Recently, face cream with ureagaining popularity, although earlier their main component was associated in all people with something extremely annoying and unpleasantly smelling. Urea is a part of many liquids necessary for the existence of the human body, and also it is becoming more and more common in cosmetic preparations.

Why urea is needed
This organic compound is known to people yetfrom the 19th century, but much later, people decided to try to make a cream with urea. The benefits to the skin are really great for products whose main ingredient is urea. For a long time, this compound appeared to people in the form of white crystals, which have no smell, but resemble coarse salt in appearance. Studying the role of urea in the human body, scientists were able to make many discoveries.
As it turned out, this component is even contained inskin tissues and makes up as much as 7% of secreted by the skin to protect against the environment. In this case, urea helps to trap water molecules and retain them in the body. In addition, it acts on the amino acids, as well as the polypeptides of the skin, in order to bind more water with molecular chains.
Urea creams are obtained by a synthetic carbamide compound (ammonia + nitrogen dioxide). Beauticians use this component in liquid or solid form.
Urea (urea) is a component of moisturizers.means. As a rule, its share in cosmetics is only 1%. Urea can easily be found in the composition of shampoos, body creams, hair dyes and so on. It is also included in toothpastes, lotions, antiperspirants as an antiseptic and deodorizing agent.

Крем с мочевиной для лица в аптеке найти очень easy. After all, this component is also an excellent exfoliant, destroying the intercellular bonds of dead skin cells, as well as contributing to their exfoliation. The epidermis is released from dead cells and recovers much faster.
Value for doctors
Urea has found frequent use in variousdermatological preparations. Absolutely every person felt the softness and tenderness of sweaty skin, which is facilitated by the combination of ammonia and nitrogen dioxide. It also softens the skin for psoriasis, eczema, diabetic dryness and other similar diseases.
In medicinal creams sold in pharmacies byacceptable prices, the concentration of urea can reach 40%, and its largest content (up to 50%) is included in the component composition of antifungal ointments.
Крема для лица с мочевиной, конечно, очень useful for the body, but they can harm him. First of all, doctors say that it is impossible to use such products for irritated or inflamed skin, as they will further aggravate the situation. It is also not recommended to use a cream for the face with urea in the presence of acne or for oily skin. And people who often suffer from allergies, should definitely make an allergy test before use.

Application rules
The best effect of the cream, which contains urea, will be obtained when applied to warm skin. It is recommended to use the tool immediately after taking a shower or bath.
If there is a need for the treatment of mycoses,Apply the cream with extreme caution and only on the affected area. It is worth knowing that the concentration of urea in this case is high, so you should not endanger not damaged areas of the epidermis, so as not to harm them even more.
Repeated studies have shown that urea is not a toxic element, but it should still be avoided that it gets into the eyes, as well as on damaged skin.
If you experience a burning sensation, severe rednessor an itch after application of means, its use should be stopped immediately and to address to the dermatologist as soon as possible. Each body in its own way perceives the component composition of cosmetic means, therefore, the above problems may arise in people who have not previously seen them.

The best urea creams for face and body
Practically moisturizing componentAll skin types valued in many countries. Modern production has long been using urea or just introduce it into their own products, due to which the popularity of the brand and the quality of products increases significantly. The best creams according to customer reviews to date are the following products:
- Lierac Hydra-Chrono (about 1,300 rubles).The cream perfectly moisturizes the skin, removes tightness and is guaranteed to support the right amount of fluid in the skin tissues. In addition to urea, it contains a plant complex, an extract of the Japanese lily of the valley, as well as an extract of eichoria.
- CHRISTINA Elastin Collagen Placental Enzyme (about 1000 rubles). As a part of the product there are herbal ingredients, elastin and collagen. It is intended for combination and oily skin types, which is why it is characterized by a low-fat concentration. The cream creates a good barrier, which for a long time and reliably protects the epithelium from all sorts of irritants.
- Eucerin Hyaluron-filler day cream for dry skin(about 2000 rubles). Cream German production can be purchased at the pharmacy, and in any specialty store. It is intended for the care of dry skin types after 30 years. One of the main components, in addition to urea, is sodium hyaluronate, which allows other beneficial elements to penetrate the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it.
Lierac Hydra-Chrono: reviews
This tool is already popularfor a long time, so there are a lot of reviews. Buyers note the fact that literally after a couple of uses, the skin becomes noticeably smooth and elastic. In addition, an equally important point, which is noted by absolutely all women using the tool, is the reliable concealment of wrinkles and the preservation of youth.

Opinion of people about CHRISTINA Elastin Collagen Placental Enzyme
This face cream with urea has reviewsvarious. Among the shortcomings, people point out only inconvenient packaging, since it may accidentally leak out when transporting the funds in a bag. The rest of the buyers are satisfied: excellent value for money, providing a matte effect, preserving the beauty and healthy appearance of the skin. Many young girls claim that they don’t even have to use make-up too often, as a cream with collagen and elastin can hide all the flaws.
Eucerin Hyaluron-filler day cream for dry skin: comments
A modern product Eucerin - cream with urea for the face, attracting the attention of women. After the first application, fine wrinkles are already hidden, and the skin becomes more smooth.

Also, people note the possibility of using the product as a makeup base, which the rest of the cream of this rating cannot boast.