/ / Cream for stretch marks "9 months": reviews, features of the use, effectiveness and composition

Cream from stretch marks "9 months": reviews, application features, efficiency and composition

Many women are thrilled by the onsetsuch a long-awaited event as pregnancy. However, during the carrying of the fetus, the girls gain extra pounds, the body loses its former shape, stretch marks appear and together with them the question of how to prevent their appearance.

Many important metamorphoses occur inthe body of the future mother in the period of gestation. Changes at the hormonal level contribute to the rapid increase in body weight, from which there are such unpleasant consequences as stretching. In the fourth month of pregnancy, the tummy begins to grow actively, all subsequent months it grows even more intensively. The skin on the abdomen does not have time to adjust to the sweat of such a pace and is deformed. Formed striae.

Eliminate such undesirable effects will helpThe newest cosmetic - cream for stretch marks "9 months". Reviews of this product are positive. Mustela company produces a range of cosmetics for expectant mothers. The series of products includes not only creams for stretch marks, but also special healing ointments for feet and intimate hygiene.

stretch mark cream 9 months reviews

The composition of the cream "9 months"

Cream "9 months" for the prevention and correction of stretch marks contains essential oils of vegetable origin, as well as a large number of other useful substances.

Oils that are part of:

  1. Essential oil of grapefruit increases blood microcirculation, due to this, the skin comes to tone. Increases metabolism, eliminates cellulite.
  2. Shea butter nourishes the skin with vitamins, makes it supple.
  3. Wheat germs are a source of collagen, affect the skin, restore its elasticity, enrich the necessary vitamins.

In addition to oils, this cream contains antioxidants,they protect the epidermis from harmful effects, such as ultraviolet radiation. Lipids and peptides eliminate flabbiness, help the skin adapt to changes in the body.

9 months stretch mark cream reviews

Properties of cream for stretch marks

Pregnant women need special attention.approach the choice of cosmetics for leaving the skin. It is necessary to study the composition of the chosen means and most importantly to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

A favorite of most women is a cream fromstretch marks "9 months". Reviews of doctors about this tool say that it does not cause allergic reactions and is 100% able to cope with its main task, that is, it excludes the appearance of stretch marks.

Not every woman can boast perfect andsupple skin. Therefore, the cream should be applied to the most deformed places: abdomen, thighs, buttocks and mammary glands. The right solution is to use the cream before the appearance of defects, because it is rather difficult to get rid of the stretch marks that appear.

Regular application of funds can be carried out at the initial stages of pregnancy. Absolutely harmless is a "9 months" cream for the correction of stretch marks. Feedback from enthusiastic women confirm this.

cream 9 months from stretch marks reviews Price

Characteristics of the cream

The advantages of this tool:

  • prevents striae;
  • makes the skin supple;
  • the skin takes on a beautiful appearance;
  • cream can correct stretch marks that have already appeared;
  • Cream for the prevention and correction of stretch marks "9 months" has many positive reviews.


  • the structure does not include components that can harm the baby;
  • is a good moisturizer and also protects the skin;
  • the cream has a light texture;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • no restrictions on use;
  • instantly absorbed;
  • Doctors recommend daily use;
  • affordable price;
  • Reviews of cream for stretch marks "9 months" only positive.

Reviews of stretch marks cream for 9 months

Application rules

It is recommended to apply the cream 2 times a day after a shower with light massage movements. Before applying, you need to use a scrub to remove all horny scales of the epidermis.

Стоимость крема "9 месяцев" варьируется в within 300 rubles per tube. Before feeding, the remnants of the cream from the chest must be washed off and wiped the skin with a napkin. The tool does not cause allergic reactions, but it is desirable to be safe and make a test.

Cream for stretch marks "9 months"

cream for the prevention and correction of stretch marks 9 months

This cosmetic helps to get rid offrom skin defects that have appeared recently. Cream for stretch marks "9 months", reviews confirm this, is not effective in eliminating stretch marks that have appeared long ago. The drug consists of components of natural origin, they are perfectly balanced and will not harm the expectant mother and her baby. Due to the presence of useful components, doctors leave positive feedback about “9 months” (stretch mark cream).

Cosmetic "9 months" contains:

  1. Grapefruit oil, which increases blood circulation, breaks down fats and tones the skin.
  2. Shea butter. It is extracted from the fruits of the African tree, this product can often be found in the composition of cosmetics.
  3. Shea butter is in demand because of its medicinalproperties. Being a part of the cream "9 months", it provides the skin with a moisturizing effect, also tones it and makes it soft. Eliminates inflammatory processes and allergic reactions.
  4. Wheat germ in the cream "9 months" play the role of a vitamin complex. In addition, cells are restored.
  5. Antioxidants remove toxins and fats.
  6. Lipids make the skin supple and elastic.

The skin is well absorbed by the cream.It differs in that it is quickly absorbed and gives a result, and also does not leave fat stains behind. It is necessary to use 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening), according to recommendations of the doctor. The cream can be purchased at a pharmacy at an affordable price.

Serum for stretch marks "9 months"

Serum is designed for daily care,suitable for soft dry skin, is a preventive and healing agent. Apply it during pregnancy. Serum effectively copes with the elimination of defects, gives the skin elasticity, elasticity and attractive appearance. Also, the tool tones the skin, in addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug contains only natural substances, is a safe means for the health of pregnant women.

9 months stretch mark correction cream reviews

Cream "9 months" of stretch marks: reviews, price

Women who have stretch marks, doctorsrecommend this remedy. Many young mothers complain that they have striae during pregnancy and lactation. They tried a lot of means to eliminate these defects, but only “9 months” cream from stretch marks helped to get rid of them. Reviews confirm its effectiveness. In addition, the tool can be purchased at a reasonable price, the cost of one tube is not more than 300 rubles.

Cream for stretch marks "9 months": reviews of doctors

Choosing a tool, first of all you needfind out what the experts say about him. Doctors recommend "9 months" (stretch mark cream). Reviews of this tool are positive. The cream is indicated for use by all pregnant women. The tool is not capable of harming the health of the baby, as it does not cause negative reactions of the body.