Today, sports shoes have ceased to bethe prerogative of only those who regularly attend gyms, treadmills and classes in stadiums. Sneakers are worn for a walk, meeting with friends, to go to the store and on the nature. There are, of course, exclusively sports models, but there are also universal ones, such as, for example, shoes from New Balance. Sneakers from this company have long been firmly established in both women's and men's wardrobes.
Brand New Balance
The factory on which the first began to loosenThe shoes that preceded the current sneakers New Balance, was opened in 1904 in the United States by the Englishman W. Wrightley. There was also founded a laboratory in which he developed orthopedic shoes.
With the launch of the same line of shoes New BalanceOne curious fact is related. Who would have thought that this very comfortable shoe owes its appearance ... to an ordinary chicken! The founder of the plant once paid attention to the poultry walking in the garden, in particular, how it keeps on its feet. As you know, the most stable figures are those that have three points of support. The same thing happened with chicken - a similar structure of its paws allowed Reitley to develop the idea and launch the brand "New Balance". Sneakers to this day are made according to those standards, which, however, are improved from year to year.

За время своего существования фирма сменила several owners, and the label itself because of this was even associated with several scandals based on racist grounds. However, this did not in any way affect the quality of the footwear produced, and already in the early 1990s. Brand New Balance was recognized as one of the leaders in the production of sports equipment.
Late 1980s and early 1990s- the time when the first New Balance products get to Russia. Sneakers with the treasured letter N were the object of desire of almost all young people, and they could only be obtained with the help of fartsovschiki.
Constant adherence to traditions and attentiveAttitudes to quality have made this shoe world famous. The company's special management policy in the field of production adds some peculiar nationalistic and conservative charm to the brand: today, when many well-known sports companies have already firmly established themselves in China and other Asian countries, having built factories there, New Balance continues to produce most of its products in the USA and the UK. As a rule, these are all new and especially complex models.
Who wears New Balance?
First, “New Balance” - sneakers recognizedmany stars and foreign celebrities. Jim Carrey, Michelle Williams, Jack Black, Megan Fox, Mike Myers, Jennifer Aniston, Matt Damon in different years appeared in public in the famous sports shoes. Also among the famous fans can not mention Steve Jobs and Bill Clinton.

Sneakers New Balance are standard equipment in training camps of the American army. Of course, they are very popular among athletes.
If we take into account the informal environment, we can see that in Russia these sneakers are one of the attributes of football fans and members of the "right" groups.
New Balance Collections
For the convenience of studying the range of New Balance, all sneakers can be divided into three categories:
- Women's shoes.
- Men's shoes.
- Children's shoes.
Sneakers "New Balance" for women includethe following categories: classics, models for running and fitness, for traveling, everyday and special sports models. Most of the articles are made of nylon and suede, but there are also leather combination pairs. Color combinations can be chosen for every taste, but women's sneakers stand out immediately for their more compact and elegant form.
New Balance sneakers for men are a number ofa variety of models designed for running, walking, tourism, tennis, basketball, golf. The usual classic is suitable for everyday looks, walks or trips.
Children's sneakers are divided into rulers for boys and girls. There are even very tiny models for kids who barely learned to walk.

All sneakers New Balance differ characteristic sole, thickening to the heel, rounded nose with an upturned flow and the obligatory presence of the letter N on the outer and inner sides.
All collections have their own number, and even "New Balance" winter sneakers will belong to a certain line, and not to the season. The most popular models today are №№574, 576, 991, 1500.
How to distinguish the original New Balance from a fake?
There are a few general rules, following which, you can greatly reduce the risk of acquiring fake New Balance sneakers:
- the logo in the form of the letter N has a characteristic metallic sheen;
- a sole with a firm label identifier;
- shoes purchased in the store must fully comply with the picture on the official website of the brand New Balance;
- the cost of the model can not be lower than the stated price in the US online label catalog;
- Original sneakers have flat seams and tags, they should not be scuffed, cracked, dented and traces of glue;
- each pair is packed in a high-quality cardboard box, provided with information about the manufacturer and care recommendations.
Несмотря на это, настоящие летние или зимние New Balance sneakers are only available at branded or licensed stores. As for other ways of acquiring, there are no guarantees as to authenticity.

How to pick up New Balance sneakers?
Despite the fact that it is sports shoes,sometimes it is difficult to choose it. Depending on where this or that series is made, sneakers can be small or more. Shoes coming from the UK are usually half or full size. From Vietnam - more.
When buying sneakers unisex worthtake into account that the size of this category is indicated by men's standards. Therefore, before buying women need to carefully measure the foot, if the order occurs in the online store. Also sneakers differ in completeness - the width of the foot at the very beginning.
Pads of different rulers also have their own characteristics. If the classic fits almost everyone, then narrowly focused models can simply be inconvenient specifically for themselves.