/ / How to whiten nails: simple ways for home

How to Whiten Nails: Simple Ways for Home

A great manicure is not just beautiful.Healthy and well-groomed nails always attract attention to their owner, and are also an obligatory attribute of every self-respecting woman. And it’s not just an expensive glossy lacquer that perfectly matches in color with lipstick. Unfortunately, any homework is harmful to the health of the nails, which significantly affects their appearance. The main problem for all lovers to experiment with a manicure is the yellow shade of the plate. He can and must be fought. It's time to learn how to whiten nails at home with the help of available tools.

how to whiten nails
Главный помощник в такой неприятной ситуации – lemon juice. It is this caustic liquid that is able to return to your nails the natural beauty and whiteness. But lemon treatments should be done regularly. Otherwise, the nails will remain with a yellow tint. Do not forget to care for them every day for 3 weeks. So, how to whiten your nails with lemon juice? Cut the sour fruit into two halves. Take one of them and stick the tips of the nails in the pulp. Hold them like this for about 2-3 minutes. Done! Do not increase the time of the procedure, as lemon juice can cause irritation of the cuticle. If you have recently done a manicure, then you should wait a bit with whitening. This procedure also helps to strengthen the nails.

Nail whitening
Lemon is not the only helper.How to whiten nails with sea salt? This method is also very simple, and you can use it at home. Arrange a nice warm bath for your marigolds. For this you need a small capacity. Pour warm water into it and add a couple of tablespoons of sea salt. It can be purchased at any perfume shop or at the pharmacy. If you do not know how to whiten your nails with such elementary means, then everything is quite simple. In a saline liquid, hold your fingers for about 15 minutes. During this time, the nails will receive a real charge of useful elements that will return them whiteness. If desired, you can add in a bath and a few drops of essential oils. Lemon juice also does not hurt. In a few days the result will be visible.

Another excellent bleaching agent fornails - hydrogen peroxide. Perhaps it is in any home. In extreme cases, the purchase of peroxide is not difficult. It is necessary to prepare a solution of the correct concentration. You will need 3% hydrogen peroxide, as well as some glycerin. All this should be mixed in the ratio of 1/5. Apply the resulting product on the nails and hold for about 2 minutes (no longer). Wash off the peroxide with warm water.

Whitening nail polish
After that, it is recommended to clean the nails with a soft polishing file. Make sure that the tool does not fall on the skin when used.

If you have no time to use these tips,then visit the cosmetic shop. There certainly will be a special whitening nail polish. It is very easy to use. As a rule, all the details of the application are described in detail in the instructions. Pay attention only to the products of famous brands. Do not buy the product if its packaging is damaged or has been opened before. Only in this case, you can avoid the acquisition of low-quality goods.