/ / Powder "Bourgeois Healthy Balance": reviews of cosmetics

Powder "Bourgeois Healthy Balance": reviews of cosmetics

Each of us dreams of dreams about perfect skin.But the negative impact of ecology, bad habits, poor nutrition and lack of sleep prevents our epidermis from achieving the desired result. And how good it is that the cosmetic market is replete with an abundance of means for masking small rashes, circles under the eyes, facial wrinkles. And would you like to minimize the amount of decorative stones on your face and give your skin the opportunity to breathe, to be beautiful and natural? If so, then Bourjois Healthy Balance powder is for you.

From makeup to cosmetics

The history of the brand began thanks to JosephAlbert-Ponsen, who decided to start selling stage makeup for Parisian theaters. Thus, the world's first dry blush appeared. But Alexander Napoleon-Bourgeois brought prosperity and success to the brand, who presented not only a wide palette created by Joseph for the make-up, but also invented original names for them: “Jealousy”, “Love”, etc.

Sophistication and variety of products by 1979brought the brand to the international level, and the inscription on the products "Supplier of theaters" eventually changed to a more proud: "Made specifically for the Lady's Beauty."

Short review: what the manufacturer promises

Bourgeois leveling powder does not dry out, gives natural radiance and mattes the skin surface for 10 hours.

powder bourgeois healthy balance reviews

The product eliminates shine.The extract of Japanese persimmon, which is part of it, softens and moisturizes dry areas, and yuzu (Japanese lemon) has an absorbent property, which is necessary for the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Convenient and compact packaging fits even in a small clutch bag. With the help of a built-in mirror, you can correct makeup if necessary.

The only negative - the lack of sponzhika and notthere is a place for it, and this practically negates the concept of compact powders. Therefore, you have to carry a brush with you. By the way, the use of sponge, in the opinion of the customers, creates the "effect of powdered peach." Therefore, it is desirable to use a brush.

Healthy Balance powder is suitable for any skin type, as the product:

  • Hippo-allergenic.
  • Not gummy.
  • Approved by dermatologists.

After application, the product evenly smoothes the tone of the face by 96%, oily shine and dryness is eliminated by 92%, and 96% is easy to use.

Powder "Bourgeois Healthy Balance": shades

According to the manufacturer, this is the first in the world.powder, able to regulate the balance of the skin and block the shine. Natural radiance is achieved thanks to the Asian fruits that make up the product. The same ingredients are responsible for the matting effect and do not allow the skin to dry out. Bourjois Healthy Balance combats dull skin, and an innovative formula allows the product to adapt to any tone.

 powder bourjois healthy balance

Powder is presented in 4 shades:

  • Vanille (Vanilla, 52);
  • Beige Clair (Light Beige, 53);
  • Dark Beige (Dark Beige, 56);
  • Beige Fonce (Light Bronze, 55).

Ideal for light skin - Vanille (52)

First of all, buyers appreciated what Bourgeois Healthy Balance powder looks like. Reviews on the forums say that the bright red packaging is an absolute plus of the product, which immediately catches the eye.

Vanilla - the brightest shade and for pale skinnedGirls is considered ideal for the winter season. The texture of the powder is soft and even a little silk. When typing on the fingers it feels creamy. On the sponge and brush the product is recruited with ease. Customers paid special attention to the aroma - delicious fruit.

There is no sponge in the kit, but there is a handy mirror. Product volume - 9 g.

bourjois healthy balance

So, a few words about how manifests itself inwork powder "Bourgeois Healthy Balance". Reviews of women recommend buying the product to those who have not experienced its effectiveness, because:

  • powder is applied in a thin layer and is easily distributed over the skin surface;
  • perfectly fixes make-up;
  • matting - the skin looks slightly satin;
  • The effect lasts about 4-5 hours.

К сожалению, пудра не скрывает недостатки, как customers with sensitive and prone to peeling skin assure that the product dries it additionally. Hence the conclusion that Healthy Balance will have to "taste" the owners of oily skin.

Another undoubted plus of powder: visually removes, but does not clog pores and perfectly removed during demakiyazh.

Tint "Bourgeois Healthy Balance" for problem skin Beige Clair (53)

Judging by the reviews, the product is slightly yellow, soabsolutely not suitable for owners of fair skin tone. On the persistence, the opinion of customers formed one thing - during the day, makeup still has to be corrected. Manufacturers have slightly exaggerated the ability to hide flaws, and Bourgeois Healthy Balance cannot replace any concealer. The product copes with the task of equalizing skin tone, but the problems (this particular shade) does not eliminate.

