How much time we spend on looks!It requires increased attention and care. This is especially true of our hair - namely, hair! The problem of “nothing to wear” constantly arises, just as often we cannot make a long decision about the hairstyle. In such cases, the good old cone comes to our rescue. With him, and in the fire, and in the water - and wherever possible, you will be on top. The main thing is to make it neat! Today the spikelet, braided on its side, is especially popular!

It would seem that making it is not a problem, but even here you need to take into account some nuances. Then you will surely look stunning.
So, first you need to wash your hair with shampoo,thanks to what your hair will get additional volume. Next you need to dry them with a hairdryer, but do not comb. To make your hair look more luxurious, use the secret, which is to raise the hair at the roots. The spikelet, braided to the side, is especially suitable for girls with thick hair, because the main thing in this hairstyle is volume. After that, you need to collect the hair in the tail and divide them into two equal parts. Next, take the strands and shift in turn in the second part of the tail. Repeat this action until we reach the end. After that, fix the hair with lacquer.
To finish the braid you need a decorative hairpin orrubber band. You can weave a ribbon that will give femininity and tenderness to your whole image. The ease and romance of your hair will give a few released strands. To enhance the effect you need to curl them a little with the help of curling. Many may decide that an element such as loose strands is a sign of carelessness, but it is not. Thanks to the strands your image will be light and airy. To give solemnity to the image, you can pin a brooch to the hairstyle.

With such a pigtail you can go to the park onwalk, and on a solemn event. Do not forget that accessories play a big role, thanks to which a regular pigtail can turn into a refined hairstyle.
Нет более актуальной прически, чем колосок на side, how to weave a spikelet - every girl should know, because it is thanks to such hairstyles that we have a huge store of options for every day. In addition to the spikelet, you can also weave a regular spikelet on its side. Technology hairstyles are also very light. The main thing is to allocate a little time for your appearance, and you will not recognize yourself!

It only takes a little time to practice, andThen you can always use your weaving skills in order to diversify your image. Do not walk forever with a horsetail. Do not forget that the girl should be feminine, elegant and attractive, and the spikelet, braided on its side, guarantees you that!