/ / Gel for washing "Clean Line": composition, reviews

Gel for washing "Clean line": composition, reviews

Facial cleansing is an important aspect in caring forskin. Every woman dreams as long as possible to remain attractive, young and beautiful, that is why we can not neglect this action. Currently, on the shelves you can find a wide variety of cosmetics of various brands. Their prices are quite different, and it depends not only on the quality, but also on the brand itself.

cleanser gel cleanser

In this article we will talk about an inexpensive product.skincare "clean line". Despite the low and affordable price, the quality remains on top. Many girls and women, having once tried a product of this brand, have been using it for many years without thinking of replacing it.

The subject of our article will be a gel for washing."Clean line". In it, we learn in detail about this product, about its basic properties, composition, as well as learn the opinion of girls using this cosmetic.

Gels for washing

All cosmetics concern "Kalina" is based onhealing broths. Do not become an exception and gels for washing. This type of cleanser not only removes impurities on the skin, but also cares for it. In the case of small inflammations or heavy acne, it fights and reduces the visibility of the problem.

cleanser gel clean line reviews

Cleansers of this brand are suitable fordaily use. They care for the skin, gradually ridding it of imperfections, giving a fresh glow. Daily use of the product creates an invisible barrier for the skin, giving protection for the whole day. The calming effect is another plus, which should be noted, considering the products of this brand. Customer reviews mark the high quality of these gels.


The Pure Line trademark presents women with washing gels:

  • With the addition of celandine.
  • Created on a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  • The effect is perfect skin.

The basis for each product are decoctions.herbs with the addition of extracts of some plants. During regular use of the product, not only cleansing of the skin from pollution occurs, but also care for it.

clean line gel cleanser perfect skin

To enhance the care of the productIt is recommended to use other cleanser products. In addition to the gel, you can buy mycelial water. And in the end use a moisturizing or nourishing cream, and how to use it, is decided strictly individually. Reviews of women indicate that for each type of skin, you can choose the right product.

Clean Line, Perfect Skin Gel

This product is designed to care for youngskin. When creating the gel, they took a decoction of medicinal herbs as a basis, supplementing it with extracts of natural oils and extracts from medicinal plants. For a more careful and better care product enriched with zinc.

clean line deep cleanser gel

While using the product, the person receivesdeep cleansing, herbs help to reduce inflammation and prevent acne. Gel for washing "Clean Line" has a positive effect on the skin, the result becomes visible after 3-4 days. It becomes smoother and cleaner, bumps disappear. Visual impairments become less noticeable. All these effects confirm the reviews of those who already use such gels.

Cleanser Gel "Perfect Skin"It is best to use if the skin is prone to fat, for the dry type is better to choose another means of cleansing. During the use of the gel, not only deep, but also mattifying action occurs in the area of ​​use of the product.

The gel has a thick consistency, light and tender.floral scent. It foams easily and gently removes various impurities, including make-up. After use, the skin becomes smooth and tender, there is no discomfort.

Opinion buyers of the product "Clean Line"

Every girl before choosing a cosmeticmeans sure to find out more about it. It will draw attention to its composition, to what type of skin this or that product is suitable for, and the opinion of the majority of other customers. Considering the clean line gel for washing, you can find only positive reviews about it. Almost every girl notes a special skin care when using this tool.

Cleanser with the addition of celandine extract

Gel for washing "Clean line.Celandine is an excellent option for owners of problem skin, combined or prone to fat. Light in texture, it is a powerful tool for cleansing the face, easily fights with any contamination of the skin, suitable for washing off makeup. The only, but not a significant minus - you can not use it in the area around the eyes, to cleanse it, you can use a soft lotion to remove makeup from the eyes.

cleanser gel clean line

Means this brand is greatalso those with sensitive skin, during use it does not cause allergic reactions. After using the gel, the face becomes fresh and rested.

За основу при создании геля взяли экстракты chamomile, hypericum and celandine. Thanks to their action, the pores narrow, the sebaceous glands normalize. The use of gel for washing allows you to achieve deep cleansing, and also prevents new rashes and inflammations, removes redness.

The gel is easy to foam, has an unobtrusive anddelicate scent. To improve the therapeutic effect, you must use the tool regularly in the morning and evening. And at the end it is desirable to use the cream of the same company.

What do girls say about washing gel

In many cosmetic stores can be foundGel for washing "Clean line. Celandine". Reviews of this tool are mostly only positive. With regular use, there is a decrease in redness on the face, narrowing of the pores, as well as the disappearance of oily shine. According to many representatives of the fair sex, once having tried a product of this line, you cannot refuse it.

Sometimes girls claim that afterusing gel skin slightly, this is because the remedy was incorrectly chosen. For dry skin, you need to choose only the appropriate cleanser, and if you use a cosmetic product for oily skin, there will naturally be some discomfort.

On the decoction of medicinal herbs

“Clean line” (gel for washing) of deep action is achieved due to its medicinal herbs, is an excellent option for girls and women whose skin is prone to fat.

cleanser gel clean line

Чтобы достичь лучшего результата, следует use a cleanser regularly in the morning and before bedtime. After washing, apply a moisturizing light cream to the skin. By combining several cosmetics, the skin becomes fresh and rested, and a pink blush will indicate that you have the necessary vitamins.

Included in the gel nettle leaves haveanti-allergic effect, its anti-histamine properties remove redness and prevent their further appearance. Yarrow moisturizes and soothes the cells of the dermis, promotes their regeneration.

Due to the extraction of chamomile gel for washing protects the skin throughout the day from aggressive environmental factors. Gives youth to the skin and gives it a fresh and healthy appearance.

The composition of the gel includes many more different herbs,they help to create protection from the influence of the environment, from harmful microorganisms, soften and heal microcracks, fight against inflammation and acne.

Most choice

Over the years, brand products"Clean Line" pleases many women. Its amazing components help not only to look perfect, but also have a healing effect. For example, created under the brand name "Clean Line" gel for washing, whose composition is based on the decoction of herbs, eliminates acne. With it, many girls solved the problem with redness on the face and wide pores. It cleans and cares for every cell of the dermis.

Where can I buy cleanser gel? Product price

Those who have read this article mayA question arises: where can one purchase products of the Pure Line trademark, in particular washing gels? It is easy to find them, products of this brand are sold in almost every store, as well as in pharmacies.

clean line wash gel composition

Clean Line Gels have a lowprice and available to every girl who wants to buy a good means to care for their skin. In all points of sale the price is almost the same. The average cost per bottle varies from 120 rubles. up to 170 rubles.

Every girl or woman everhaving tried the Pure Line cosmetics, it is unlikely to change it for another. After all, the products of this company combine excellent quality and reasonable price. Its range is not limited to, periodically on the shelves there are new items.

The main thing to remember is that facial care should be timely, then you will remain young and beautiful for a long time, with radiant skin and a healthy blush on it.