Under the brand name "Pure line" concern "Kalina produces the following products for hair.
Phyto shampoos and balms
- "The impulse of youth" for different ages (25, 35, 45 years).
- "Smart" shampoos and balms for all types of hair (for oily - "Strengthening and freshness", for normal - "Strengthening and care", for dry - "Strengthening and nutrition").
- "Birch" for the whole family, "Firming" for all types of hair, "Silky shine" for colored hair.
- "Volume and strength" for thin and weak hair, "Regulatory" for hair prone to fat.
- "2 in 1" for all types of hair.
- "Against dandruff" for all types of hair.
In all these series shampoo is available in different volumes and balsam-rinse.
The “For Men” series is represented by shampoo andshampoo-gel 2 in 1. About the second tool you can hear more than one enthusiastic review. The “clean line” in general attracts the tireless attention of buyers, and they are actively trying new items. Many women use this shampoo-gel, and they are very satisfied.
Additional care
- Phytomasks in cans: “The power of cedar” strengthens for thinning and thinning hair and “Taiga berries” is an extrapitiate for very brittle split ends.
- Intensive phytomasks in tubes and caring fito products in sprays: “Beauty and Strength”, “Restoration and Volume”, “Shining Color”.
- Hair oil "Burdock".
Whatever you read a review, “Clean Line” hasundoubted advantage - low price. Even those who are disappointed, say that at least the purchase was inexpensive. Shampoos do not differ in quality from other brands of the mass-market like Shamtu, Pantene, Timotei, but they are twice cheaper. For many users of cleanser head wash, they are a real delight, for example, regulating shampoo for greasy hair.

Indelible care "Clean Line"

Even fitotvar "Beauty and strength" in the titlewhich is promised to strengthen the hair, is not able to restore the paint burned hair with split ends. These sprays are stunning, but not curative. They contribute to easier styling and give the hair a well-groomed look, make them voluminous, light, soft and silky, that is, in fact, perform purely cosmetic functions. Although there are reviews (there are not so many of them) in which it is noted that with constant use of sprays, the state of the tips of the hair really improves.
Intensive care "Clean Line"
Hair masks in cans were releasedrelatively recently, but already managed to catch the fancy of shoppers. The average score slightly falls short of the maximum. Especially praise the mask "The power of the cedar", which has a wonderful delicate aroma, perfectly softens the hair, nourishes the ends, facilitates styling and combing.

Balsams "Clean Line": reviews

Concern "Kalina" manages almost unbelievable: to produce really, in general, very effective hair products.