/ / Powder for oily skin - what you need to know.

Powder for oily skin - what you need to know.

Not many people know that the powder came to us frombeauty lovers - Egyptians. At that time, the division of people according to skin color was considered very important. Noble persons must have covered their face with powder, making it whiter. And in the sixteenth century, white color was considered a sign of chastity and nobility. In the paintings of that time, gentlemen were depicted with a light, milky complexion, while the faces of their servants were very dark. In the eighteenth century, this separation disappeared, and all began to use powder. In the race for the whiteness of the face, the powder was mixed with egg white and applied to the face in a very thick layer. Then the face mask was considered a sign of delicate taste and luxury.
Western culture lover Peter I brought powder to Russia. Then the powder was rice and wheat and it was even covered with wigs. And in order that she did not crumble on clothes, they wore special capes.
But, in our century, girls tend to give the skindark color, unlike the contemporaries of Peter I. Although it all depends on the natural skin color. The choice of powder should be approached very responsibly. All harmful additives can adversely affect the condition of the face, so it is better to fork out and not regret the money for your “second skin”.
Today, a tanned face is in fashion.And you can achieve it in various ways. One of them is bronzing powder. It differs from its sisters only in texture and shades of color. This powder will emphasize your own tan and give extra radiance to the skin. Besides the fact that she perfectly hides the flaws, she also gives the face a pleasant shade of tan. Many girls are not satisfied with the bronzing powder, referring to its unevenness, but this is only their fault. It is very easy to overdo it, and your face will look like after a low-quality tanning cream - stained and divorced. Skillful use of such powder will hide fatigue, emphasize the slight dark glow of the face.

Powder for oily skin: features of choice and use
Girls with active sebaceous glandsespecially difficult when choosing powder. Powder for oily skin should have a very light texture, so as not to clog the already clogged pores. Therefore, every time you need to use a new clean tampon, and even better - use a brush. But it is better to wash it after each use. In no case should powder for oily skin be on the face for a very long time, like other cosmetics. Forgetting to wipe off makeup in the evening, you can be surprised in the morning. The texture of this powder should be crumbly, not creamy. So you can avoid extra shine. Powder Dior Poudre Libre is perfect for oily skin. Its matting effect allows you to hide all minor flaws, and the light texture does not complicate the skin breathing, and thus allows your pores to breathe freely and not get clogged.
As a rule, before applying the powder, a tonal foundation is applied on the skin.

Oily skin powder should not suggest it.application. Due to the poor performance of the sebaceous glands, the pores secrete too much fat, and applying a foundation can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, before buying powder you should consult with a specialist and find out if it has the same toning effect. Tonal powder Dior answers these requests. Its texture both tints and mattes the skin at the same time. The crumbly structure does not allow pores to get clogged up and yours as long as possible remain without unpleasant greasy shine. This is an excellent powder for oily skin.
But, regardless of your choice of powder, and your skin type, your face should always be kept clean and well looked after. To use the powder only in shading, not masking purposes.