As it turned out, this disadvantage was considered by many women for dignity. According to them, concealers and proofreaders have been created to conceal flaws, and a thick layer of powder on the face is a terrible sight!

 bourgeois powder healthy balance shades

Now a few words about what type of skincompatible powder "Bourgeois Healthy Balance". Reviews have shown that she perfectly emphasizes all the peeling and dryness on the face. Therefore, it can only make friends with prone to oily skin. The only time for dry skin owners is summer, when this type gets closer to normal.

Dark Beige (56) for tanned skin

If tone number 55 is ideal exclusively forthe owners of dark skin, the powder from "Bourgeois" in a dark beige shade is ideal for all tanned beauties. Fine grinding and light texture guarantee a smooth application, and most importantly, the product literally blends with the skin tone.

Feeling light on facedryness, but after a minute the discomfort disappears, if you hold the fingertips on your face, you will feel a pleasant velvety. According to customers, powder can be applied even during rest, as it does not clog pores and does not fall in a dense layer.

bourjois powder

Matting for 5-6 hours.With an active lifestyle at the end of the day almost disappears from the surface of the skin, but there is no oily shine. This proves once again that powder copes with its main task of regulating the production of the sebaceous glands.

Description shade 55 Beige Fonce

According to the owners of dark skin tone,powder "Bourgeois" in the shade of "Light-Bronze" for them is an absolute favorite. But judging by the reviews, the light texture only levels the surface of the face. If the skin has flaws that require masking, then it is better to choose something else. Because the powder from "Bourgeois" only slightly smoothes and mattes the skin.

bourgeois healthy balance

The degree of density is exactly the same as that of other shades, which means that when applied to your face there will be a light, weightless, imperceptible, but skin-transforming veil.

Reviews of powders "Bourgeois"

Find comments (both positive andnegative) about the products of this brand is not difficult - the brand is so famous that about its popularity is not even worth talking about. Each powder "Bourgeois Healthy Balance" reviews and rating is quite good, as customers say the quality of products. And this is all due to the fact that production is not done by some distributors, but by France.

The best-selling shade of Healthy Balance has becomeVanilla. But despite this, the entire series is popular, which means that women liked the products of the French brand. Indeed, who will remain indifferent to powder, which mattes the skin, does not have a mask effect, is hypoallergenic and does not clog pores?

leveling powder

Bronzing shade has found wide application in professional makeup artists and stylists of expensive beauty salons. The fact is that it is practically impossible to use it daily, and there is no need.

According to fans of the powder "Bourgeois HealthyBalance ", for those who spent summer time on the southern shores, Dark Beige will help to preserve the desired appearance for a long time. Undoubtedly, the shade of good quality, but fair-skinned beauties in Russia is much more, so the leading positions among customers are tones numbered 52 (Vanilla) and 53 (Light beige).

 powder healthy balance

We notice traces, or Rules for choosing a good powder

Why do I need powder?As is known, the most unprotected part of our body from external environmental impact is the face skin. And if in addition it is oily, then dirt and bacteria causing inflammatory processes get into the enlarged pores. In order to protect our epidermis, to preserve the youth and beauty of the face, it must be "dressed."

It is matting powder that creates protective skin.layer that helps control the sebaceous glands and hide for several hours (or even more) oily sheen. Another plus is that it evens skin tone, which makes it easy to shade different shades, which means that the make-up as a whole will be aesthetic and neat.

So, the choice of powder must begin with the selectioncorrect shade. Before you buy, be sure to use testers in cosmetic stores (they should be freely available). Apply powder on the chin or on the wrist and notice how it behaves in different light. The only disadvantage of the first method is unhygienic.

 powder healthy balance

Если планируете использовать пудру совместно с tonal basis, be sure to read the product information from the manufacturer before you buy. Often, labeling helps a woman determine the necessary means by number, which will significantly save her time on trips to cosmetic stores.

The composition of the product is also important.It's one thing when the powder masks the flaws, but the presence of harmful ingredients is another reason to spoil the skin of the face. Therefore, if when applying the powder clogs the pores, then the purchase should be abandoned.

Summing up

You can not refute the claim that a woman does notmust save on three things: cosmetics, underwear and shoes. Therefore, if your task is to always look amazing, then it is the powder from “Bourgeois” that will help to achieve the desired result. Remember, only proper self-care and high-quality cosmetics make us women attractive even at the age of 60.