/ / What if you have rough skin

What if you have rough skin

The condition of our skin directly depends on that,that we eat and drink. If you drink a little water, it will become dry, flaky and rough from the lack of fluid. This is due to the fact that dehydrated skin can not update the cells in time. From the lack of fluid, collagen is not produced, which makes it elastic.

Most common skin is on the hands and heels.This is also due to the fact that there she is most exposed to physical effects. Rough skin on the hands and women who are much in contact with chemicals, put their hands in the wind, frost, cold water. From this, the skin coarsens and looks ugly. To avoid this, you need to use gloves in winter and during homework, lubricate your hands with cream and do not forget to moisturize the skin from the inside - drink enough water.

rough skin
If nevertheless it was not possible to avoid that the skinweathering and coarsening, you need to take immediate action. After frost, if the hands are very cold, you can not warm them in hot water, first hold them in a cool, and then make a warm bath with chamomile.

To the skin after frost is not coarsened, you need to make a mask with a nutritious cream or linseed oil.

To do this, densely greased hands covered with a napkin or put on them gloves.

Well soften the hands of a bath with a sauerkrautcabbage, potato broth or mask with mashed potatoes. The skin after this becomes soft and tender. If on the palms of the coarse corns appeared, rip them in a soap-soda bath and gently rub with pumice stone.

dehydrated skin

The skin of the hands can be softened by peeling.It is good to massage them with such a composition: mix the banana with brown sugar and olive oil. Even the roughest skin will soften if you massage it with a linen bag with warm sea salt and herbs: sage, plantain and chamomile.

Often women forget about caring for elbows, andbecause rough skin can appear on them. It will help to cope with frequent massage with lemon peel. A good effect against coarsened elbows will be from the baths with olive oil: dip them into a bowl with warm oil, after 10 minutes rub them with pumice stone. And do not forget to lubricate your elbows with cream.

Most women are worried about rough skin onheels. This is due to a long walk in uncomfortable shoes and improper foot care. Soap-soda baths or baths with potato starch soften the calluses. After steamed skin rub with a brush or pumice stone. You can remove the calluses with a compress from the leaves of aloe, onion gruel, grated apple or lemon. Elderly calluses can be softened by tying for the night a crumb of rye bread,

rough skin on the heels
soaked in apple cider vinegar, a fresh cabbage leaf, smeared his heels with honey.

Very effective cream against rough skin easilydo yourself: take half a glass of olive oil and rub there three carrots. In a day, squeeze and strain. This cream has no contraindications and side effects.

If you have rough, dehydrated skin, take care of it regularly with soft moisturizers, be sure to drink at least two liters of water a day, eat properly.