/ / Short haircuts for a round face: photo options

Short haircuts for a round face: photo options

It is not a secret to anyone thatChubby women find it difficult to find the right haircut. The problem is that now in an era of general hobby hudyshkami most girls of non-ideal form begin to complex and even about their own person. They are confident that having such a type of appearance, it is impossible to be fashionable. But this is completely wrong. To properly choose a short haircut for a round face, it is enough only to observe some nuances, since there really are hairstyles contraindicated to this form. With the help of a haircut, you can not just hide flaws, but create a truly stylish and elegant image.

short haircuts for a round face

How to determine the type

Before proceeding to such a large section,like choosing a haircut, you need to make sure that you have a really round face shape. You can do this in two ways that will not take long:

  1. Stand in front of a mirror and circle your pathreflection, and then analyze the result obtained for similarity to a particular geometric figure. Owners of the round face in the drawn outline will find something that looks like a circle. Of course, this will not be a clear circle, but something similar to it.
  2. Another way is to measure the parameters.Using the usual ruler, measure the proportions of the face, the nose will be the central guide. The measurement is made vertically from the forehead to the chin, then from the left cheekbone to the right side. Similar or similar results mean that you have a round face shape.

Recommendations for haircuts for chubby

A feature of the round type face is insoftness and folding outlines. As a rule, the length and width of the face are the same, and the cheekbones and chin have no clear boundaries. Nevertheless, such a person has a great advantage - it is the longest, in comparison with other types, retains youth due to plump, you can say, children's outlines. This allows women to look 30 years old, when they are already 40. The photo of short haircuts for a round face is in the article, and about recommendations for hair styles at a respectable age, read below.

short haircuts for women round face photo

Prohibitions for women with a round face

In some cases, even masterfully donea haircut can disfigure a girl. This happens for two reasons. The first - the hair was picked up incorrectly, the second - inability to wear it. To avoid these errors, you need to know some rules for selecting a short haircut for a round face:

  1. Chubby young ladies should avoid small curlsand large curls, because on their background wide cheekbones will look even bigger. If you are the owner of curly hair, then you just need to constantly use styling tools to "tame" them. Remember, perm for a round face type is strictly prohibited!
  2. Combing the hair back is also not recommended, it focuses attention precisely on the form, rather than on individual outlines.
  3. Too short haircuts for the round face (photo is above) visually add volume to the face. The result is approximately the same as in the previous case.
hairstyles with a short bang for a round face

Secrets of choosing a hairstyle

A round face can make it more expressivewithout the aid of surgical intervention and even not necessarily own the technique of professional make-up. To do this, it is enough to know the rules for choosing hairstyles and use them skillfully:

  1. The first thing that is important in a haircut for a round typeperson, - multilayered. Light chaos on the head distracts attention from full symmetry on the face, but at the same time the multi-layering makes it possible to keep the soft and smooth contours, creating an unconstrained and natural image.
  2. Несмотря на то, что круглолицым красавицам contraindicated curls, light curl takes place to be. Accurate waves, on the contrary, emphasize the dignity of the round face. A photo of a short haircut for a round face with light curls is presented above.
  3. The main technique that should be guided byall owners of a round type face - asymmetry. It is necessary to distract attention from too uniform and proportional features. To implement this method is simple enough - make the parting not in the center, but on one side, so you dilute the overall composition.
haircut on short hair round face photo

Short haircuts for a round face

Although many are talking aboutthe incompatibility of ultrashort hairstyles like "under the boy" with this face shape, stylists think differently. Yes, voluminous features are not particularly combined with such haircuts, but if you add a multi-layer to them, the result will be just wonderful. For example, a pixie hairstyle will make the face more subtle and feminine. In addition, the shortened occipital part and the crown of the crown allows haircuts with a short bang for a round face, provided it is asymmetric. It is advisable that all hairs be properly profiled, first of all bangs. This will give the effect of lightness and freshness to hair.

Помимо стрижки пикси, для круглого лица хорошо will suit a variety of hairstyle bobs, she will visually stretch her face and allocate cheekbones. In the classical version, this haircut is distinguished by a shortened neck area, and the rest of the hair is trimmed on the face with an elongation, the strands approximately reach the level of the chin. If you add asymmetry, the effect will be much better.

A good option for a short female haircut for a round face will be a square with multi-layered textures and ragged ends. If you want to add bangs, it is better to choose a slanting and profiled.

Those who do not want to say goodbye to the image of the reallady, will approach a hairstyle in the French manner. It is performed, as a rule, without bangs, but this condition is not mandatory. A distinctive feature of the haircut is that due to the multilayeredness the volume is formed in the parietal and occipital zone, and the front strands are made with lengthening. As a result, pronounced vertical contours are obtained.

short haircuts for round face women

Extra long haircuts

Not every girl can decide onultrashort haircut, but not everyone can care for long hair for different reasons. That is why the most common are medium-length haircuts, which retain femininity and at the same time do not require much effort from the owner. In this place, I would like to pay special attention to the fact that everyone perceives the length of hair differently, for example, a hairstyle cut in the understanding of professionals is considered average, and ordinary people call it short. This text uses the language of the inhabitants.

If you have a round face shape, then a medium length haircut would be ideal, it allows you to mask a wide area of ​​cheekbones and visually increases the distance between the chin and forehead.

