/ / Makeup for blondes with green eyes and fair skin

Makeup for blondes with green eyes and fair skin

Any girl wants to look good and that isBecause of this desire, you can make a lot of mistakes in makeup, clothes. To avoid any inaccuracies, as well as to emphasize the advantages of appearance easily, you just need to know what is best for you. This article will tell about the intricacies of makeup for blondes with green eyes.

Jennifer Lawrence. Light makeup

What is suitable for this type of appearance?

Многие считают, что быть натуральной блондинкой с Green eyes - a real gift of fate. So it is, because nature has already given you a very interesting appearance. Now the main thing is to emphasize this, and not distort all the natural colors.

Blonde makeup example

In general, makeup artists consider green eye color to be universal, however, some tones emphasize the eyes much more favorably, while others, on the contrary, interrupt the beauty of the shade.

Good green eyed blondes will look withshades of bronze shades. These pigments make the eyes warmer. For daytime makeup, it is best to use matte eye shadows, and for evening make-up - with mother of pearl, shimmer, sparkles.

Makeup for blondes with green eyes also includes shades of copper tones. Moreover, the cosmetics of this color type is considered ideal for green-eyed girls, regardless of hair color.

Violet shadows not less favorably emphasize the color of the iris. Warm shades are best suited for makeup in the summer, and for winter - cold, respectively.

Common Makeup Mistakes

In the photo, the makeup for a blonde with green eyes can look just incredible, but some mistakes can ruin the whole effect, which will be evident both in the picture and in reality.

First of all, green-eyed blondes are not worthuse blue and blue shadows. Eyes will seem inexpressive, and the face - tired. Also forget about using silver shadows. Brick, reddish pigments are also not suitable for makeup green eyes. Otherwise, the shadows will create the painful effect of tear-stained eyes. Do not use a green tint that matches your iris color. Makeup artists do not recommend black shadows; this pigment will make the face older.

A few tips

Beautiful makeup for blondes with green eyes will work, if you do not forget about a few more rules.

Kristen Stewart Makeup

Instead of black pencil and eyeliner makeup artistsrecommend cosmetics brown or grayish. Black mascara can be used, but here you also need to be careful. Makeup for blondes with gray-green eyes also does not imply the use of such pigments.

As a tonal basis for the face is besttake the cream and powder of peach or pinkish colors. It should be applied not too thick toner, and light basis with the effect of a highlighter. To fix the tone can be transparent powder. This makeup will look very natural.

As a blush it is recommended to use delicate pinkish shades, this will give the face freshness.

Fast make-up

После того как вы разобрались с главными the rules of make-up, you can begin to study the step-by-step makeup for the green eyes of the blonde. You want to look good all the time, but there is not always time for it. We offer you an example of a quick make-up that can be applied before going to work or school.

Start by applying a tonal framework. Do not forget the tips above.

Next, proceed to the eyebrows.Girls with a cold shade of hair (ashy, etc.) are recommended to use a grayish pencil, and to blondes with a warm color - brown. It is advisable to use cosmetics to tone darker curls.

Now proceed to the eyes.On all eyelid apply beige shadows. Next, make the arrows gray shadows with a shimmer. This part will take the most time, but this type of liner is the fastest. Simply dip a wet beveled brush in the shade, and then draw a line over the upper eyelashes from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. If desired, feather the arrows. Make up your eyelashes. Use a light pink or beige lipstick. Makeup ready.

Casual makeup

Makeup for blondes with kare-green eyesdoes not depend on the hair. Many girls are confident that some kind of makeup does not fit their haircut, but it is not. The choice of makeup should be based on the color of your eyes, hair, and sometimes skin.

Emma Stone. Blonde makeup example

If you have enough makeup time, and you want it to look appropriate at work or in school, try the next make up.

Disguise all skin imperfections with concealer.This applies to any rashes, bruises under the eyes. Then apply a tonal foundation. Use a palette for face correction. Apply a dark pigment to the cheekbones, jaw line, and between them - a light corrector. Also draw thin dark lines on the sides of the nose, and in the middle draw a light strip. Everything needs to be carefully shaded.

On the eyelid almost to the eyebrows, apply a matte shade, the color is close to the natural skin color. Then blend makeup, clear boundaries will look unnatural.

Next, draw a brown pencil over the arroweyelash growth line on the upper eyelid, do not go beyond the corner of the eye. Blend this line as well, so that a dark stripe appears. Near the corner of the eye on the lower eyelid, draw a thin line with a green pencil, this will make the eye color more saturated. Paint eyelashes with dark gray mascara. Draw eyebrows. Lip is suitable for a bright shine.

Evening make-up

Evening makeup for blondes with green eyes can just bewitch if applied correctly. Below is an example of make-up for the evening.

Scarlett Johansson. Bright makeup for blondes

Нанесите тональную основу.Use only resistant cosmetics, otherwise the makeup will noticeably fade even in the middle of a party or a date. Carefully select the color of the tonal base. If the tone is slightly lighter or darker than your skin, your face will look like a mask. Apply the base and on the eyelids so that the shadows last longer. For this you can use either foundation or primer.

Next, draw a thin black line with a pencil.over the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. To shade is not necessary. Now apply dark green shade with mother of pearl. It is best to use a pigment with golden sparkles. Draw over the upper eyelid to the middle with brown shadows. Apply the same pigment to the line below the lower eyelash growth line. Black pencil draw on the lower mucosa. Next, apply mascara. Color lipstick to choose your own taste, but it should not be too bright, since the main emphasis you have done on the eyes. Do not forget to put a highlighter under the eyes, on the tip of the nose, and also above the upper lip.

Smokey Ice

Makeup for blondes with green eyes in styleSmokey is quite complicated. The fact is that you can go too far with makeup, and then the look will seem heavy. To avoid an unpleasant effect, try to apply the following make-up. Even if he is not exactly what you wanted, you can make a little start from him when applying another make-up smoky ice.

Smokey Ice for green-eyed blondes

Make-up should start with the eyes. Cosmetics are usually showered under the eyes. If there is already a base there, the pigment will stick, and you will have to repaint this area.

So apply primer.Fill the eyelid with beige pearl shades with a pink tint. Apply a dark gray pigment to the outer corner. Remove transitions. Draw the fold of the century with a dark brown color. In black shadows, draw a line under the lower lashes in the middle of the eye. Next, apply black or dark brown mascara.

Take care of eyebrows, skin tone. Do not forget the lips. Best suited dark, but not very saturated matte lipstick.

Beautiful makeup for blondes with green eyes

Makeup for green eyes and other hair shades

Makeup for blondes with green eyes is significantly different from makeup for a different hair color. If you are planning to change the hairstyle, you should find out what is suitable for another appearance.

Brunettes with green eyes are recommended purple, gray shadows. Also dark girls are recommended dark brown, black tones. Will look good and plum, purple, fuchsia.

Redheads are not recommended to use brown shade, better apply nude, golden pigments. Do not be afraid to use orange shades or cosmetics with copper spangles.

Blonde should not use orange and blue. Eye makeup, made in apricot, peach, beige colors, will look great.

Make up for blondes

There are some differences in makeup blondeswith green eyes from a make-up for a different color of eyes. For example, for gray-eyed girls there are no restrictions on the selection of shadows at all. Blue-eyed suit neutral colors - beige, brown. Brown-eyed you can most confidently try dark, rich pigments.