/ / Behavioral factor. Cheating behavioral factors

Behavioral factor. Cheating behavioral factors

Search engines when ranking sites inSearch results are governed by only three rules. These are internal factors, including re-linking, design and usability, technical condition of the project. External components are taken into account - with links, their quantity and quality. Not the last role in the issue falls on the behavioral factor. This is the behavior of visitors to the project. It takes into account the temporary entry point, the period spent on the page, the number of transitions on the project and other actions that the visitor performs on the site.

A bit of history

behavioral factor

In the process of improving project analysissearch engines, the latter learned to track such a parameter as a behavioral factor, or, more simply, the behavior of visitors to the project. The trend appeared when the rumor about eliminating a parameter such as reference weight from the ranking passed. This was the starting point for determining as a priority factor in the implementation of the process of promoting the PF. The only drawback of this approach to site evaluation is that the search engines currently do not have a professional algorithm for detecting this indicator. SEO companies, having tested the weak point of search engines, over the past few years have willingly taken money from their clients using “black technologies” in their work. On the Internet, there is a huge number of bots and programs - like the Userator, which are able to imitate the behavior of a large number of visitors to the project. The direction allows in just a few days to bring new commercial sites to top positions. In order for the behavioral factor to remain at the height, webmasters have been inventing for a long time the most varied techniques of its cheating. The situation changed completely when the search engines eliminated their own mistake and began to apply filters in their work.

How has the situation changed after the introduction of filters?

Filters that were distributed by search enginesseokompaniyam and their customers, considering the promotion of behavioral factors with automatic wrapping, changed the situation. Automated cheat was used against competitors. The owners of the resources themselves began to give preference to the use of human resources. The programs were replaced by special services where people were ready to “walk” for a small fee on the project provided to them. The emergence of special groups in social networks, which provide significant assistance in promoting projects, has intensified. The tendency is due to the fact that search engines have learned to recognize the actions of some systems, but it is still very difficult for them to determine the purpose of the visit.

How is the cheating factors?

behavioral ranking factors

Imagine a situation when the site appearsinteresting article that automatically gets into the issue. Due to the fact that the project is young and search engines do not allocate it against the background of other resources, the text material will take either the tenth or the twentieth page, which will depend on the competitiveness of the request. To hit the top ten sites on the results of the issue, the project must have a good behavioral factor, or, more simply, the material must be read. To raise the page to a higher position, you can use the group in social networks. Under certain manipulations, a group of only 30 to 50 people, easily brings the site to the first positions on low-frequency queries. If the material is worthwhile, targeted visitors will not be long in coming. In parallel with the opening of webmasters, Yandex has already made a statement that today experts are actively working to determine whether behavioral factors are cheating or not. After solving the technical side of the issue, all logs will be checked, and violators will receive the appropriate punishment. The improvement of the search engines will be continued until the ideal mechanism for determining search spam is developed and implemented. The analysis of behavioral factors remains relevant as long as the parameter is taken into account when ranking sites. Search engines, trying to provide the most useful information to Internet users, will always strive to modernize the PF evaluation mechanism.

Why PF is so important and why do they pay much attention to it?

The impact of behavioral factors on popularitythe project is due to the fact that search engines evaluate the usefulness and interestingness of the material according to this parameter. In priority always remain projects on which users linger for quite a long time, moving from one page to another. Such behavior of visitors, when they barely manage to enter the project, leave it almost immediately, going in search of material of interest, can have a negative impact on the position in the issue. The pattern of behavior causes the search engines to take active steps. Today, you can safely acquire not only quality links, but also quality patterns of behavior. If the project is interesting to Internet users, they will move from page to page, thereby improving the behavioral factors of resource ranking.

How to carry out promotion of behavioral factors in the search?

promotion of behavioral factors

Для «белого» продвижения можно привлечь внимание Target audience title and brief description of the material. Sites that do not have caps significantly lose to their competitors. Attractive title and snippet will not allow the user to walk past the attention-grabbing page. In order to highlight key phrases in the snippet, you need to set the CNC for the url address. Attracting the target audience will be much easier if you link the project to the region. The availability of contact information on the project, in particular for the resources of the commercial direction, is the loyalty of visitors and a fairly high level of trust in the site itself. The project should have sources of traffic, and not only search engines. Traffic from social networks and from bookmarks, from web resources and newsletters, from RSS feeds is welcome. Social networks can have a significant impact on improving the PF. The trend within networks is that users, if they liked the material or the post, add his link to his page. Their friends can see the material and click on the link to go to the site. This format of user behavior is welcome, and the word of mouth effect has always been better than software cheat behavioral factors. To activate the distribution of materials in social networks, it is worthwhile to put buttons “retweet”, “share” and others on the project.

