/ / How to give volume to hair at home?

How to give volume to hair at home?

Многие девушки предпочитают распущенные волосы other hairstyles. However, if the hair does not have enough volume, the hairstyle looks extremely untidy and boring. Units chic volumetric curls get from nature. The rest of the girls will be interested to know how to give volume to the hair at home.

how to give volume to hair at home
You might be surprised, but one of the secretsachieving a stunning volume is proper drying. Often depends not only on the effect that you can get, but also on how long it will last. How to dry hair properly? Immediately after washing, you should wrap them with a towel so that they are in a raised state. After such a drying, even without additional styling products, the hair will remain raised at the very roots, which will add volume to the entire hairstyle as a whole.

The described method is suitable even for long hair. The only ladies who will not be able to use it are the owners of naughty hair.

how to add volume to long hair

In how to give volume to hair at homeconditions, a big role is also played by the choice of shampoo. Experts advise to choose those products that include B vitamins and amino acids. These components make it possible to strengthen the hair bulbs, enhance their growth and saturate them with oxygen.

Do not wash your hair with too hot water, as it dries hair. And to achieve a healthy shine, it is best to rinse them with cold water at the end of the wash.

There are folk remedies that canthis business to be very helpful. For example, a very bright effect produces nettle decoction. With nettle, the scaly layer of hair swells. This plant is an excellent tool for those who find out how to give volume to hair at home.

Of course, we must not forget about the nutritionalmasked For example, lemon-honey is very popular. Egg yolk, fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey and castor oil should be mixed and applied to the head for an hour. To make the effect even more noticeable, you should wrap your hair with a warm towel.

Speaking about the means that give volume to the hair,we can not forget about the traditional kefir mask. In a half cup of fat kefir, add the yolk of the egg, then heat the prepared mixture in a water bath and apply it on the head. Next, the hair is wrapped in plastic and insulated with a towel, and all washed off after 30-40 minutes.

hair extensions
In addition to all of the above, to achieveWhite clay can help you with the desired result. Funds based on it are very often used by those who are looking for ways to add volume to hair at home. To prepare such a mask is also very simple: powdered clay is diluted with water until it reaches a pasty state. The composition is applied on the head and washed off after 15-20 minutes. During the first procedure, a lot of hair may fall out, but you should not be afraid of it: it is dead hair that would fall out in the near future. The procedure should be repeated once or twice a week.

And for those who want to know how to give volumelong hair, there is another amazing tool - Shambala. The decoction of this plant, revered by the people of Egypt and India since ancient times, allows you to keep the volume until the next wash, and you can use it every day!