/ / "Safeguard" (soap): composition, reviews, dangerous than

Safeguard (soap): composition, reviews, dangerous than

Since ancient times, soap was made from soda ash andSpecial fats are mostly animal and vegetable. Manufacturers engaged in the peasants in the villages. Years later, flow technologies were invented. Now the soap has moved to factory production. After some more time, various “chemistry” was added to it. Especially common today are aromatic and disinfectant additives when cooking soap.

safeguard soap

A proven way is to wash several hands with soap.once a day, surely eliminates infections and many diseases. A well-known fact says that you need to wash your hands at least five times a day: before you sit at the table, when you come home from the street, after using public transport, and so on.


Safeguard is a soap that kills about 99%all known bacteria. Its peculiarity is that protection continues even after rinsing hands with water. This soap has a special composition. That is why "Safeguard" relieves the skin of hands from bacteria. It also provides protection on the skin and cares for the skin. The soap contains a patented ZPT formula, which prolongs the effect of the antibacterial composition and protects the skin for some time after washing.

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Choosing soap, the buyer firstpays attention to the protective properties. Preservation of health depends on the level of hygiene and cleanliness, which is designed to provide soap. Modern families often prefer the Safeguard series of antibacterial agents. This soap has passed certification in Russia after research by federal research centers. Safeguard is a good detergent that prides itself on its complex of anti-bacterial and cleansing ingredients. After all, they have a beneficial effect on skin health.

Disturbing symptoms

Experts are sounding the alarm: frequent and excessive use of antibacterial soap is harmful to health. Why so?

antibacterial soap

After all, until recently it was believed that washingchildren's hands with soap and antibacterial additives will solve the problem of the spread of ARVI in children's institutions. But a little over a year ago, bacteriologists announced information that it bears more harm than good. Their studies have shown that during the epidemic period, such soap does not save even the simplest respiratory diseases. It turned out that antibacterial additives in soap of this type are very aggressive and destroy not only pathogenic bacteria, but also necessary for humans.

Therefore, it is important to analyze the information and feedback from users of the soap and decide how often it can be used and in what cases.

Слово «микробы» в обиходе человека почти abusive However, the majority simply do not know that more than 500 types of microbes live and work in the human body. They perform particularly important biological functions in the internal organs and stand on the protection of our body. It is they who do not let in harmful bacteria. On the skin of the body, they also live (mostly useful). And the frequent use of antibacterial agents dramatically reduces the number of needed bacteria and the ratio of "good and evil" is broken. Maybe it is worth finding a middle ground?

"Interesting" composition

From advertising it is known that soap "Safegard" compositionhas a special. In addition to the standard ingredients, it contains triclosan. It has been included in many antimicrobial agents for many years. But for many years, scientists have been trying to say that this very triclosan causes mutational processes in some bacteria. British scientists also proved for quite some time that sterility is detrimental to humans (first, the body undergoes violent allergy attacks, followed by the destruction of the immune system).

Opinion about the composition

Soap "Safeguard" often receives feedbackradically opposite. For example, those who used soap say that the only plus point is smell. The composition even scares non-specialists. The advertising campaign has been set up correctly, but experts believe that this is just a marketing ploy.

soap safe

On the label is an image of an anti-bacterial shield,bright red guarantee of salvation from all known bacteria. And for some reason aloe. Subconsciously, the buyer thinks that there are also skin care ingredients in the soap.

The reverse side of the label does not indicatevoluntary certification, there is no data about GOST and even about TU. And strangely enough, there is not even a hint of compliance with ISO 9001 (international quality standards). This should alert the potential buyer.


"Safeguard" - soap, which includeslaureth- and lauryl sulfates. These substances belong to the cleaning and blowing agents. They dry the skin down to an allergic reaction, and that is scary, they accumulate in the body, and the liver does not cope with their withdrawal.

Cocamidopropyl betaine

The next ingredient, no less dangerous -cocamidopropyl betaine. This is an allergen. If you exceed the allowable concentration, you can cause a toxic reaction on the skin and eyes. Next: Triclocarban inhibits the endocrine system. Subject to local irritation antiseptic - chloroxylenol and sodium citrate. Still in the Methylsothiazolinone and Methylcloroisothiazolinone, the frequent effects of which lead to constant itching and irritation. Sodium benzoate, labeled on the label of the soap as dangerous, is an antiseptic, with an irritating effect. This is an incomplete list of allergens and irritants.

soap safe guard reviews

Is there a need for such a "protection" against bacteria and microbes? Their soap, of course, kills, but the harm brings much more.

"Safeguard" and acne: the benefits or harm

The fact that with the tendency of the skin to the appearance of a rash, sheneed a special, careful care, everyone knows. Drugstore chains and specialty stores offer many modern tools to combat acne. True, many of them are not very accessible, since they are quite expensive. Easier and cheaper to look at the soap. Antibacterial can cure unleashed acne. In addition to the main effect, the soap restores the acid-base and water balance. As a result, the pores are cleaned and narrowed. And since the pores are open, the inflammatory process is fading. “Safeguard” is a soap that is not suitable for the care of an inflamed face. Triclosan, which is designed to destroy bacteria, including acne, dries the skin. There are in this soap and other substances that are not useful. And many of them (if not all) cause allergies. Soap "Safeguard" for acne on the face is not recommended. In its composition there are alkalis, which are very dry skin. Sometimes (with caution) its use is justified for the skin of hands and body.

Soap "Safeguard" (reviews)

The danger of this tool, we have already figured out.Now consider the views of consumers. Today, the Safeguard series products are rapidly gaining popularity. Reviews of consumers who have teenage children are enthusiastic. Control over such children is a rather difficult process due to their hyperactivity. Therefore, parents offering this product for hand and face treatment to children feel calmer.

“Safeguard” is a soap that is intended not just for banal hand hygiene.

soap safe guard than dangerous

The means of this series were very much loved by summer residents and tourists who, even in nature, feel protected.

Soap packaging is pleasant for the hands, and the tool itselfhas the antiskid form. The flavors are varied, unobtrusive and pleasantly smelling. Soap because of its foaming qualities - economical. Antibacterial soap "Safegard" is suitable for regular use if there is no allergy to its components.