/ / How to clean the wall "VKontakte": best tips

How to clean the wall "VKontakte": the best advice

Social networks have become an integral part of lifemodern internet user. On the virtual pages you can find many different functions. In Russia, the popular resource "VKontakte". There is a so-called “wall” here - this is a place where each user can write a message to the profile owner in the public domain. Here, users leave personal posts. Very comfortably! This is something like a personal microblog. But sometimes you have to think how to clean the wall "VKontakte". Can this be done? What is required for this?

The process of cleaning the wall

Cleaning capability

To begin, find out if there is a corresponding function in the "VK" in principle. Perhaps, the administration of a social network forbids to clear virtual walls?

No, but to cope with the task atbulk deleting records is problematic. Previously, users could completely clear their virtual walls in profiles in a few seconds. But due to frequent hacking of questionnaires, the corresponding function was disabled.

Nevertheless, you can think about how to clean the wall "VKontakte". Especially if you want to get rid of any specific records.

One post at a time

Quickly clean the wall "VKontakte" standardfunctions of the social network does not work. But each user can edit the studied profile component. For example, erase specific posts - their own or others.

Cleaning the wall

This will require:

  1. Log in to vk.com using the data of your personal profile.
  2. Scroll through the wall to the place where the post is placed unnecessary.
  3. Move the cursor over the image with the down arrow. It is located in the post log on the right.
  4. Select the "Delete ..." function.

After the done actions the message will be erased. It can be restored by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink. It will appear on the site of the deleted message.

Script to help

Need to clear all posts on VK wall? There is one trick that will help solve the problem. Only it is worth remembering that with the new design "VK" the reception is unstable.

To translate ideas into life, the user will need to use a special script. It allows for a few minutes to delete all posts on the wall in the social network application form.

Deleting an entry on the wall

How to clean the wall "VKontakte"? Step by step procedure can be thought of something like this:

  1. Go to vk.com.
  2. Log in to the social network using your username and password.
  3. Enter the script into the browser address bar:
    java * class = "token operator"> * class = "tokenoperator "> * script class =" token punctuation ">: class =" token keyword "> var h = document. class =" token function "> getElementsByClassName class =" token punctuation "> (class =" token string ">" ui_actions_menu _ui_menu "class =" token punctuation ">) class =" token punctuation ">; var i = 0 class =" token punctuation ">; class =" token keyword "> function del_wall class =" token punctuation "> (class =" token punctuation ">) class =" token punctuation "> {class =" token keyword "> var fn_str = h [i class =" token punctuation ">] class =" token punctuation ">. class =" token function "> getElementsByTagName class = "token punctuation"> (class = "token string"> "a" class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation"> [class = "token number"> 0 class = "token punctuation">] class = "token punctuation">. onclick class = "token punctuation">. class = "token function"> toString class = "token punctuation"> (class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation">; var fn_arr_1 = fn_str. class = "token function"> split class = "token punctuation"> (class = "token str ing ">" {"class =" token punctuation ">) class =" token punctuation ">; var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1 [class = "token number"> 1 class = "token punctuation">] class = "token punctuation">. class = "token function"> split class = "token punctuation"> (class = "token string"> ";" class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation">; eval class = "token punctuation"> (fn_arr_2 class = "token punctuation"> [class = "token number"> 0 class = "token punctuation">] class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation">; class = "token keyword"> if class = "token punctuation"> (i == h.length class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation"> {class = "token function"> clearInterval class = "token punctuation "> (int_id class =" token punctuation ">) class =" token punctuation ">} class =" token keyword "> else class =" token punctuation "> {i class =" token operator "> ++ class =" token punctuation ">} class =" token punctuation ">} class =" token punctuation ">; class = "token keyword"> var int_id = class = "token function"> setInterval class = "token punctuation"> (del_wall class = "token punctuation">, class = "token number"> 500 class = "token punctuation"> ) class = "token punctuation">; class = "token punctuation">.
  4. Delete *** in the script.
  5. Press the "Enter" button on the keyboard.

It remains only to wait.These actions will start the automatic removal of posts on the wall of the social network. The duration of the procedure depends on the speed of the connection to the Internet and on how many messages the “VK” element mentioned earlier contains.

Innovations in the social network

How to immediately clean the entire wall "VKontakte"?In 2018, a new solution to this problem was invented. It works better than previously proposed, but takes much more time. It is necessary to repeat the procedure several times, if there are many posts on the wall.

The algorithm for quick cleaning of the wall "VKontakte" looks like this:

  1. Scroll through some of their posts on the wall. You can hold down the space bar or end.
  2. Anywhere click RMB.
  3. Select the line "View code". Sometimes there is the inscription "Explore ...".
  4. Open the "Console" section.
  5. Enter the code in the line that appears:
    (class = "token keyword"> function (class = "tokenpunctuation ">) {" use strict "class =" token punctuation ">; if (class =" token operator ">! class =" token function "> confirm class =" token punctuation "> (class =" token string "> "Delete all posts from the wall?" Class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation">) return class = "token punctuation">; var deletePostLink = document.body class = "token punctuation">. Class = " token function "> querySelectorAll class =" token punctuation "> (class =" token string ">" a.ui_actions_menu_item [onclick ^ = "wall.deletePost"] "class =" token punctuation ">) class =" token punctuation ">> ; for (class = "token keyword"> var i = 0 class = "token punctuation">; i ; i ++ class = "token punctuation">) {deletePostLink [i class = "token punctuation">] class = "token punctuation">. class = "token function"> click class = "token punctuation"> (class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation">;} alert class = "token punctuation"> (deletePostLink class = "token punctuation">. length + "posts deleted" class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation">; } class = "token punctuation"> (class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation">) class = "token punctuation">; class = "token punctuation">.
  6. Click on "Enter" on the keyboard.
  7. Confirm the procedure for deleting posts.

Are the records deleted? Then you can scroll through the page again and repeat the actions. Only in this way the user will be able to answer without any problems, how to clean the wall "VKontakte" in automatic mode.

Programs and Applications

Sometimes you can find different programsApplications and offers of loading / purchasing special utilities for "VK". Their creators say that the appropriate software will help to quickly delete the records on the wall and restore when they want.

Script for cleaning the wall

Believe such proposals should not be.Previously, we considered all the currently possible ways to remove posts on the wall in "VK". There are no other options for the development of events. No program for the social network will not be able to cope with the task. Usually, viruses and page hackers mask this way. Some simply pull money out of gullible users, offering to buy a miracle program.