/ / Ani Lorak's Hairstyle - stylish, beautiful, bright

Ani Lorak's Hairstyle - stylish, beautiful, bright

Ani Lorak is a Ukrainian TV star, a wonderful motherand his wife and simply a very beautiful woman. Today it is known not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. Admirers do not cease to amaze not only the magnificent voice, but also amazing outfits, and stylish hairdress of Ani Lorak. In short, the singer is admired and even envious of the surrounding women. She is an excellent example of a modern bright woman. Ani Lorak's hair is beauty, grooming and Hollywood chic. So, more in detail.

Ani Lorak's hairstyle is extremely popular

Young ladies often run around the salonsbeauty with the request to make such a haircut. However, not everyone knows the name of Ani Lorak's hair. In fact, nothing complicated. This is the most ordinary cascade with a skew bang. Any master can easily cope with this task.

In a word, if you have quite a thickand long hair, the same amazing haircut as the famous singer, is what you need. Do not confuse the master. Just tell him that you want to make an elongated cascade. If the density and length are not enough, you can build up the hair. To date, this procedure is no problem. The black must necessarily be oblique. However, do not forget that in the case when you are the owner of a square or triangular face shape, it is best to consult a master. The slanting bangs are always successfully combined only with an oval face.

hairstyle ani lorak

Several variants

Ani Lorak's hairstyle can be performed inseveral variants - a cascade from the middle of the head, from the roots of the hair or only at their tips. The master can make a very sharp transition. And can stop and on a streaming easy ladder. In general, all at your discretion.

However, this is not all.In addition to cutting the singer, laying is also important. Of course, Ani Lorak appeals to the well-known experienced stylists. However, each girl can make a styling at home and herself. It's not that hard at all.

haircut ani lorak


Thus, Ani Lorak's hairstyle may slightlydiffer in their performances, depending on the styling. Most often, the singer straightens her hair, lifting them slightly at the roots. In order to achieve this effect, after washing your head, apply mousse or foam to damp hair. They are raised at the roots with a brush and a hair dryer. The same brush will help and twist the tips inwards.

You can see the girl also with large curls.If you are the owner of curly hair, you will not need a special styling. Just lay them with foam and give them a shape. If your hair is straight - screw them with forceps. Start spinning from the roots, leaving a small tail at the end. So your curls will look more natural.

what is the name of the haircut ani lorak


So, Ani Lorak's haircut is a direct proofworthy taste of a beautiful Ukrainian singer. She perfectly emphasizes the chic appearance of the girl, her delicate features. With the color of hair, the star of the stage practically never experiments. It remains faithful to a dark chestnut shade. Hairstyle singer picks up and makes her personal stylist Dmitry Pelymsky. Thanks to a professional specialist, a woman keeps her hair well-groomed, beautiful, shiny.

As such, the variety in Lorac's hairstyles is notexist. Both on stage and in life, in most cases, a girl can be seen with long flowing hair. The singer herself confesses in her interviews that the slanting bang and cascade are very good for her. Although sometimes he does not refuse from the high and low horse tails that open the face, or from the hairstyle in the style of babette. In addition, Ani Lorak is sure that she would look very well with a haircut in the style of Sharon Stone.

By the way, it is worth noting and one of the lastimages of the singer. Not so long ago, she just stunned everyone with her view of the new concert. The girl appeared before the eyes of fans with rather short hair. To do this, she carefully laid large curls, gave the appearance of a special charm. Of course, for the final result it was necessary to work on each strand properly. Each curl was raised and pinned invisible at the roots in such a way that the necessary length remained.

In general, the singer follows her appearance, her hair, and harmony in the image. And if you want to be like your favorite singer, then you just need to follow some of her rules.