo technique is close to you, andafter so many arguments you don’t want to part with it, then the latter method is for you. The procedure is called microblading, or shadow technology. The uniqueness of the method lies in the drawing of missing eyebrow hairs.

Eyebrow microblading. Photo permanent makeup

What do you think is striking duringconversation first? Manicure, hair, shoes? Eyes ... They become a magnet, which from the first minutes of communication attracts special attention to itself. The sages said that one could not only intrigue, but conquer with a glance. And what does it consist of? Well, of course, eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows. The form of the latter, in turn, gives a special charm.

Since antiquity, women have paid special attention to this part of the face, since they believed that the female eyebrow is a weapon that enchants men. They were painted, plucked and given an elegant shape.

But today, the process of eyebrow care for many has turned into a daily meal, and in order to somehow alleviate their work, women turn to beauty salons.

And before starting a detailed description of what microblading eyebrows (6d), draw attention to the 7 factors that will push you to this procedure.

Reasons to do a hair tattoo:

- the duration of the procedure does not take much time;

- painlessness;

- minimal skin damage;

- short recovery period;

- at least swelling;

- 100% pigment digestibility;

- an excellent result, noticeable immediately after the procedure.

Here is a good example of how eyebrow blades change people: photos before and after the procedure.

eyebrow microblading photo
Judging by the work of the master, the fact that the shape and beauty of the eyebrows create harmony and give individuality is indisputable.

New sigh for tattoo

What is a tattoo eyebrow - microblading, you saw in the photo. But in order to fully understand the essence of the procedure, we will begin a more in-depth study.

Mysterious word for which many womenready to lay out a large amount of money, translated from English means "small blade". Information about this method is too confusing. Therefore, let's see what microblading eyebrows are, how much such beauty holds and what is the opinion of those who have experienced all the charms and consequences of biotatuage themselves.

Conflict and confusion occurred becauseMany beauty salons, pursuing customers, use different marketing tricks. Hoping for the gullibility and lack of information of their clients, they often inflate prices for services with incomprehensible foreign names. People take these procedures for any fashionable novelty and are ready to pay for it any voiced price. But often the result we get is not the best. But in our case, everything is different.

eyebrow makeup microblading
Eyebrow reconstruction, according to experts,subspecies of permanent makeup. The technique is performed by manual method (manual), special tools - maniples, to which they attach special needles, resembling feathers. Microblading needles are used only disposable. They are located at a certain angle and sequence. This placement helps create a line that is identical to a hair.

microblading needles

Before the procedure, the latest lotions and anesthetics are applied to the area around the eyebrow, which eliminates pain and bleeding.

Pigments for microblading should have a thick texture, vegetable origin and a natural shade, which subsequently will not change, but lose the intensity of color.

This complicated procedure is not for everyone, since the look of the artist and the surgeon's hand are required from the tattoo artist.

Popular technology

Soft tattoo of eyebrows (feathering) - the mostpopular and universal method of permanent makeup. This way you can toned the entire zone, as well as some areas, as well as adjust the brow bend and give it the desired shape. In addition, eyebrows will look natural, and others will think that you have artfully tinted them with a pencil.

Due to the fact that when applying a permanentthere are no clear contours, the result of a soft shading is natural and neat. The pigment fills the entire area of ​​the eyebrows, that is, completely fills the gaps, but it does not have bright lines. With a quality performance, the result will resemble professional makeup.

Permanent makeup
The result depends largely on the experience of the master.Not everyone will be able to make a soft tattoo of eyebrows (feathering) without a sketch and preliminary sketches. But the risk is not worth it. Let the master draw a contour necessary for the procedure on your face. This will simplify his work, and the sketch will disappear from the eyebrow zone after complete regeneration of the skin of this zone. And to be sure that this will really happen, ask the master (although he should know about it himself) to add a little thinner to the main dye. The resulting solution will be enough to completely hold eyebrow microbleeding.

Reviews of people about this technique say that later12 or 18 months the color of the eyebrows becomes paler. But experts say that this behavior of the shade depends on exposure to the sun or when using pigment with iron oxide. In order to prevent this disadvantage in advance, you can ask the master to add a small amount of light stabilizers to the paint. But be prepared for the fact that the color of the eyebrows will become darker and will not change with time.

The technique of feathering takes no more than 40 minutes.During the entire procedure, you will not experience any pain, as anesthetic will be applied to this area. But such a guarantee can be given only if you have chosen a good salon and an experienced master.

Процесс заживления кожи достигает 7 дней.The first few days, your eyebrows may scare you with their rich color, so experts recommend doing the procedure before the weekend. Do not try to tear off the dried crust yourself, with time it will disappear, and you will enjoy the natural result.

Advantages, contraindications and duration of the result

one.Eyebrow microblading (customer reviews fully confirm this fact) is a real find for those with a pale tint of eyebrows, some areas have no hairs or a distorted shape.

