In recent years, more and more talk about harmsunburn that causes early aging of the skin. And indeed it is. In contrast, girls with porcelain skin look younger than their years. So you can say almost all Japanese women, because they carefully monitor their appearance. We learn from the beauties of the Land of the Rising Sun, how to make your little face perfect.
What is porcelain-like leather?
On the perfect face there are no pimples, redness,enlarged pores and other deficiencies. In a word, it is perfect. Matte skin without tan. But this is not a painful pallor. On the contrary, porcelain leather is characterized by radiance and brilliance that make a woman a sophisticated beauty.
Many girls to achieve a similar effect,resort to the use of decorative cosmetics, imposing on themselves several layers of masking agents. But because of this technique, the face will lose all its naturalness. There are some simple tips on how to get porcelain skin at home.
Less makeup
Japanese women most often use decorativecosmetics only as an addition. With its help, they emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. The less makeup will be applied, the greater the chance of preserving the natural beauty. Any cosmetics clogs the pores, so sooner or later it is necessary to eliminate the consequences. Most of this rule is observed by women of the older generation. Young Japanese women sometimes allow themselves to make a spectacular makeup, especially for the eyes. But in any case, they always carefully wash off all cosmetics before bedtime.
Phased cleansing
Japanese women never allow themselves to sleep withcosmetics on the face, even if it was quite a bit. This simple rule makes porcelain skin clean and fresh. If you ignore it, the epidermis will stop breathing and recover during the night's rest.
It is recommended to use a phased systemfacial cleansing. First you need to wash off makeup and dust with oil. The next step will be washing with a soft cleansing foam. And in the end it will remain only a little walk on the skin with a gentle scrub. It will remove dead cells, finally remove from the pores all that is superfluous, allowing the skin to actively regenerate. Such care may take about fifteen minutes, but this is completely normal.
Skin Oiling
Asians in daily facials are requiredinclude various cosmetic oils. They allow you to moisturize, nourish, smooth and make porcelain skin. Argan, coconut, watermelon, apricot, corn and other oils are used depending on skin type. They can be applied under the cream, mixed with it, added to masks and other cosmetics.
Camellia oil deserves special attention.It is ideal for the preservation of youth and beauty. This natural remedy perfectly fights dry skin and wrinkles on the face. In addition, Camellia oil can be used in parallel to care for hair and nails.
Change of care products
Korean brands compare favorably withEuropean and American in that they have not been producing the same product for decades. In the market of the beauty industry something new appears every few seasons.
Do not get attached to one of your favoritea jar. Otherwise, the skin will get used to the tool and become less susceptible to the ingredients. Therefore, on the way to achieving porcelain skin should periodically change their care products.
Proper nutrition
Only healthy food is guaranteed to give an improvement in the condition of the skin. And the Japanese know firsthand about proper nutrition.
Be sure to include it in your everydaydiet rice, amino-rich foods and reduce fat intake. Need to eat more seafood: fish, shellfish and algae. They are rich in substances that have a beneficial effect on skin health.
Also help make the face smooth and elastic.the right drinks. This is green and white tea. They are as good as possible to replace all other drinks. Also, green tea is successfully used to cleanse the skin externally.
Tonal tools of the new generation
Instead of classic tonal means Japaneseuse progressive BB-creams, and now does CC-creams. They contain many caring components and do not dry the epidermis. Therefore, to obtain the effect of porcelain skin, it is better to give preference to hybrids from moisturizer and tone.
Proper application of cosmetics
Many old-fashioned rubbed into the face caringmeans in circular motions. But this is fundamentally wrong. So the skin quickly stretches, becomes flabby, sluggish, and also wrinkles soon appear. Any makeup is better to put light slaps. Due to this, the inflow of capillary blood increases and the processes of rejuvenation and restoration are more intensive. Preliminary, it is recommended to first warm up the caring agent in the hands and only then apply it to the face with patting movements.
Sun protection
Ультрафиолетовые лучи являются самыми главными the enemies of porcelain color. Not only do they make the face dark, tanned, so also the sun contributes to the formation of wrinkles and rapid aging. Therefore, it is generally recommended to use creams only with a high SPF factor. Even better, in sunny weather, hide your face under a natural shadow, which can be created with an umbrella or a hat. It is not only useful, but also beautiful.
Facial massage
Все японки знают, насколько велика сила лечебного massage It activates energy, increases muscle elasticity and increases blood flow. It is not necessary to contact specialists to undergo a facial massage. It can be done at home by yourself. The point is that it is important to follow the direction of the massage lines. From cheeks to ears, from the corners of the lips up to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the sides, from the bottom of the chin to the cheekbones.
If you are thinking about how to achieve porcelain skin, then you should memorize these massage lines. According to them, and you need to apply decorative cosmetics, masks, remove makeup and do other procedures.
Snail mucus
Not so long ago the most popular componentKorean creams became snail slime. It sounds scary, but do not be afraid. This ingredient contains elastin, collagen and has excellent healing properties. This is what you need to get a porcelain face. Therefore, it is necessary without fear and without hesitation to buy funds that in the composition have snail mucus.
Tissue Masks
Japanese women constantly and with great love enjoycloth masks. They give the skin the necessary nutrition and compensate for the lack of moisture. If we consider Russian products, then before buying it is better to read reviews about them. Porcelain skin is not achieved with the help of fabric masks, if they are not of high quality. The material itself must be cotton, and the nutrient must contain natural ingredients (snail mucus, aloe, milk proteins, clay, etc.).
Girls who have experienced self-madeJapan, Korea and China masks, speak positively about them. Products based on green and white tea, bamboo juice, sea minerals perfectly align skin tone, make it smooth, give a porcelain glow.
Pearl White mask
To eliminate redness, inflammation,Japanese women traditionally use a special mask to equalize the tone and matting of the skin. It consists of pearl powder, egg yolk, acacia honey and water. All are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face in an even thin layer. Twenty minutes later, the mask gently wash off with warm water. Already after the first use, the face becomes velvety, and its color is more gentle and uniform, like porcelain.
Home peeling
We can say that Asian girls are obsessed withrenewing and cleansing the skin. Therefore, they do peels several times a week, regardless of skin type. At first glance it may seem that very often. But in the end, after such a number of procedures there will be dense, porcelain skin, without any flaws. Preference is better to give natural recipes that are based on fruits or berries (strawberries, wild rose, pineapple, papaya, etc.). As the experience of many girls shows, oatmeal peeling also gives quite good results.
Emulsions and Serums
Today the market offers many products forfacial rejuvenation. Definitely not worth giving up serums and emulsions. Moreover, they can and should be used every night before bedtime. Japanese women first apply serum, then cosmetic oil and in the end - night cream. It is better to buy emulsions on the basis of natural ingredients: marine collagen, algae, goat milk or snail mucus.
Patches under the eyes
The porcelain face won't look perfect,if there are bruises and bags under the eyes. Therefore, attention should also be paid to the skin around the eyes. But conventional creams are not as effective as gel patches. They contain collagen, which eliminates bags, dark circles and smoothes wrinkles. Some patches do not need to be washed off, so they can be applied right before the exit.
Now you know how to make porcelain skin andhealthy without numerous layers of decorative cosmetics and expensive salon procedures, which often have a very dubious result. But do not forget that only a comprehensive care and the regularity of the procedures will make the face snow-white, clean and shining. It is the power of every girl, if she is not lazy.