The work of behavioral factors within the site

cheating behavioral factors

ПФ поиска – это еще не все.It is not enough for the visitor to simply go to the site. It is necessary that he was on it for a certain amount of time. This result is very difficult to achieve using the program. Here you need to act on the conscience and fill the project with materials relevant to a specific request. The main goal is to provide the reader with an exhaustive answer to a question that interests him. Each page should be as informative as possible and fully comply with the key request for which it is promoted. You can ask for help from copywriters or solve the issue with the materials yourself, looking at the situation through the eyes of the visitor. A lot of attention should be paid to the internal optimization of the project, in particular, to low-frequency queries with high rankings. The project itself should be as simple and convenient as possible, without causing difficulties in its use. In order to delay the visitor as long as possible on the project, experts recommend posting text puzzles, various small polls and interesting video materials after the text materials. Internal linking between articles of similar subjects can improve the site’s behavioral factors.

Carefully - high risks!

behavioral analysis

Intensive cheating PF actively usedoptimizers in 2011. At that time, Yandex considered the behavioral factors according to a very primitive scheme. The services themselves were not flexible. If before getting under the filters could be considered a failure or even an accident, then today the process of cheating should be approached very carefully. There are special services like Alexa or Google DoubleClick, which help to determine if a project is being cheated or not. The optimal resource development strategy is currently considered, where systematically improved behavioral ranking factors are complemented by active purchasing of links. From a technical point of view, it is very easy to improve the PF indicators Enough to resort to a paid service. After depositing funds into the company’s account, people will go to the project and stay on the project for at least a minute. You can add links to a page in social networks. The method is considered to be "black." It can both bring good results and attract the negative attention of search engines. The main risk is related to the fact that cooperation with a certain service cheat can cause an explosion in the number of visitors to the project. In the eyes of search engines, this will look unnatural, which can lead to a project ban.

How do projects on PF cheating on the example of Serpclick

Behavioral cheat projectsfactors on the sites are very popular with project owners. Consider what offers Serpclick behavioral factors. According to the creators of the project, the result of the partnership will allow to bring any site to the first position in the results of the issue. Cheating in this situation is carried out not by programs, but by living people. Employees of the company who will artificially create interest in the project, do not just follow the links. They find the project on the main requests and low frequency. In the process, they visit the sites of competitors and leave them. After entering the site, depending on its specifics, they remain there for a certain time. For cheating using different browsers as they become popular. At first glance, the proposal is not bad and is able to assist in the promotion of the project. Deciding on a partnership or abandoning it, everyone decides for himself, but the risks should always be remembered.

What to look for and what mistakes should not be allowed?

job behavioral factors

As stated above, risk factors exist.behavioral, which can lead the project to the ban. The sharp increase in interest in the site from the users who at one moment began to look for the information they need right away from page 15 is at least suspicious. Do not forget that the search engine determined the place of the project according to a certain algorithm, deservedly so, and any abrupt changes in site evaluation factors are suspicious. To save the site and not fall under the filter, you should follow the advice of experts:

  • The most vulnerable group of projects is a site up to a year.They most often fall under the filters. Their promotion should be cautious and have a natural look. This affects not only the gain of the Pension Fund, but also the buildup of the social factor, the purchase of links.
  • If the decision is made to engage in cheating, thenit is worth investing a large budget into it right away. Search engines can easily notice the period of sharp activity of visitors on the project and send such a resource under the filter. Funds invested in the winding up should be gradually increased in order to make the process of popularizing the project as natural as possible. PFs should be slow.

It’s worth starting with a hand wrap.

behavioral factors serpclick

In the early stages of the promotion is to givePreference manual cheat site. This will provide a safe improvement for a parameter such as behavioral factors. A service specifically designed for this purpose in most cases provides a choice to its customers. PF can be complemented by an improvement in the social factor. This is a popularization of the project in social networks. The more links to the site users have on the pages, the better. Search engines have learned to evaluate this criterion from a positive point of view. To say more: the active use of “word of mouth” has always been popular and effective, but the main thing is that this approach to the promotion of a project does not bear any risk and no danger. This service is also available as part of special services.