/ / How to choose the shape of eyebrows by type of face? What are the shapes of eyebrows?

How to choose the shape of eyebrows by type of person? What are the shape of eyebrows

How to understand what shape of eyebrows suits you,if fashion inspires one thing, common sense is different, but isn’t that really beautiful for you? Do I need to focus on trends in such a burning issue as eyebrows? How to choose the shape of eyebrows and what shade to stop? We will reflect on all this below.

fashionable eyebrows

Fashion or classic?

Fashion trends and trends to those whois confused, help and guide. Do not forget that there is always a classic and a middle ground, adhering to which, you will look irresistible in any era, at any time and in any company. This applies to hairstyles, and the shape of eyebrows, and clothing, and manners, and everything else that can be directed along the rivers of fashion.

Choosing the shape of eyebrows by type of face, you are unlikelyYou’ll be mistaken, but it’s worth considering that even this unshakable criterion tends to change. Gather a couple of extra pounds, and your face will become rounder, lose weight - cheekbones will appear and your eyes will become larger, and a correctly selected shape of eyebrows can balance any type of face. Of course, contouring, shaping the forehead line, and more radical methods, such as plastic surgery, for example, sometimes help to achieve this goal.

We are all physiognomists

Reading by faces is a talent thatto a lesser degree, everyone is proficient: someone on a professional level, and someone on an intuitive one. Children who do not know how to read perceive faces, focusing in the center. The peoples who write from left to right are used to reading information: first from left to right, then from top to bottom.

This psychological trick is used by marketers, but as for the human face, eyebrows are the first after the hairstyle to fall into the field of view of the interlocutor, which is why they are so important.

eyebrow shaping

Eyebrow Power

Each of us is naturally given his own eyebrow shape:for some they are wide, for others narrow, for some lowered, for others raised, black and bright, short and long ... These criteria must be paid attention to.

The main lines should not go beyond the naturalhair growth zone. Having combed your eyebrows up or down, you can see the very line that will be the carrier. Relying on it, you emphasize your shape of the eyebrows, which simply can not be to your face.

What eyebrow shape to choose?

You can do this with several proven methods:

  • focus on fashion trends and copy your favorite form on the video of the famous blogger;
  • use a thread, a ruler, a pencil and a bar to mark the lines of the head, tail and bend of the eyebrow;
  • focus on your own line of growth;
  • use stencils;
  • turn to an experienced eyebrow;
  • monitor online services and choose the shape of eyebrows from a photo;
  • experiment yourself.

Each of these methods has the right to life.

fashionable eyebrows

In fashion

What eyebrow shape is currently popular?For several years in a row, maximum naturalness has been in fashion, but it does not exclude accuracy. For secular make-up, carefully selected eyebrows are chosen, wide, with a gradient transition, circled by a concealer, and for everyday life, it is quite enough to comb them and bring them a little with a pencil or shadows.

You may notice that now it’s even permissiblewear unbroken eyebrows, fluffy, but let down by the shadows a la smoky effect. However, such emancipation in the design to face only girls with clean even skin and a tightened oval. If you do not possess such qualities, then a sloppy style will only aggravate the look.

We can say that any adequate eyebrows are in fashion now, but too thin or stiffly tattooed look a bit ridiculous.

Eyebrow shapes

What are the shapes of eyebrows?There are many different classifications. Some describe the pattern itself (straight, arched, curved, monobrow), others describe the thickness (thin, harmonious, wide), others describe their location on the face (horizontal, pierrot, ascending), etc.

Straight eyebrows have virtually no crease, as a rule, are parallel to the imaginary line that connects the inner and outer corners of the eyes.

The arched eyebrow is also called the crescent, shedoes not have a crease. This shape is perfect for those who have superciliary arches and the shape of the forehead allow. Despite a very smooth and feminine bend, it does not categorically fit certain types of faces, making the look too overweight.

A curved eyebrow has a pronounced crease angle. It goes to most people. The amplitude of the bend can achieve a lifting effect.

For the ascending eyebrows, the outer tail is always higher than the head, and for the pierrot, on the contrary.

Where will we make eyebrows?

You can say a lot about the shape of eyebrows.the owner, because it is these two stripes above the eyes that convey the character of a person. By changing their slope, thickness or length, you can turn an angelic face into a bitchy one.