2.Compared to classic tattooing, microblading takes less time and guarantees minimal soreness. This method is suitable even for owners of hypersensitive skin.

3. Eyebrows after the procedure look beautiful and natural.

4. Thanks to thin needles, the skin is less injured, no swelling occurs.

5. Absence of scars. Even if you had to carry out the microblading procedure several times, you will not face this problem.

6Master carefully selects the color of the pigment, based on the skin tone, the original color of the eyebrows and the current shade of hair. But, like the classic eyebrow tattoo, the microblading procedure does not give you any guarantee of using black pigment. This means that the resulting color will have a slightly grayish tint.

7. Correction is possible only for people with different skin characteristics. Over time, the pigment does not acquire a purple or green shade. It will be washed naturally.

microblading technology

1. It is undesirable to do microblading procedure during menstruation and pregnancy.

2. The appearance of unknown formations in the eyebrows.

3. Colds.

4. Mental disorders.

5. Diabetes.

6. Epilepsy.

7. People with poor blood clotting and associated diseases.

8. Severe somatic diseases.

9. Increased possibility of colloidal scars.

Невозможно не ответить на один из часто asked questions: "How much eyebrow microblading holds?" Feedback from women about this is different. Some say that beauty has been preserved throughout the year, others insist that 1.5. But experts say that everything depends on the skin, and to be more precise, on its age and metabolism. From here we conclude: the older the client, the slower the pigment will be displayed.

What not to do before and how to care for the eyebrows after the procedure

Before microblading on the day, eliminate from your diet alcohol and all pharmaceutical preparations that contribute to blood thinning.

After the procedure, a crust appears, whichIn no case should you strip, wet, scratch or peel with cosmetics. To speed up healing, it is recommended to lubricate the eyebrows with the usual ointment "Bepanten" or "Actovegin". If the residues are not absorbed, it is necessary to wet them with a clean and dry cloth. For 14 days you can not do no peeling around the eyebrows. Also, during the month, do not attend tanning salons, baths, saunas and are not outdoors during high solar activity.

How much is the procedure and training new technology

Any work must be paid for,and the price is fully consistent with the quality of services. Do not strive to chase for cheap rates, because with this makeup you have to walk from a year to several years. Therefore, do not save on your own beauty.

So, the approximate prices for microblading eyebrows:the cost of the procedure in Moscow is 6 000-10 000 rubles, and for the correction they will charge you 2000-3000. Try to look for beauty salons where skilled craftsmen work and use quality materials and equipment.

The cost of work also largely depends onregion of Russia. For example, in Voronezh for microblading eyebrows the price varies from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles. Salon workers say that the total difference depends on the quality of the pigments and materials used.

eyebrow microbleeding training
If, after reading the article, you were not convincedthat microblading is a permanent make-up of a new level, then you need to look at the process of work. As they say, "it is better to see 1 time than to hear 100 times."

Many beauty salons providing servicestattoo, will gladly accept you as a student, as well as tell and show you how to do eyebrow microblading Training lasts from 3 to 5 days and takes an average of 32 academic hours. The cost of the full course starts from 35,000 rubles and above.

The training program includes:

1. Basics of hygiene, sanitation and anesthesia.

2. Basics of visage and proper contouring of the lips and eyebrows.

3. Work on the machine.

4. Methods of pain relief procedure.

5. Preparation of the workplace.

6. Tips on how to "unleash" yourself as a master of biotatuazha.

Before you start training, buy a starter kit, which is required for each wizard doing microblading eyebrows. In Moscow, its cost ranges from 15,000 to 150,000.

Accelerated course lasts 4 days:

Day 1. Microblading technique - lecture.

Day 2 and 3. Test theoretical knowledge on artificial leather, then on the model.

Day 4. Exercise - eyebrow makeup.

Reviews and opinions

Про микроблейдинг бровей отзывы встречаются various. Many residents of Russia are happy that a procedure has finally appeared in their homeland, which is a cross between a classic tattoo and a hair transplant.

Girls who discovered the aesthetic methodmicropigmentation manual way, noted how quickly and painlessly undergoes the procedure. By the time it takes you about 2 hours, or even less, depending on the experience of the master.

eyebrow microblading reviews

Были отзывы, которые рассказывали о том, что microblading looks unnatural. More often these words sounded about permanent make-up, where coal-black pigment was used, which later became gray with a greenish tinge.

Despite the negative comments about the microblading technique, the enthusiastic reviews of the clients won. And thanks to their honest opinion, the new procedure is becoming more and more popular each time.

As you already understood, microblading is delicate.and a very time consuming procedure that a true professional can conduct. Therefore, to get the perfect eyebrows, be sure to ask the master to show photos of his works.

Remember: having a lot of certificates is not a sign of experience!