This application can be downloaded by any user.Internet to your computer or even a smartphone. It is provided in the same way as Skype, completely free. But before the last program, the “Multifon” has one unavoidable advantage. She has a common account with the subscriber number Megaphone. In addition, if you call on your mobile from your computer using the “Multiphone”, a person will see the usual number of his friend or relative.
But not only therefore it is worth at least a look at"Multiphone". The program has a very friendly and obvious interface. Most users will not even have a question about how to call from the computer to the phone using the application. In addition, the cost of calls in the "Multifon" program is very attractive (from 80 kop. Per minute), it does not change even when roaming. It is enough just to have such an application on your computer. True, the Internet traffic will be paid separately, but according to the selected local tariff.
But so how to call from computer to phoneyou can, using different programs, the company "Megaphone" did not stop there. Special versions of the program for iPhone and Android were developed in addition to the standard. Also, the protocols used by the application are constantly updated. Every day information processing goes faster. While "Multiphone" works only with the Windows operating system, but the developers promise to expand this list in the near future.
After this program was launched incommercial exploitation, it had unusual applications. For example, you can install it on your work computer or laptop. And since “Multifon” has a single account with a mobile phone, in case the cell phone is forgotten at home, you can simply redirect all calls to it. And if you install a 3G video camera at home, you can call it through the app at any time and find out how children are doing. Moreover, such video calls will be free. In general, knowing how to call from computer to phone, users of the program will probably find more than one application for her.
Will this app have the samecommercial success, like Skype, only time will tell. However, today the program “Multiphone” is preferable for many Megafon clients, as it is cheaper and more convenient to call from computer to phone using it.