Даже если вы затаритесь всевозможной косметикой for eyebrows, there will be little use from her if the form is chosen incorrectly. There is an opinion that the bend of the eyebrows should be selected according to the type of face, but how to explain the fact that one and the other form can go to the same person at different times?

A person has the property of growing up, getting younger, tired and losing muscle tone, swelling, losing weight, etc. And in each case, you need to individually approach the design of the eyebrows.

When the face is tightened, rested, he is notvisual contouring is required, including due to eyebrows. If fatigue prevails, or yesterday was a good evening, in the morning you can notice a swelling, swelling. In this case, the eyebrows will help: curved need to be made more amplitude, and straight a little slanted to create a lifting effect.

types of persons

Round face

What shape of eyebrows suits a person without brightpronounced texture? Before answering this question and starting to pick up a bend, you need to agree on what we will call a round face. This is the whole snag, since it is difficult for a person to independently determine his type. Yes, and sometimes it’s not easy to “make a diagnosis” from the side if the shape of the face does not have specific angles or roundness.

When choosing the tilt and bend of the eyebrows you need morefocus on the shape of the forehead. Chubby people with flowing features will go sophisticated smooth brows without sharp bends. If the forehead is high, you need to draw them along the top line of growth, so the look will seem wide and the forehead more harmonious.

Oval face

What shape of eyebrows is suitable for ownersthe correct elongated shape? Almost any. Yes, these girls were the most fortunate, as their even and curved eyebrows look very harmonious. Depending on the hairstyle, each time you can choose a different shape of the eyebrows.

Oval face

Long face

Despite the fact that many girls tryvisually stretch their face, so that it seemed thinner, owners of pronounced elongation try to hide it as much as possible. Horizontal eyebrows will help in this matter. Any arch and strong bend lengthen the appearance, so such techniques should be avoided.

The long-faced girls look beautifully with wide eyebrows with a long tail.

Square face

This type is more suitable for amplitude eyebrows withkink or with a smooth bend. Straight parallel wide eyebrows can make the appearance masculine, for tenderness it is better to opt for moderate thickness.

square face

Eyebrow Formula

Everyone knows that to determine the beginning, end andthe highest point (or bending point) of the eyebrow you need to use the following trick: draw a line through the extreme lateral point of the nose wing and the inner corner of the eye - this is the beginning of the eyebrow; a line passing through the tip of the nose and the middle of the pupil will show the crease point; and the line that connects the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye limits the tail of the eyebrow.

For a beautiful wide open look, makeup artistsIt is recommended to shape the eyebrows so that their tip is always above the head or, in extreme cases, lay on the same line. So the face will look peppy, fit. If the outer corner is omitted, this creates fatigue or eternal surprise.

If you have large facial features, opt for wide eyebrows, if sophisticated - thin.

If the skin is problematic or uneven, which mayto become a consequence of age-related changes or diseases, fluffy, fuzzy-shaped or not plucked eyebrows will aggravate the appearance, but they will also not decorate stiffly even.

To visually stretch your face, increase the amplitude of the bend, to shorten - reduce.

You need to narrow your forehead - we make eyebrows shorter, you need to expand - we make longer.

eyebrow formula

The best way is experiment.

You need not be too lazy and choose one day forself experimentation. You can draw eyebrows according to the formula, you can by eye. Above, below, thinly, thickly, the inner corner should be brought closer to the bridge of the nose or put off ... It will take some time, but no one will cope with this task better than you yourself.

To mask natural eyebrows, you canuse concealer, thick foundation or a white pencil, and especially the bold ones bleach them or shave them, which is not recommended for you to do. Then on top of a clean “canvas” we draw our eyebrows.

You can borrow techniques from professionalbrowists and use a barbell. However, perfectly even eyebrows can make a face skewed, as perfectly symmetrical faces are rare and sometimes look frightening.

Color affects shape

Many famous makeup artists call fornot using black for eyebrows. If there is no way out, and you have only a black pencil or shadow in your arsenal, you will have to make the eyebrow 1.5 times thinner so that it does not overload the face.

It’s best to choose a brown pencil orshadows, but not with an orange undertone, but with gray. This versatile product is ideal for brunettes, brown-haired women, redheads and blondes. And in the absence of the rest of the cosmetics, they can also make up the eyes, do contouring and emphasize the lips.

So, the brighter the color, the wider the eyebrow; the darker the thinner.

To learn how to choose the shape of eyebrows by type of face, you do not need to develop formulas and measure everything with a ruler, just trust the personal feeling of beauty.