/ / What hairstyle is suitable for a round face: photos, ideas

What hairstyle is suitable for a round face: photos, ideas

It is no secret that the hairstyle should be selected inaccording to the type of person. This allows you to hide the flaws of appearance, emphasizing its advantages. Many women are interested in what hairstyle is suitable for a round face. There are many options for short and long hairstyles. Recommendations stylists will be discussed below.

General recommendations

What hairstyles fit on a round face?A photo of one of the successful options is presented below. There are many options for stylish, trendy haircuts that will visually stretch its shape. And pick a hair for a lady with a similar type of appearance is not difficult. You can choose both short and long hairstyle. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the girl.

Beautiful haircut for a round face

Such a face in the frame of longcurls. This creates a romantic feminine image. Long strands will cover your face a little. This will visually stretch it, bringing the shape closer to the ideal.

Stylists do not recommend in this case.experiment with bangs. It is better to abandon some of their varieties. Categorically do not fit hairstyles with short and straight bangs. It is recommended to choose among asymmetrical haircuts. Straight parting, clear lines, especially on straight strands, can visually make the face even wider.

Fundamental rules

When choosing a hairstyle you need to followgenerally accepted rules. So, it is not recommended to create a volume on the sides of the hair. Nashe better to do in the vertical plane. In this case, the face will look proportional.

Spectacular hairstyle for round face

Рассматривая, какая прическа подойдет для round full face, it is worth to immediately sweep short cropped and other volume short haircuts Hairstyle is better to do medium length. However, you can choose the right short haircut.

At least on one side you need to cover the cheekbones andcheeks. Therefore you should not choose haircuts with windows or other options where the face is open. If you want to do the styling, it is better to create curls below the level of the chin. Above the strands should be smooth. Small curls from the roots of the hair will only expand the look of the face. Also should avoid voluminous bangs.

Short haircuts

What short hairstyles are suitable for a round face? Some girls claim that in this case you should avoid such haircuts. However, this is not the case.

Одной из популярных стрижек для круглого лица is a quads. It is better to choose asymmetrical varieties of this hairstyle. Bangs and the edges of the strands must be torn. If the bangs are not at all, you need to give preference to elongated caret options. In this case, the strands on the sides will cover the neck.

Hairstyle for round face for short hair

One of the options for bob haircut is bob. She looks stylish. The front elongated strands will cover the face a little on the sides. The tips are also best made torn.

The pixie hairstyle will look beautiful.It creates volume at the top of the head, visually lengthening the shape of the face. Easy carelessness and ruffling make the appearance look carefree and playful. The back of the head in this hairstyle should be high and lush. Bangs must be oblique and torn.

Medium length curls

Considering which hairstyles are suitable for girls withround face, you need to pay attention to medium-length haircuts. In this category there is a huge number of options for hairstyles for this type of appearance. Medium-length curls give the appearance of femininity and refinement. And to care for hair in this case will be much easier than with long strands.

Photo hairstyles for round face

Ideal for round face cascade fitsa haircut. It can be smooth or with more pronounced levels. It is also one of the best choices for girls with thin or loose hair. The length of the strands can be from the level of the chin and below. They mow down a ladder in the whole volume of strands.

Another fashionable option is haircut page.Hair should be smooth. Curls have an average length. In this hairstyle always have bangs. In the classic version of hair, it is smooth. However, the owners of a round face is better to make it asymmetric or oblique. When laying the tips curl inside. You can perform the opposite action. Curling is performed using a large curling.

Long strands

Considering which hairstyle is suitable forround face, it is worth considering haircuts for long hair. Here you can choose different options for haircuts. Need to avoid straight tips. They must be of different lengths. Hair can also be asymmetrical. Effectively on long curls will look like a cascade.

Hairstyle for round face for long hair

Also with this hair length fit hair inas a high tail or beam. You can make high bouffant. The bang is better to make long. It should be combed to the side and be oblique. The strands of the cheeks should be straight. They should cover them slightly on the sides.

If you need to do styling, apply largecurlers. They begin to cheat on the level of the chin. It is better if the parting is oblique. Oblique fringe should cover the face with one hand. Small curls and styling are not suitable. Better then do not cheat at all curls.


What female hairstyle is suitable for roundfaces, help to understand the advice of stylists. They argue that you should not give up haircuts with bangs. Many owners of this type of appearance do not dare to do their hair with bangs. And in vain! Properly selected bangs harmoniously complement the image, making it more feminine and more romantic.

Hairstyle for round face on medium hair

Практически к любой прическе можно подобрать the right bang. It is best to give preference to elongated versions. The edges of such bangs should be ragged. Smooth lines are strongly discouraged.

You can make a short bang.However, it should be asymmetric and combed to one side. Parting should not be straight. It is better to do it also from the side. The hairstyle in this case looks stylish and impressive, and the face seems visually close to the oval shape.

For full girls

What hairstyle will suit the round face of a woman withcurvaceous? In this case, it is better to abandon the volumetric, lush styling. Packing is contraindicated. They make the image more bulky, massive. However, too smooth and tight hairstyles are also contraindicated.

Stylish hairstyle for round face

It is necessary to refuse tight braids, beams or tails. Curls should not be perfectly smooth and smooth at the same time. Straight parting, strand cut at the level of the cheeks also bring disharmony into the image.

It is better to choose an asymmetrical hairstyle.Also worth doing side parting. Strands can be torn. The hairstyle should reach the chin line or be lower. Too short haircut will look inharmonious. However, when creating an open neck and a sufficient volume on top of the head of hair, a short hairstyle is also not contraindicated.

If you want to do the styling, the curls should be below shoulder level. This will give the appearance of romance, femininity and lightness. Curls should be large and soft.

Everyday hairstyle

What hairstyle is suitable for a round face oneveryday? It should be simple and at the same time stylish. In the morning there is often not enough time to create complex styling. One of the simplest options that is suitable for every day is the horse's tail. The front hair is combed, which allows you to stretch your face. Next knotted tail. It can be decorated with hairpins. Headbands in this case should be avoided.

If the hair is thin, you can replace the tail with a bunor beam. Also need to make a bouffant in front. Smooth styling girls with a round face do not fit. The volume at the top of the head allows you to visually stretch the shape of your face.

Another simple hairstyle option for everyday is a braid, braided to the side. She must be careless. Several strands can break out of it. This will give the image of spontaneity. The hairstyle looks cute and feminine. You can make a spike on the contour of hair growth. His need to braid loosely, straightening a little strand. It is connected to the braid, which is also braided to the side. Tight braids can not be woven. They should be light.

Having considered which hairstyle is suitable for a round face, each owner of this type of appearance can choose the best option for herself.