It's no secret that make-up makes a woman brighter andmore beautiful, but even the most professional make-up is not able to disguise skin imperfections. For her to be healthy, she needs to pay attention every day, because only appropriate skin care for the face and body can provide a great appearance.
Determine the type of skin
To find the right care, you needdetermine the type of skin. This determines the choice of facial care products. If you have oily skin, she does not need strong nutrition, and if dry, she can not be dried with masks and tonics. Skin type is easy to determine.
Dry skin in adolescence is verybeautiful, there are no manifestations of acne and dilated pores. She is very thin and delicate. However, over time, this skin is no longer enough moisture and nutrition. Not getting necessary, dry skin quickly fades. Often, it is also sensitive and prone to irritation and peeling.
Oily skin is the complete opposite of dry.It is coarse, dense, and enlarged pores are visible. At the same time, there is a big plus: it can produce a protective film itself, and therefore has better protection against the harmful effects of the environment. Unlike dry, oily skin ages much more slowly, but because of excessive secretion of sebum on it acne and pimples often appear. In this case, the expanded pores spoil the overall appearance. If you provide such skin with proper care, it will get a clean and smooth look.
Combined skin has no visible drawbacks.It is often confused with normal, which is not surprising. T-zone (nose and forehead) with combined skin is fatter than the rest of the face. On the cheeks, the skin is normal or even prone to dryness.
Normal skin with modern ecology and living conditions is a real rarity among adults. Such a skin is an ideal: smooth, even, elastic, without flaws. In general, like a child.
Choose the right skin care for the face
To the skin received the necessary substances,care products need to be selected correctly. Standard means include milk to remove make-up (alkali in the composition disrupts the natural pH of the skin), day and night cream, tonic, masks and scrubs, eye cream. Now about the peculiarities of caring for different types of skin.
Proper skin care for dry type skin
Greasy milk is good for cleansing 1once a day, in the evening. In the morning just rinse your face with water. As a tonic, a soft lotion without alcohol with moisturizing agents is suitable. To prepare a tonic yourself, you need:
1 tbsp. Spoon green tea with hot mineral water, add lime, insist for 2 hours, strain and store in the refrigerator.
Creams must contain nutrients.Day cream should protect the skin well from ultraviolet light. Ideal for a night cream: nourishing and regenerating. Eye cream is necessary only with the appearance of the first wrinkles. Instead of scrubbing once a week, use gommage, it spares the skin.
Proper skin care for a fatty face
Основа ухода в том случае – очищение.Ideal gel for washing with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Tonic for oily skin is also mandatory. It should have anti-inflammatory additives in the composition of alcohol and pore-tightening pores. You can even prepare it at home:
1 tbsp. spoon of calendula brew 1 glass of hot mineral water, insist, strain, add lemon juice and 1 tsp of vodka, put in refrigerator.
Suitable only for special creams for oily skin.The use of eye cream only when the first wrinkles. Every week, you should use a scrub, 2-3 times a day, as well as cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks.
Correct face skin care combined type
Tonic should be used only for the T-zone, where a greasy gloss is visible. You can prepare it at home:
1 tbsp. Spoon green tea with a glass of hot mineral water and add the lemon juice.
You need to buy creams for combination skin. The cream for the eyelids is used in the manifestation of the first wrinkles, usually after 25 years. Good for pilling 2 times a week.
Home skin care for:universal rules
- Do not go to bed without washing off your makeup.
- Day cream must contain UF-filters.
- Do not use wrinkle cream if it is not necessary.
- Night nourishing cream apply on damp skin, day time moisturizing - on dry.
- Make masks from natural vegetables, fruits and berries.
- Sleep at least 8 hours.
We hope that our small tips will help you take care of your skin. Care and care for her - a pledge of a beautiful face and good mood!