/ / Gel "Kontraktubeks" from stretch marks: reviews of women

Gel "Kontraktubeks" from stretch marks: reviews of women

stretch mark contractubex reviews

As you know, scars adorn only men.But women always want to look perfect. But, unfortunately, there are sometimes times in life when a scar is formed on a woman’s body or face for some reason. It becomes a tragedy. Ladies, as a rule, are very worried about this. After all, it is often impossible to get rid of this damage without the help of a plastic surgeon. In addition, many representatives of the fair sex after pregnancy and childbirth, or as a result of large differences in body weight on the skin in certain places, there are so-called stretch marks. It is also impossible to get rid of these defects by simple methods. Is it all so serious, and women can only help the surgeon's scalpel? It turns out that there is a way out. This is a new tool "Kontraktubeks" from stretch marks. Reviews about him have already appeared. Let's see, is it really that effective?

contractubex cream

Structure of the preparation

In order to understand how our medication works, let's turn to its composition.

  • Allantoin. It helps to soften the cornified layer of the scar, catalyzes the formation of new skin layers, improves blood flow.
  • Onion extract Ceray. Dissolves blood clots, reduces inflammation, inhibits the formation of cells that form a hard scar.
  • Heparin sodium. Softens the stiffness of the scar tissue.

The action of the gel "Kontraktubeks" from stretch marks, reviews of which we also consider below, due to its constituent substances. This is our next chapter.

How to deal with stretch marks "Kontraktubeks"?

As a result of complex effectsThe ingredients of the gel in the body are stimulated collagen production. In this case, the wound (and in our case the stretching) will begin to scar. At this stage the horny layer is formed. The components of the tool soften it. As a result, the scar becomes less visible, the redness in its area disappears. In place of stretch marks, only a barely visible light strip remains. The task of the Kontraktubex gel from stretch marks, the reviews about which are mostly positive, is to achieve a more rapid "maturation" of the fresh scar. Therefore, it is important to start using it as early as possible. But even in advanced cases, the tool is very effective.


How to apply the cream "Kontraktubeks"? Very simple!Apply it to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day, gently rubbing into the skin. If you are treating a fresh scar, it will be sufficient to apply the remedy for 4 weeks. But you need to apply the drug only after the wound is delayed a little. If you decide to treat an old scar or stretch marks that have appeared long ago, then the course of application will need to be increased to 3-6 months. In this case, the gel should be applied daily.

against stretch marks

Women's Feedback

And now let's hear what lovely ladies say aboutusing gel. Most of them agree that this drug can be used against stretch marks. The women who wrote a positive review noted that after a few weeks the skin defects really became unobtrusive. There are also negative comments which state that it is impossible to get rid of stretch marks with the help of this tool. To believe or not these statements is your own business. But, perhaps, if it turned out that we have to get rid of any scar, it is better not to start with such radical methods as surgery.

Thus, we found out that Kontraktubex gel from stretch marks will help us to fight skin defects. Reviews about him confirm its effectiveness.