How to write a review about the story?Most often this question is asked by people forced on the order to write a review of a literary work. When writing a review, several criteria are taken into account. First, if this review is about a story, then it should not be longer than the story itself. Do not write a book of your opinions about what you read, even if you liked it. The whole problem is that nobody will read it. People will find it easier to read the story and draw their conclusions, rather than read the admiring exclamations about him. After all, what is a review?

A feedback is a reader's personal opinion of what has been read,outlined in brief form. Here, perhaps, and the whole decoding. Feedback - this is not an essay on a free topic, as it may seem at first glance. This is only your personal opinion about the material that you have studied. Feedback can be positive or negative. As for the indifferent attitude to what you write a review, it is only present for those people who do not write by their own will, but simply by performing the task set by the teacher.

For example, how to write a review about the story "Mumu"Turgenev? Few schoolchildren have not read this work. To some it may have seemed cruel, the other, on the contrary, rightly stated, as a real-life fact, to which one must be treated with all seriousness. Anyway, after reading this story you should have some opinion about the history. You may not like the plot, but draw a form, or vice versa - under a complex form of presentation you will see an incredible friendship story. Or maybe you will not see anything. It all depends on your vision, on how you look at history.
To understand exactly how to write a review aboutstory, you just need to take a pencil and start writing your opinion about any short literary work you read. A story is not a novel. It contains only a few events and a small amount of reflection. A novel is a more profound and complex form. But about him in another article. Let's return to the story and try to see how the review is born.

So, you just finished reading anythe story that interested you. After reading, you have an opinion about him. Something in it you hooked, something not. You are slowly articulating your opinion about the material, weighing all the pros and cons. As a result, you reach the moment when you need to put your personal score of the told story. Then it will be a full review, your personal feedback.
So before you ask yourself howwrite a review about the story, you need to drop everything that is secondary and, using only your knowledge, your vocabulary, tell about what you felt when reading the proposed story. And if you do it, congratulations - you wrote your first review. After all, a tip is a personal, not a similar opinion about the material that you read. And to write the right, beautiful and powerful tip, you need only your opinion and the ability to bring it to the reader.