/ / Why can not I see my phone?

Why can not I see my phone?

In order to transfer information from the phone tocomputer or vice versa (from computer to phone), you need to connect the two devices together. Often there are situations when synchronization does not occur, and data can not be transferred. In this article we will explain why the computer does not see the phone.

the computer does not see the phone

  1. Damage to the USB wire, через который и осуществляется подключение.Carefully inspect it and make sure that its surface is unharmed. It is also possible to test another, similar wire, if it is, of course. That is, use it to connect two devices to it. If the problem is solved and the computer sees the phone, it means that the non-working wire is guilty, otherwise the cause should be sought in something else.
  2. Why can not the computer see the phone? The problem can be in USB port, in which the connection occurs.To test this, try changing the wire to another connector. If the situation recurs, the USB drivers may have crashed. To update it, update the software that is responsible for their operation. This can be done either using a disk on which drivers are present, or automatically via the Internet (via Device Manager).
  3. The lack of software on the computer for a mobile device. Modern PCs and laptops, as a rule,contain the necessary drivers for connecting mobile devices. To solve this problem, it is enough to select the software for your phone model, which can be found on the official website of the manufacturer.
    computer does not see Nokia phone
  4. Another reason why the computer does not seephone, there may be an unassigned connection mode in the mobile phone itself. In many models, now when you connect to a PC, you need to set parameters. To do this, immediately after the connection, we look at the phone screen, and if the device offers us to choose a mode, for example, a hard disk or a specialized program (the options may vary depending on the model), select the required one.
    PC does not see Samsung phone
  5. Why can not the computer see the phone? So, if all the measures described above did not help you, and the connection is still unavailable, then check your system for viruses. Perhaps, it is these "parasites" that do not allow you to connect the device, blocking it.
  6. Also, there are situations when the computer does not see phone "Samsung" specifically through the application "Kies". In this case, you can recommend to implement all the previously described actions and reinstall the program itself, perhaps the problem in it.
  7. If the computer does not see the phone "Nokia "also through specialized software ("Zune", "Nokia PC Suite"), then the user's actions should be similar.

So, let's sum up:Initially conduct hardware and PC hardware diagnostics (check the integrity of the wire and make sure that the correct USB connector is working), then check the software (drivers), scan the systems with an anti-virus tool, reinstall the software for the mobile phone. If all the measures applied do not help, then it makes sense to turn to technical support for the manufacturer of the phone and the operating system installed on your PC.