Optimal female haircut for short hairfor round face is quads. This is a classic hairstyle for real ladies, but in our case it should be accompanied by a slight lengthening. The ideal proportion will be the length of the hair just above the shoulders, but there is a shortened version, which will accentuate the bend of the neck.

In addition, you can make a bob haircut, but in a long version. This is when the length of the front locks varies at will - from the chin to the middle of the neck.

Cascading haircut

Cascading haircut is a multi-layeredstep haircut, in which the strands are cut one after the other. The resulting uneven length of the curls is an excellent masking of the contours of a round face. Such a hairstyle with a slanting bang looks very impressive, this technique almost completely distracts attention from the flaws of the face, translating interest into the shape of the hair. Parting in this case is best done oblique.

female haircuts for short hair round face

Asymmetrical haircuts

Как уже говорилось выше, основная цель при выборе short haircuts for a full round face is to distract attention from the excessive uniformity of the oval. This can be achieved by translating attention to other details, in particular, a haircut. The sharp asymmetry of the hairstyle looks very stylish and bold, while emphasizing all the attention on yourself. Such a non-standard approach not only helps to correct the shape of the face, but also makes it possible to experiment. For example, as a basis, you can take the most common classic haircut and add strands of different lengths to it, and you can also make oblique bangs, which is also a type of asymmetry. Women's haircuts in this interpretation look very stylish and modern.

Bang and round face shape

There are women who feel veryuncomfortable when their forehead is not covered with hair, so they prefer only haircuts with bangs. For owners of a round face, this is common sense, since it presupposes the presence of a wide forehead. The presence of people helps to solve this problem, but only if it is ideally suited to the form, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

Professionals advise to study the photo shorthaircuts for women on a round face with bangs in magazines and mentally try them on yourself, and after that make a decision. Proportions are considered ideal when about half or a third of the forehead remains open, respectively, we are talking about a shortened bang, but this is only if the areas of the ears and cheekbones are covered with a haircut. Do not forget about asymmetry!

As for the elongated bangs, they must be very well profiled. For thick hair and voluminous hairstyles fit chelok, laid on its side.

Haircuts for fine hair for chubby

In this situation, there is a need to solve two problems simultaneously:

  1. Adding volume hairstyle.
  2. Visual lengthening of the contours of the face.

In this case, you can not take as a basis for photoshaircuts for short hair with a round face, if elongation is present there, since the lack of volume on thin and sparse hair will further aggravate the situation. What to do in this case? What hairstyles are suitable?

The shortened parietal area, which will create volume in the upper part of the head, will help to correct the situation. Strands on the sides should be made long to open the cheekbones.

short haircuts for round face photo

What hairstyles do not fit

The basic rule that must remembergirls with a round face shape - smooth, even hair for them are categorically unacceptable, no matter how long they are. Straight hair can completely spoil the image of a chubby girl, even in the case when their length is lower than the waist. If you are not ready to say goodbye to this length, then you need to constantly curl your hair with a curling iron or other means available.

As for haircuts, they are by no meanscase should not contain clear lines, it will only underline the rounded shape. Photos of short female haircuts for round face with perfectly straight hair can often be found in glossy magazines, but, despite all the beauty of this kind of hairstyles, chubby beauties are not recommended to make them extremely. The same goes for horseshoe-shaped bangs.

Short haircuts for round face after 30

At this age, any woman wants to lookmore solid and elegant, so many tend to short hair length, but do not forget about the features of the shape of the face. These hairstyles have several advantages:

  1. Short haircuts change the image of a thirty year old woman dramatically.
  2. Hair of this length does not require special care, for styling it is enough to apply a small amount of special means to the hair and ruffle them.
  3. Short hairstyle gives spice.
  4. After 30 perfect haircuts for short hairfor a round face, a bob and a page of a straight or asymmetric shape with a thick bang and a chin length are. But such a hairstyle is contraindicated for full girls, it will make the image disproportionate, no even bangs, open nape and clear lines.
  5. Women of short stature are not recommended high, lush hair and bouffant.

To emphasize the advantages at this age, you can use:

  1. Voluminous hairstyles, if growth allows.
  2. Wavy curls.
  3. Lightly combed hair.
  4. Laying in the Greek style.

Short haircuts have another advantage - you can often change the image, it is enough to make a new styling, comb the hair in the other direction or profile.

Women should always pay attention to themselves, be well-groomed and charming, especially at such a wonderful age.

Women's hairstyles for round face after 50

Все женщины хотят выглядеть потрясающе в independence from age, but when you are over 50, this need increases. At this age, the ladies already know about all their strengths and weaknesses and have probably already tried many options to visually change the round shape of the face. All the above recommendations are valid at this age, so if you have learned something new, then you should try.

For an attractive look in a 50 year oldage should choose modern haircuts, but make sure that they are not defiant and do not contrast with the hair color. Incorrect haircut will focus on the upper body, and at that age, unfortunately, very few people can boast of perfect skin on the face and neck.

Rounded faces are not a disadvantage orsentence, this is just a feature of appearance, which can be easily brought closer to the ideal, the main thing is to choose the right hairstyle and transfer attention to it. A good example of transformation is shown in the video below.

As you can see, nothing is impossible!