/ / What is the Meego operating system and how to download it?

What is the Meego operating system and how to download it?

MeeGo's operating system is a project withopen source code developed by Intel and Nokia for laptop and netbook users. MeeGo OS is a combined Moblin project from Intel and Nokia's Maemo. MeeGo provides extensive support for sensory commands, making it a complete platform for netbooks and tablet computers, as well as for developing applications. MeeGo is a lightweight, upgradeable and fast operating system.

meego operating system

MeeGo operating system has the following features:

  • Fully flexible and simple interface design.
  • Easy to use operating system.
  • An open source project with support for the Linux Foundation Forum.
  • Compatible with laptops, tablet PCs and portable devices.
  • The built-in applications required for operation are browser, media players, and so on.

So that the MeeGo operating system can be installed on your device, you can perform two options:

  • Install the OS from the disk.
  • Install from a USB flash drive.

It is recommended to choose the second path in order to avoid interruptions in the installation disk. Below is an example of installing from USB.

linux meego

How is going on MeeGo installation?

Download the MeeGo OS image from the official website and burn it to a USB drive. Be sure to check in advance the memory capacity of the flash drive (it should be significantly larger than the MeeGo image file).

Now, to write the image file to USB, you need special software, since regular copying to a USB disk will not work.

If you are a Windows user, you need software called Win32DiskImager.

Installation Instructions for Windows Users

1. Download Win32DiskImager and extract the ZIP into the appropriate folder.

2. Download Win32DiskImager.exe from the folder. Select the MeeGo image (.img) from the file you downloaded. Select a letter for your USB drive (for example, drive F).

3. Click on the button to record and select the option “burn image to USB”.

4. Once the recording process is complete, proceed to the next step.

meego installation

Installation Instructions for Linux MeeGo Users

Using Image Writer, execute the Python script,which will detect your USB drive and then burn the image to it. The advantage of using image recording is that there is no risk of accidentally overwriting information on your system hard disk. Run the following command to write the images of the file one by one.

# CD

# Chmod + x. / Image Writer

# / Image Writer

Use the "DD" command to exit the terminal.

Instructions for users of Mac OS X

1. Open a terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal).

2. Sort the DiskUtil list by type to see the entire list of devices.

3. Insert USB and enter the following unmountDisk / dev / diskN command (N value should be replaced with USB disk number).

4. Then enter the command udo dd if = / path / to / downloaded.img of = / dev / diskN bs = 1m (path should be replaced with the downloadable one).

5. Then type diskutil eject / dev / diskN (N is the USB drive number).

6. Perform an image download on your netbook.

7Insert the USB drive into your netbook and restart your computer. Make sure the boot order is configured so that the USB drive starts up first. Now the MeeGo operating system will start loading automatically.. From the first seconds you can make sure thatthe download takes place in a matter of seconds, and the system interface is extremely easy and understandable for each user. In addition, the OS has built-in programs necessary for the full use of the netbook.